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Country United States
Signed Up June 24, 2013
Last Posted October 9, 2018 at 11:11 PM
Posts 144 (0 per day)
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#4 November 12th Update in TF2 General Discussion
CanFoThe2DollarHookerAnyone know wtf chemistry sets actually do when you complete it other than the quality? Or do you finish them purely for the collector's qualityI believe they "strangify" a certain misc item or hat. If you got it equipped and you get kills its rank increases, just like strange weapons.

I think he's trying to ask exactly what the collector's one will do, like if it also makes something strange with a special color or not.
I'm curious if it'll be applicable to all items, or just certain ones.

posted about 10 years ago
#58 RIP CROSSBOW in TF2 General Discussion
kirbykeepertondownpourare people having trouble understanding that medic isnt supposed to be able to dm things? he heals people guys, stop crying that you cant 1v1 anymore
I'm honestly more upset that the heals got nerfed (they did, even if they didn't list it).
Though it's really shitty now that point blank I do 25 damage to whoever I manage to shoot.

How close is close range in this scenario? When does it change from 25? I'm getting the feeling you might be better off ubersawing then anyway.

I didn't do a ton of testing with it. Just like "this is point blank" and "go really far away from me" with one of my friends to see what the numbers were for sure (with the healing too). I'm pretty sure the damage goes up linearly (I don't know why it'd follow any other form, that's overcomplicate things and be strange). Even then, the max you're going to get out of any form of syringe you'll hit out of whatever can be considered "close range" will be ?35 damage or so since it caps at 50 now where as it used to start at 38 (I've been trying to fix the Wiki page for the Medic to display the right numbers, I've fixed every template for the Medic's primaries, but that one still won't change on the actual Medic's page for some damn reason).
Arguably, at least in 6s, one was better off going for the saw anyway if they were close to a scout at all. I get what you mean though and do agree.

posted about 10 years ago
#54 RIP CROSSBOW in TF2 General Discussion
downpourare people having trouble understanding that medic isnt supposed to be able to dm things? he heals people guys, stop crying that you cant 1v1 anymore

I'm honestly more upset that the heals got nerfed (they did, even if they didn't list it).
Though it's really shitty now that point blank I do 25 damage to whoever I manage to shoot.

posted about 10 years ago
#48 RIP CROSSBOW in TF2 General Discussion

Well, this has left me unhappy.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Does the demoknight script even exist still? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#14 Smash Brothers Documentary in Off Topic

I sometimes miss playing competitive smash. Maybe it mostly stressed me out since I had to hitch rides or take the bus to local tournaments.
Lot of good memories.
Melee is such a great game, even if it's 12 years old and has a really hashed out metagame. It's so hard to actually be good and people from different areas play so completely differently/have their own little quirks to how they handle certain things.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Adding 3D Model to Custom HUDs in Customization

I would really love any help getting this to work since I have next to no idea what I'm doing wrong/trying to do currently with the below.
The HudPlayerClass.res file is from knhud and the model thing is from 7HUD (which works if I just bring over the entire 7HUD HudPlayerClass.res file, but I don't know if that has any negative ramifications?). I'd also like to make the models bigger than the 7HUD one.

	// player class data
		"ControlName"	"EditablePanel"
		"fieldName"		"HudPlayerClass"
		"xpos"			"999999"
		"ypos"			"0"
		"zpos"			"1"
		"wide"			"0"
		"tall"			"0"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"0"		
		"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PlayerStatusClassImage"
		"xpos"			"25"	[$WIN32]
"xpos_minmode"	"15"	[$WIN32]
"ypos"			"r88"	[$WIN32]
"ypos_minmode"	"r54"	[$WIN32]
"xpos"			"57"	[$X360]
"ypos"			"r110"	[$X360]
"zpos"			"2"
		"wide"			"75"
		"wide_minmode"	"37"
		"tall"			"75"
		"tall_minmode"	"37"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"image"			"../hud/class_scoutred"
		"scaleImage"	"1"	
		"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PlayerStatusSpyImage"
		"xpos"			"3"		[$WIN32]
"xpos_minmode"	"-5"	[$WIN32]
"ypos"			"r67"	[$WIN32]
"ypos_minmode"	"r44"	[$WIN32]
"xpos"			"35"	[$X360]
"ypos"			"r89"	[$X360]
"zpos"			"2"
		"wide"			"55"
		"wide_minmode"	"27"
		"tall"			"55"
		"tall_minmode"	"27"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"image"			"../hud/class_spyred"
		"scaleImage"	"1"	
		"teambg_2"		"../hud/class_spyred"
		"teambg_3"		"../hud/class_spyblue"			
		"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PlayerStatusSpyOutlineImage"
		"xpos"			"3"		[$WIN32]
"xpos_minmode"	"-5"	[$WIN32]
"ypos"			"r67"	[$WIN32]
"ypos_minmode"	"r44"	[$WIN32]
"xpos"			"35"	[$X360]
"ypos"			"r89"	[$X360]
"zpos"			"7"
		"wide"			"55"
		"wide_minmode"	"27"
		"tall"			"55"
		"tall_minmode"	"27"
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"image"			"../hud/class_spy_outline"
		"scaleImage"	"1"	
		"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"PlayerStatusClassImageBG"
		"xpos"			"9"		[$WIN32]
"xpos_minmode"	"-10"		[$WIN32]
"ypos"			"r60"	[$WIN32]
"ypos_minmode"		"r40"	[$WIN32]
"xpos"			"41"	[$X360]
"ypos"			"r82"	[$X360]
"zpos"			"1"		
		"wide"			"100"
		"tall"			"50"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"image"			"../hud/character_red_bg"
		"scaleImage"	"1"	
		"teambg_2"		"../hud/character_red_bg"
		"teambg_2_lodef"	"../hud/character_red_bg_lodef"
		"teambg_3"		"../hud/character_blue_bg"
		"teambg_3_lodef"	"../hud/character_blue_bg_lodef"
		"ControlName"	"CTFImagePanel"
		"fieldName"		"classmodelpanelBG"
		"xpos"			"0"	
		"ypos"			"r40"
		"zpos"			"1"		
		"wide"			"1"		//55
		"tall"			"1"		//19
		"visible"		"0"
		"enabled"		"0"
		"scaleImage"	"1"
		"image"				"replay/thumbnails/bg_black"	
		"teambg_1"			"replay/thumbnails/bg_black"
		"teambg_2"			"replay/thumbnails/bg_red"
		"teambg_2_lodef"		"replay/thumbnails/bg_red"
		"teambg_3"			"replay/thumbnails/bg_blue"
		"teambg_3_lodef"		"replay/thumbnails/bg_blue"
		"ControlName"	"CTFPlayerModelPanel"
		"fieldName"		"classmodelpanel"

		"xpos"			"0"
		"ypos"			"r88"
		"zpos"			"2"		
		"wide"			"65"
		"tall"			"102"
		"autoResize"	"0"
		"pinCorner"		"0"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"

		"render_texture"	"0"
		"fov"			"28"
		"allow_rot"		"1"

			"force_pos"	"1"

			"angles_x" "0"
			"angles_y" "270"
			"angles_z" "0"
			"origin_x" "200"
			"origin_y" "28"
			"origin_z" "-60"
			"frame_origin_x"	"0"
			"frame_origin_y"	"0"
			"frame_origin_z"	"0"
			"spotlight" "1"

			"modelname"		""

				"name"		"PRIMARY"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY"
				"default"	"1"
				"name"		"SECONDARY"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY"
				"name"		"MELEE"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_MELEE"
				"name"		"BUILDING"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_BUILDING"
				"name"		"PDA"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_PDA"
				"name"		"ITEM1"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM1"
				"name"		"ITEM2"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_ITEM2"
				"name"		"MELEE_ALLCLASS"
				"name"		"PRIMARY2"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_PRIMARY"
				"name"		"SECONDARY2"
				"activity"	"ACT_MP_STAND_SECONDARY2"

				"fov"			"27"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"-10"
				"origin_x"		"145"
				"origin_y"		"15"
				"origin_z"		"-47"
				"fov"			"30"
				"angles_x"		"-2"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"150"
				"origin_y"		"15"
				"origin_z"		"-47"	//-67
				"fov"			"27"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"260"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"175"
				"origin_y"		"24"
				"origin_z"		"-52"
				"fov"			"28"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"160"
				"origin_y"		"20"
				"origin_z"		"-55"
				"fov"			"22"
				"angles_x"		"6"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"190"
				"origin_y"		"15"
				"origin_z"		"-57"
				"fov"			"20"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"260"
				"origin_y"		"15"
				"origin_z"		"-55"
				"fov"			"23"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"205"
				"origin_y"		"22"
				"origin_z"		"-50"
				"fov"			"23"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"160"
				"origin_y"		"15"
				"origin_z"		"-60"
				"fov"			"23"
				"angles_x"		"0"
				"angles_y"		"270"
				"angles_z"		"0"
				"origin_x"		"160"
				"origin_y"		"15"
				"origin_z"		"-52"
posted about 10 years ago
#9 ETF2L S16 Division 1: ahvaT hA neshariM vs. LEGO (Week 1) in Events
ArcadekeepertonIs there no VOD of the cast?Streamer's internet died 15 minute before the match started, no cast.

That's unfortunate. :( I wanted to see a LEGO match.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ETF2L S16 Division 1: ahvaT hA neshariM vs. LEGO (Week 1) in Events

Is there no VOD of the cast?

posted about 10 years ago
#9 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion
MeematkeepertonSo this happens to me on this map, but to none of my friends.

mat_specular 0

I love you.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ultiduo_complex in Map Discussion

So this happens to me on this map, but to none of my friends.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 ESEA S15 Unlocks in TF2 General Discussion

Whoa, the Vaccinator isn't banned?

posted about 10 years ago
#35 Sniper hacking in Reddit MGE in TF2 General Discussion

I played a lobby with this crummysaint guy. Someone called him out as a hacker and he typed "lol" in response.
He then spent the rest of the game as spy instead of sniper using the ambassador.

posted about 10 years ago
#361 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion
Saucerorerkston snip
we should perhaps note that he has also played as 'spunk on my vestigial wings', among others

He's also been listening to Shpongle's "Ineffable Mysteries from Shpongleland."

posted about 10 years ago
#39 cp_derecho (5CP) in Map Discussion

My friends and I took a walk around it and talked about it for about 30-40 minutes.
Some of the things we noticed and had thoughts on were (this is speaking from 6's player perspectives):
-There's a ton of entrances to second. We counted 4, 5 if you want to count the under area that goes up to the far left (from a defender's perspective). There's the main area that leads into the water, the one that leads to the bridge, the one under the bridge, the far left, and the under area to the far left.

-We agreed that losing mid would result in a sure loss of second due to how hard defending second seems to be as there are so many entrances.

-We all thought second was really neat, but would be better off without the under tunnel for the above reasons. We liked how accessible the spire was and where the holding points we decided on felt.
-Mid feels really small and the enclosed house feels like a bad idea due to how the only way to cap it would be to completely push the other team out of the area since being in such a small area guarantees eating a lot of spam.

-A personal gripe I had was how there were a lot of small ammos everywhere, but I saw almost no medium or large ones. Maybe I didn't look hard enough.

-Last feels huge and very hard to hold.

-The rollout was pretty neat, but I'm not sure how mids would play out. I speculated they'd probably be like Snakewater mids where no one really advances until picks are had instead of rotating around. Not necessarily bad, but kind of more of a facetanky mid, I suppose.

-The map looks really nice, but last doesn't feel like it fits into the theme of the rest of the map.

posted about 10 years ago
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