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Signed Up January 23, 2017
Last Posted July 24, 2024 at 2:48 AM
Posts 105 (0 per day)
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Headphones logitech g332
Monitor asus vg259qmy and cheap 75hz 2nd monitor
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#12 A very serious discussion about rainoflight in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoap text

I don't understand what you mean by "what needs to be done" or by adapt. We can't stop extremely toxic and horrible people from saying things over the internet. RGL does ban the people who are that extremely toxic, but that doesn't stop them from continuing to say those things and to harass ROL in various ways. I don't know what the "real issue at heart" is supposed to be.

Obviously ROL needs help, but what is the community as a whole supposed to do to help, or even prevent this? Mental illness does not excuse threatening others with death. We are not babysitters, and most of us are not friends or even close to ROL in the first place. We already try to exclude people that are horrible toxic and not good for the community.

Most of what I have experienced and heard about regarding ROL's pleas for help, is that they are mostly about being banned from RGL. It could be possible I am completely mistaken but, that is my experience, and with that information I obviously chose to do nothing because what was I supposed to do?
99.9% of players in this community are not like ROL, and would not threaten RGL staff members because they got banned from RGL.

A sad reality of some mental illnesses is that they don't get better with time. Sometimes they become worse and become more difficult to treat. Someone who was coping well a few years ago may struggle more in the present. It can happen regardless of what a person's life situation is like.

I don't think ROL would have threatened RGL staff and b4nny if she never got banned from RGL, but that isn't an acceptable response to a situation she put herself by her own free will. I don't think RGL can do anything. The only community leader we have other than RGL is b4nny, and I don't think he is at fault for ROL's behavior. Is b4nny supposed to have done something to prevent/stop ROL from snapping like this?

I don't think the response to ROL's posts/threats is to unban her because she will kill herself. That is very self-explanatory I hope.

Ultimately all we can do is hope she gets treatment that can help her, and for those who are actually close to ROL to support her. I don't think our community can help her by bending the rules and putting others in possible danger.

*edit - I removed parts that said ROL threatened b4nny. I don't think ROL has ever threatened b4nny with any violence. She was banned from RGL for supposedly threatening to harm RGL staff, but I have no evidence for what threatened means, and the specific staff may have actually had a vendetta against ROL. I am sorry for that.

posted 2 days ago
#1 Cat Posse LFP Medic in Recruitment (looking for players)

Pocket Scout: Shining Star
Flank Scout: Della
Pocket Soldier: KTB
Roamer Soldier: Toss
Demoman: Kurama
Medic: HubertTheFish
full roster
Contact me on Steam

posted 2 months ago
#4 sickest intentional edgebugs in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 months ago
#65 Main Team Joint Statement #2 in TF2 General Discussion
mmrarkteJust force people to upload pov demos on request the guy who's about to win advanced has this as his 3rd log ever LOL https://logs.tf/1975500#76561198806014294

Not to derail, but I was also really sus of claps for a while, but he stopped playing so it didn't matter. I looked an older demo of his (might be worse at hiding cheats back then) and found a couple interesting things. I don't want to comment on his aim on this STV demo, but I will comment on possible walling.

Video 1 - I think claps clearly sees the scout, and doubles back and looks at him through the wall. He then continues to go forward, but still looks back to see him. He shouldn't have been able to see the scout, and it could not have been called because nobody could have had vision of him from where they were looking and standing. Even if one of them saw, it doesn't explain why he looked at the scout through the wall like that.

Video 2 - Claps was fighting long enough on mid that there is no way for him to know the soldier was in valley, I did not show it in the clip, but the soldier came from spawn and hid in valley in the middle of the fight claps was taking. He did not even react until he saw him on his screen walking into 2nd point. Once he notices him, he checks valley in the weirdest possible way. I think it is safe to assume he knew the soldier was there, but it is a total mystery how he could have known. It clearly wasn't known by the rest of the team.

Video 3 - This one is just odd to me, it isn't that he is walling in this clip, it is that he should know that the demo is in cafe, and obviously is around the corner. He puts his crosshair on the wall, which a normal person would do when they are going to shoot someone that is around the corner.
For some reason though, he decides that he shouldn't put his crosshair on the wall that the demo is standing directly behind. He wants to look to the left? I'm not sure what that accomplishes, or what possible reason you would do that. There is no way he was looking for stickies. My possible explanation is that he didn't want to put his crosshair through the wall straight onto the demo.
This clip is largely speculation, and it is not really possible to find out what he was thinking from such an old demo.

I also would really like to know if Claps had an account he was playing on before this current account. That would explain a lot and would be a good defense as to how he could be so good as soon as he started playing.
Lastly, if anyone really wants to try to find something weird with his aim, either he needs to give us POV demos or someone can watch one of his stream vods.

posted 3 months ago
#1 Stream request in Requests



Stream pubs, pugs, scrims, and maybe matches.

posted 9 months ago
#25 RGL Sixes™️ Season 12 Post-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion

Can we talk about RGL and TF2 instead of insulting people for who they are?

It's very difficult for me to say I want new maps in the pool when there are no map cups, or ways for us to learn the maps when everyone can ban it or not pick it in pick/ban. No one wants to scrim these new maps because we won't play them, and we won't play them because we won't scrim them. It is just so much more efficient to scrim maps that we are likely to play. It felt like there wasn't that much diversity in invite last season, at least to me. I think there even was a team in advanced that played process every single game.

Perhaps there can be some system to add diversity to what we play? I am not entirely sure how that would work, but we could maybe vote for something like a rotating map ban.

I'm not sure how others feel about it though, and I don't think invite and advanced want to go through with playing 1 map per week again. It just feels like half of the maps in the pool exist just so people can eventually pick one of the pug maps.

posted 11 months ago
#22 Announcing the GGL Advanced Playoffs in TF2 General Discussion
camp3r101 essay

You said a whole lot of nothing about people being upset at how things are. I understand that being staff for RGL, as well as organizing everything, takes effort a lot of effort and time. I think most people understand that too.

No one wants to play a league that has cheaters in it. It shouldn't be that hard for any admin to say something at all about what is going to be done. We have no idea if elijah is being investigated at all. The only statements we have are things like what you posted, which is insulting to those who actually care about playing this game fairly. Wasn't RGL supposed to be more transparent? Please at least let us know that something is happening behind the scenes. There should be at least a statement regarding if there is an investigation or not.

Obviously people don't want to play a cheater. They don't want to play against them so much that a tourny like this is happening. The only "official" statement made is that you aren't going to tell us what is going to happen for playoffs, which doesn't help. I really don't think your post was the attitude you should have toward this situation, because all your post does is make everyone believe that admins don't know what they are talking about.

posted about a year ago
#73 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
RyotI'm asking what he could due to prove he was or wasn't cheating; if you think his current attempts are not enough or don't make sense, what should he do?

Explain how dippidy's clips of elijah make sense. Explain how he could be perfectly tracking a player within 66 milliseconds of them changing position or stopping. Show other examples of legit players doing the same thing constantly.

Even if elijah does go to a LAN, it doesn't mean he hasn't been cheating. It really isn't that hard to play the game at an advanced level on scout without cheating. Especially when he has been playing this game for this long. Elijah shouldn't get our trust, because he already broke it when he cheated before and got banned for it. Unless you also mean to suggest elijah was falsely banned 2 years ago? It shouldn't have taken mxr showing wallhacks on stream to get banned from RGL. Everyone knew mxr was cheating for years, and even got anticheat banned on faceit.

Why should be extend our trust to a person who was on the same roster as not one, not two, but THREE other cheaters?

posted about a year ago
#38 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

I really don't see how he could be reacting to changes in position so quickly and smoothly without cheating. It definitely seems very impossible for human reaction time. I couldn't find anything in recordings of my own gameplay that resembled at all to what dippidy has shown. It basically always took me at least 150 ms to react, even in the fastest moments. Elijah seems to be doing it in less than 100 ms in all of the scout clips.

I would like to see if any other invite or advanced scouts aim like that even sometimes, just for comparison. I don't have very good tracking aim, so I don't think I am a good comparison. It might be more realistic that this is just really good prediction if it could be shown that good trackers in tf2 aim very similarly.

If you don't think elijah is cheating, this would be a good way to show that this isn't suspicious aiming.

posted about a year ago
#1 Cat Posse LF Subs in Recruitment (looking for players)

We are looking to play Invite qualifiers, but will play invite if they are not happening.
Our roster is finalized, and we need subs, especially for medic and soldier.

Pocket Scout: hellstar
Flank Scout: millie (Mel)
Pocket Soldier: KTB
Roamer Soldier: Gwen
Demoman: det
Medic: hannah

Team Page


posted about a year ago
#2 UGC MGE server makes PC feel like ass in TF2 General Discussion

Using "cl_disablehtmlmotd 1" seems to help, but the server still is terrible with it.
I would recommend restarting your game after playing on the server even with it disabled.

posted about a year ago
#1 stream name change in Requests

from https://www.twitch.tv/shiningstar__
to https://www.twitch.tv/shining_hellstar

posted about a year ago
#2 name change in Requests

also can i have my stream changed from shiningstar__ to shining_hellstar pls

posted about a year ago
#1 name change in Requests

From "ShiningStar" to "hellstar"

posted about a year ago
#98 The Case for Elijah in TF2 General Discussion
playmo stuff

Ya I may have misread what you were saying and mistook it for what urmphi originally said.

posted about 3 years ago
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