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Signed Up April 20, 2013
Last Posted October 29, 2017 at 2:23 PM
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#13 Happy Birthday to me!!! in The Dumpster

I'm actually disgusted that your birthday is the same week as mine holy fuck

posted about 8 years ago
#50 E3 Megathread in Other Games
Bioshock Infinite

Holy fuck no wonder you're excited for Star Wars Battlefield.

This thread needs to keep its garbage taste to itself jesus christ.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 ESEA Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

We purposefully played our sunshine match at 8est so we could get a double header for our rescheduled snakewater match in.

posted about 8 years ago
#24 E3 Megathread in Other Games





posted about 8 years ago
#9 Microsoft conference in Other Games

Resocket (or w/e it was) and the pirate game were the only two good things about the Microsoft conference.

The first three of those indie games blew unimaginable chunks, too. "Progressive" Walking Simulator v2, a "game" about a blind girl that would make a better movie or a book, and Early Access Open-World Survival game #4356. I wanted more things like Cuphead, that looked crazy.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 LF emergency pocket in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 8 years ago
#6 New-New Map Pugs? in TF2 General Discussion
kounterpartsI feel like any player can give feedback

No, not everyone is equipped to give feedback. Go play Half Life 2 Episodes 1 and 2 with the commentary nodes on.

kounterpartshow to better it, if it even can

Benroads and I talked about this when the 2nd iteration of NMW under my command was going places and we talked about it after you made this thread; the only way that grabbing 12 people to play a custom map will ever be effective is to have two teams actually scrim and try on it because of how the PUG mentality and community has changed.

kounterpartsif people want it, I will probably have it run for a month to see how it goes


posted about 8 years ago
#3 New-New Map Pugs? in TF2 General Discussion
kounterpartsWanting to gauge interest on a new-new map pug system/group.

Started New Map Weekends with Waxpax, YouMustMike and most of the Pixel Smashers squad back around s8/9 or so. Kind of transitioned from New Map Weekends to Scorpio Map Weekends because Scorpio was the main supplier of not 100% dildos maps although Vanguard wasn't too bad. When I came back again New Map Weekends saw a brief revival for Sunshine and a few other maps (koth_waste was getting to be p. alright, Dagger, wtf), Sunshine being the only map to see light of day (heh).

kounterpartsWith a mumble similar to how newbie mixes work, where you would add up to your class and players would be dragged into the PUG and would test a singular map for the night, until pugs die.

Forcing people to do things never works out too well. NMW ran like a traditonal in-house where two volunteer captains would step up and pick from a pool of players. We tested maps throughout the night, got feedback, and presented it to the mapmaker as best we could. Some were unreachable.

The major problem that came from both iterations was that when I was organizing it with Wax and Mike, we got a mix of mid-open to IM players. Same when I was doing it almost alone, maybe even worse considering the type of person that started arriving and playing towards the end. The former wanted to play with the latter, but not vice versa. Truth be told, even though I've read joel mcdonald's design portfolio, I only know basic map design of what not to do. I would quite honestly not trust a single Open player (well, an Open player that has never played in anything above mid-Open) to have a not terrible opinion of a map; hell, I like dp5. Scorpio was able to get most of his maps playtime in Invite Pugs and got good real feedback, and there weren't any large skill differences when someone would pick a pugteam of 3 low/mid IM players and 3 mid-open players vs the team of 6 mid-open players.

It's also not really possible to have a strong rotation of maps once a weekend considering design and implementation time. Hammer a shit and it takes time to incorporate changes.

kounterpartsthere are a good amount of maps WIP and with the map workshop releasing, I thought this would be a great time to bring this back.

A pub player mapmaker added me to ask if I could restart the group to test his "custom" gamemode that was in essence Kill Confirmed from Calladoody + that sd_ maptype. There was so much shit going on in it, jesus. No, actually, it wouldn't be a great time to bring 'em back because we're gonna get a lot of people like the case I described.

tbh YOU should be the one asking questions, not vice-versa.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 summer sale in Off Topic

Followup to Niko's post:

Returns make fighting price gouging a whole lot easier, but try to hold onto your money and don't be like Ringo who spilled and lost all of his shekels during an unfortunate bet.

That being said, look for the following to go on really good sales due to their sale history:

  • Legend of Grimrock series
  • Hammerwatch (super fun co-op, boring alone unless you like a slow challenge)
  • FTL
  • Deathtrap Dungeon
  • Legacy of Kain series
  • Risk of Rain
  • Shining Force 1 and 2
  • Ziggurat (it'll come around again during the encore sale I hope)
  • Serious Sam (as of 6/12 @ 8:22pm you can get SS 1 and 2 HD for $4.50)
  • FEAR 1
  • E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy
  • Stronghold & Stronghold Crusader HD
  • EDIT: Dance# usually has garbage taste but Deadcore is amazing

There's probably more but those are just off the top of my head. If you're someone trying to avoid buying a whole lot on Steam for whatever reasons/fears you may have, you should check out the tail-end of GoG's summer sale. Got quite a few amazing games for slick deals, some games that are on Steam have even better deals on GoG too.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 youtube gaming in Off Topic

I already have insane throttling problems with watching twitch streams with Verizon, but actually streaming works fine. I want to see how this handles for my connection because I highly doubt that Verizon is gonna throttle the friendly Google botnet.

That and, you know, having a platform that doesn't endorse EPIC MENEMAY STREAM CULTURE :DDDD LE DONGERCAN XDDD would be cool too.

posted about 8 years ago
#76 pocket open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Ok so 3 pages later everyone's dancing between giving elliot the D and praising him so let's get some actual discourse going:

If you sit (metaphorically, until mumble has a VR feature) with elliot for some time playing a video game or just chatting, he’s particularly amicable albeit aloof; the latter a trait that comes from being a part of the gay fakeaboo cult. He’s got particularly strong DM but he’s a lot like iNcontrol from the Starcraft 2 scene where he makes a great caster because he knows what he’s talking about and is still entertaining, but putting it into practice just doesn’t seem to click because he hasn’t been on a team long enough to make his knowledge flow with his team (t. Knower via own experiences) (this isn’t exactly the case with iNcontrol, though). Unfortunately, this problem is exacerbated by his paper tiger ego: it’s quite large and ferocious and serves him well if he and his team start out well. However, if elliot or one of his teammates starts to feed, or someone regardless of team starts pushing his buttons, it deflates particularly quickly and puts him on the defensive. The biggest problem with this comes about when a team without the power of a Knower picks up elliot and he just seems to “emo out” almost out of nowhere, dropping aforementioned quips like “i wish i was in bed” or “i hoped that we weren’t scrimming tonight”, and pulling stunts like leaving teams he's trying out for or ringing for high and dry (t. Knower via eyewitness).

elliot likes to dance around different mental disorders and other medical problems like Asperger’s (serious discussions only) to explain away his rage and emotional moments but aside from the whole gay fakeaboo thing which might involve a discussion and lecture concerning the changes behind imageboard culture following the ReddiTumblr explosion, there’s nothing terribly wrong with elliot emotionally to the extent of my knowledge as random stranger on internet outside of a shorter fuse than average, possibly depression, and a generally poor but rectifiable way of expression. So long as elliot puts in some effort into controlling and mastering his emotions and the team that picks him up respects the knowledge I’ve imparted, elliot should be yet another player who zooms past me if the team he’s on works with him and vice versa because he's got the DM to do so.

Might edit for clarity if I post, look back and go “ok no that’s not right” but aside from that, all I can say is that elliot is a pretty special case that needs a bit more work than your average pickup but still deserves a team nonetheless.

t. gr8stalin’s mustache, billdozer and elliot Knower

sean_rossrolling also likes danmachi so lol

hestia = bestia

posted about 8 years ago
#65 ESEA-O S19 Week 5 Recap in News
THEBILLDOZERwhat are you opinions on the team name ""

There are no objections to All Natural (

posted about 8 years ago
#1 lf DM buddy/"tutor" in Mentoring

Since the sticky radius changes, I've had a semi-tough time adjusting. Sometimes I'll be doing fine, but most of the time I'm generally a burden or simply a body to bait. I try to sit through the DM grind but getting double gunboat bombed and becoming priority uno for both scouts in the server becomes living hell a lot faster than people like to think.

I'm looking for someone (or some people) who have some strong DM game under their belt to MGE or something with consistency either to git gud and not be dead weight by developing the reflexes I need or accept my fate that I'm most likely never leaving Open and adjust my playtime and goals accordingly.

Thank you for you time.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 High skill level pub server balance in TF2 General Discussion
athairusSo the conversation has really shifted to this: it's less the game (with class composition and weapon balance) but the players themselves that make a pub balanced.

Thinking in absolutes is an awful way to go about designing something. I would say that having good people (not just in skill but personality) goes hand in hand with people agreeing to having class limits and weapon bans.

athairusTBH this just seems like an idealisitc way of looking at it. Yeah, it'd be wonderful if we could have a set of good people occupying each and every slot on the server, with no major social issues, communicating and working as a team to make the game fun. But here's the problem: is such an expectation realistic?

Somewhat. There's always gonna be "that guy". It's also a pub server. When the majority of people are good people, a minority can exist so long as the minority understands and respects the customs and game beliefs held by the majority. When they don't, that's what admin bus is for. When my circlejerk transitioned into pubbing NS2, we had ways of culling the employees of No Fun and Associates, LLC even without resorting to stacking kick votes.

athairusCan such a server exist today (and by exist I mean be consistently full)? If so, how?

Not as much as I'd like to believe. The biggest problem lies in having the server be full without attracting a majority of undesirables and 6s players who just want to warm up their DM and then leave after a few minutes. Another wall in this path are the circlejerks and miniscule grudges that people still bear/can't fucking talk about and work through (some being years old) that separate our community from having a relaxed but focused pub server. Just look at how quickly certain posters can bring threads to a screeching halt or a catastrophic derailment on here.

It would take people dropping lots of superiority beliefs and just letting the fuck go of statuses for an hour or what-have-you, and asking people to change because pubs are garbage is a tall order on par with asking western civilization to stop giving money to Apple.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 High skill level pub server balance in TF2 General Discussion
miwocall me jaded but i dont think 2008 (it was 2010 for me) era tf2 can happen on pubs anymore really.

if you have players joining who consistently sit in a mumble server (pretty much all competitive tf2-ers), then in game talk, balanced pub games, people talking to their medic, etc. can't really happen. or rather, doesn't happen.

thats why skial badwater is the way it is. theres like 5 different groups of ppl, all of them are in mumble, and they all want to win (cause they play competitive tf2) but they dont want to talk to each other, cause theyre busy jerking each other off in mumble. jerking each other off in mumble feels good, dont get me wrong, but it doesnt feel like 2008 pub tf2.

my actual thread contribution: dont make it a 24/7 badwater server.

I think this is because of the type of person who is playing TF2 these days. Back when the [352nd] and Team Interrobang were things, I know we all hung out in Teamspeak before Mumble was a thing and just futzed around in the community pubs but there were still people worth talking to in the server who didn't have TS/our TS info. Some members just wouldn't join TS because we were all in the server already, so they saw no point in using TS and just used VOIP.

But let's be real, miwo, do you want to associate with purely pubstars, Highlander kids, actual underage kids who shouldn't be on because they just don't have the cognitive skills yet, bronies, weeaboos, and other social rejects who dump untold hundreds monthly into item trading? You think a MGElord has anything worthwhile to say? Could you actually hold a conversation with a brony without him willingly revealing that he's been diagnosed with high-functioning autism? I know for a fact that prepubescent kids sure as hell don't have any good stories about work or other game communities. We shared stories, got kills, won rounds, sang songs (at least TI did), got into fights, made jokes, made up after those fights (sometimes), made friends, and eventually played other games with those we knew and those we met. It's all about the type of person on both sides of the conversation and that's why I loved and always talk about my time in T:A; after the Shazbowl, I met so many different and interesting people who actually gave a fuck about playing the game they enjoyed but knew when to chill the fuck out. I haven't had that experience since, even with 6s. Even this place has changed for the worse, imo.

It's not really presenting a solution to any of it but it's just how things have changed. I still think that bringing back what made TF2 pubs good is possible with effort considering some of the good people we still have here, would just require a shit-ton of effort and self-control from other people, mainly lying in mannerisms.

I wouldn't make it a 24/7 Badwater server, either.

posted about 8 years ago
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