Account Details
SteamID64 76561198103614700
SteamID3 [U:1:143348972]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:71674486
Country Ireland
Signed Up March 6, 2016
Last Posted December 22, 2020 at 5:35 PM
Posts 437 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.00
Windows Sensitivity idk
Raw Input 1
1920 x 1080
Refresh Rate
i think its 60hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Apple Magic Mouse
Keyboard Apple Magic Keyboard
Mousepad none
Headphones some music ones dunno
Monitor iMac 27-inch
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#5 ETF2L S27 W5: nerdRage vs. Lowpander in Matches

beater production PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago
#4 balance changes blog post in TF2 General Discussion

this increases my hope for forest update

posted about 6 years ago
#3098 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Valve should use meet the series for tutorials in TF2 General Discussion
4hptf2 should have a tutorial that doesn't tell soldiers to switch to their melee weapon at point blank

Here are the things that I can think of that is wrong with the tutorial system:

  • It doesn't work by default
    If you choose the tutorial mode from the main screen the bots don't spawn and so you cannot advance to any further stages
  • It spends too much time explaining standard FPS controls (moving, jumping, crouching).
    It doesn't have to make no mention of these things, but one hint box is enough for people to understand how very basic movement works
  • In relation to the point above, it definitely does not focus on any advanced movement that is not present in many FPSes (explosive jumping, double jumping, airstrafing).
    These might be intensive for a brand new player but there is no harm in putting in a built-in playable resource for these things. In essence, it explains the things a player should know, but makes zero mention of the things the player might not know if they don't come from Quake or haven't watched several in depth videos prior
  • It does not include all the classes.
    Sure some like Heavy or Sniper are pretty basic and don't have any major mechanics other than spin-up and charge, but all classes should be included especially Medic. I have no idea why Valve thought Engineer needed a tutorial over Medic. A player isn't going to understand crit heals, overheal, building, uber counting, flashing, etc. right off the bat and that's not accounting for any of the unlocks like the Crossbow, Kritzkrieg or Vaccinator. Plus Medic as a class is far more important and crucial to the game than Engineer
  • It makes no mention of class roles whatsoever, and does not advise the player neither in a tutorial nor in game about what class to select. I think Overwatch does this, and it can just be as simple as "No medics, Medic needed!" or "Too many slow classes, Scout needed!" or it can actually explain what each class is good and bad for in the tutorial
  • It needs good, logical points of advice.
    In relation to what 4hp said, telling soldiers to use their MELEE WEAPON at point blank when they have a shotgun with 6 90 damage meatshots is a bit silly. The Demoman tutorial should clearly state the Stickybomb Launcher as the primary weapon, because it is. None of these points of advice have to be complicated.
  • Finally a bit of bitching about default settings, make the default fov 90. Enable damage numbers by default There is no reason why the two listed settings should be the way they currently are now. Why restrict newer players with a stupid default setting? Why conceal valuable information from the player from the beginning? There is no good answer, and so the default settings should be changed

ok bye

posted about 6 years ago
#6 TFTV NA Weekly Series #2 Powered by FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion
rocketslayidk if its possible but i would be willing to donate my 30k faceit points for a tourney

if you don't know yet giving people faceit points is impossible

posted about 6 years ago
#1581 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

bottle drum is kinda cool, fairly chilled out tune but a teensy bit repetitive

here is relaxation tune

all her songs are relaxation tunes

edit: dont actually watch the video tho its kinda disgusting cuz they stomp on spaghetti bolognese

posted about 6 years ago
#5 tf_pirate in TF2 General Discussion

focusing on the crucial aspects of tf2

posted about 6 years ago
#21 (Not the) Jungle Update in TF2 General Discussion

cant wait for tf2 hogging even more hard drive space and ram oh boy
they better have something good that isnt skins in store like srsly ugly skins/cosmetics that nobody likes anyways are probably my least favourite aspect of these updates, it just makes the game harder to handle with 0 benefit for me and a lot of other people

posted about 6 years ago
#2 ETF2L S27 W3: Arctic Foxes vs. Lowpander in Matches

posted about 6 years ago
#23 Favorite dish to make in Off Topic

whole grain pasta submerged in a mixture of traditional nigerian sauce (idk why we call it stew) and chopped onions & peppers and prawns
i will take picture next time i make it

posted about 7 years ago
#57 Pyro Update Predictions/Desires in TF2 General Discussion

I really want this update to not be a complete disappointment, but I can't help but feel it will end up being a rushed flop/load of misinformed changes. I think I've said before on TFTV that the TF Team really need to stop being stubborn and just implement the class limits that we have, use the maps that we have in our map pool, allow people to use low graphics configs, etc.

I fully understand that they want to "bridge the gap between casual and competitive" but there could be better decisions put in place, for example the map pool. All the maps in the map pool apart from viaduct and reckoner are in the game, so why not just use the ETF2L/ESEA map rotation? They've been in the game for a good while as well. The class limits suggested in this thread are sufficient and simple enough to understand. It's not incredibly difficult for a new player to understand "Max 2 of offense classes, max 1 of everything else". The forced graphics config is also incredibly obnoxious and useless for two reasons: One, it doesn't allow weaker PCs (especially mine since its a mac from 2011) to run TF2 at max performance, especially considering TF2 is a terribly optimised game and the buttload of hats and cosmetics doesn't help. Two, it doesn't let people have the full customisation that they were previously allowed to do, especially since after you've played one game of MM you are forced to use those settings until you restart the game.

In TF Team's defense, it's not exactly easy to take care of the majority of hackers as it's not like you can legitimately review every reported player with a convenient supply of demos and shit

On the hot topic of Pyro, I don't have any ideas as to how to make him any more viable whilst also maintaining class balance and identity (that is, each class has its own purpose or role to fill when used that no other class can do better). I just sincerely hope that Valve don't either make the class useless/broken/overpowered.
These are a couple of things that I actually hope to see in the update

  • Matchmaking ELO - At this stage I don't really care about MM but a balancing system that actually makes sense might encourage a few that still want to play MM to continue playing
  • Remove graphic restrictions in matchmaking - Read aforementioned points
  • Add a reward for playing MM - If there was one change I really felt had to be made to MM, is to actually give an award to players winning several matches or something, a hat drop or key for each level. This would incentivise hat-hungry casual players to start playing competitive. One advantage is that it will attract people to actually play competitive, and when there's something to be won of significant value people will try their hardest and be more willing to improve at the game in order to keep winning. A disadvantage is that hackers will be even more delighted to ruin more games if they're going to get free items for it. Although I kinda have faith that the TF Team is confident in taking care of these hackers.
  • Class limits
  • More transparent communication between the TF Team and the community (especially about anything concerning competitive in general) although an update doesn't exactly bring that
  • Advertise competitive a bit better, at the moment the only publicity competitive gets is a shitty obscure blog post that nobody will read, at least have some in-game notifications (similar to the ones you get when you have a new item) so TFTV matches at least reach a wider audience
  • make demo bottle break again

Overall I'm more hoping for a change from the TF Team itself rather than to the game. This game is still very fun for me and I'm happy to continue playing it until nobody else plays it anymore. I still however want to see this scene begin to grow or at least not stagnate so I still have faith

ps sqrtminus please stop

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Highlight: Raptor vs. Se7en in Videos

last arrow was all kinds of nut like a genuinely impressive arrow
i really like how the smooths are timed with the music, especially how the movement of the camera is slowed down/sped up, really gives the clip good pace

posted about 7 years ago
#23 favourite soups in Off Topic nigerians make the best soup. okra is my personal fav.

posted about 7 years ago
#7 TFTV NA Weekly Series #1 Powered by FACEIT in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylconcorThe map pool will feature 5CP maps from the ESEA map pool, with the maps being:

no metalworks or via? also is it granary_pro or regular gran?
will there be a map ban system like in faceit pugs or is it just random?

granary pro

posted about 7 years ago
#68 worst pain you've ever felt in Off Topic

I had a strangely long (several hours) nosebleed and my dad had to shove this weirdass syringe straight up the bleeding nostril. At first I thought it would only be up a little but it felt like it was grazing my brain. Had it up there for an hour whilst trying to "sleep". Any slight movement would cause intense discomfort or pain

After that hour my dad took it out and I was like praise jaysis cuz its out
Then the nosebleed started again immediately after and up again it went for another hour...

'cause I was retard and I didn't know how to manage a nosebleed of such magnitude (the blood was just gushing out with no signs of stopping) I felt pretty cold and dizzy after the whole thing, had to check with a doctor to make sure it wasn't a blood defect. Thankfully my nostrils were just really irritated

Obviously this isn't as bad as anything anyone here has listed but I have always been a reserved child/teen without "average" problems (e.g. having to get braces or breaking my limbs) so it's not like I experience much pain anyways

posted about 7 years ago
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