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Signed Up November 10, 2014
Last Posted June 12, 2024 at 8:18 PM
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#6 RGL S15 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

i think that the crazier thing is that the last day to play is a saturday. the number of friday/saturday matches in adv+ is probably in the single digits, and with the matches coming out on mondays recently we basically only have tues-thurs for match days. especially considering its the summer and people have lives i think it's a safe assumption that teams will probably not be free every week tues-thurs and might need a different day (like sunday) to play

posted 1 month ago
#9698 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 2 months ago
#13289 stream highlights in Videos

posted 2 months ago

new info: the stvs were never made public. so the admins banned rib based off either the cast vod or the logs

posted 4 months ago

it takes them 2 days to determine that a team is throwing but takes months to determine a blatant cheater is cheating. i would really like to see what evidence the admins have come up with to determine that rib is throwing

posted 4 months ago
#11 RGL 6S SEASON SUMMARY!!! | in Projects

Mori's worked on this project for a while now and it's been super cool to have these stats in hl, happy to see 6s being implemented now :D

posted 5 months ago
#40 ETF2L bans the Loch-n-Load in 6s in TF2 General Discussion
exile1ZamK4RMAAhh... more copium dumb bans etf2l. I guess the crossbow is next.I love you bro, i miss you we should be togehterI love you bro, i miss you we should be togehter

I love you bro, i miss you we should be togehter

posted about a year ago
#196 exile lft scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

why did you leave fast fourth exile

posted about a year ago
#8 Toss lft Invite roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

good mechies, can easily be a contender for top4 roamer next season

posted about a year ago
#22 why everyone considers arekk so good? in TF2 General Discussion

kinda repeating what's already been said, but arekk always was a consistent performer and understood his role of flank scout very well. he was very good at knowing when to go for plays vs when he had to stay alive, when to go back to heals, and where to position for fights. while not known as much for it his play-making ability was quite good too, always able to clutch out hitting his shots when needed. i think something that always stuck with me was watching banny watch his guide to flank scout video and him saying that arekk would commit instantly based on the calls he gave him, showing the level of trust arekk had in his team and how much of a team player he was

posted about a year ago
#6 hunter lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

chill good dm

posted about a year ago
#9 TM06 LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

wtf thats my tag

posted about a year ago
#14 supreme toad lft adv in Recruitment (looking for team)

underrated. will do well in advanced

posted about a year ago
#32 loafe in Recruitment (looking for team)

very good

posted about a year ago
#9 wile lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

i love wile hes chill and rly good at aiming what more can u ask for

posted about a year ago
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