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Signed Up July 30, 2012
Last Posted March 20, 2024 at 7:50 PM
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#217 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

spacecadet, do you remember a clan called MMZ from the QuakeWorld days? just curious...

posted about 10 years ago
#6 A Short NA 4v4 League! in TF2 General Discussion

Sandviches stay on the ground even if you switch classes? that seems like something Valve would remedy if you e-mailed them. Not out of the realm of possibility since Sandviches track who threw them.

Other aspects of the rule don't seem like too big of a deal to me, and it means that you'd have to have an admin watching spawns/classes throughout the game. *shrug*

posted about 10 years ago
#15 eXtv Planning Committee in TF2 General Discussion

ty wilson.

And yeah nahanni, no problem. I'm sure you and I can chat and find ways the committee and AG can help each other out.

This isn't an attempt to eXtenuate other people's efforts.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 eXtv Planning Committee in TF2 General Discussion

just comes down to interest from players and willing organizers. These events won't be dependent upon my own attendance, which will open up the schedule considerably.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Changes for #tf2.pug.na in TF2 General Discussion

keep up the good work.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 eXtv Planning Committee in TF2 General Discussion

no market gardener?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 eXtv Planning Committee in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#92 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

keekerdc spitting the truth, just like always.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 Left 4 Dead in Other Games

FITES LAN L4D2 finals were pretty damn fun, but unfortunately we couldn't get the spectator slot working so I couldn't cast it.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 eXtv Planning Committee in TF2 General Discussion


Despite whatever your feelings on the league situation, I think we can all agree with this one statement: The competitive TF2 community needs more events.

In recent months I've wanted to organize more events but its difficult for me to handle all the tasks myself while also focusing on casting, improving my technical skills, and life.

To accomplish this, I'd like to form a small committee of volunteers who can work together to plan and eXecute competitive events. We will meet once a week (most likely Saturday day) and committee members will be tasked with goals to be completed by the neXt meeting.

Interested? Apply via an e-mail to eXtine [at] eXtelevision.com with a bit about yourself, the skill set you'd bring on board, your past involvement in the community, and any relevant similar eXperience. I will be getting back to people after Thanksgiving.

Why a Committee?

In my eXperience working with volunteers online, sometimes a general call for help/volunteers leads to having too many people with a decent chunk dropping off as soon as they are brought up to speed or creating a lot of noise without actually accomplishing anything. "Too many cooks in the kitchen" can definitely be an issue.

Types of Events

MGE, Ultiduo, BBall, 3v3, straight 6v6, GPit Cup, Banlander (6v6 w/ 2 classes banned), Pick/Ban Highlander, anything else we want to do.

Do your part to help the TF2 community, get involved.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistIt's also time to give up on touting the "malware" nature of the client, beyond the bitcoin miner, because frankly there's no evidence that anything of the sort (beyond the bitcoin miner and standard AC practices) existed.

Here is something that is proven true: If you uninstall the ESEA Client its driver is still on your computer.

While I understand that some of the things in the lawsuit are necessary features to be an effective anti-cheat this "feature" is unnecessary, invasive, and certainly fits my definition of malware.

posted about 10 years ago
#340 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion

great email Lange. I'm interested if Torbull will say anything in response but I kind of doubt it.

posted about 10 years ago
#211 AG Supports CEVO in Expanded League in TF2 General Discussion

I think a free division for CEVO would be great. Maybe make it a ladder format so team stability isn't an issue. Could even have "seasons" that run concurrent to the other leagues. Top team in the free ladder division gets paid entry into neXt season of pay division.

posted about 10 years ago
#145 AG Supports CEVO in Expanded League in TF2 General Discussion

Support your regional LANs...

posted about 10 years ago
#143 AG Supports CEVO in Expanded League in TF2 General Discussion

Alfa - ESEA LAN is a good setup for the players, but it's not a LAN meant for spectators. Maybe the situation has changed with the newer hotel, but when I was there it felt kind of isolated and sterile. 15 people max watching over the players shoulders

I think CEVO might be leaning towards any LAN stuff taking place at already established events. Imagine PAX Prime/East, GXL, or an Intel LANFest with CEVO Finals taking place. The eXposure gained would be so good for the game.

It's not that ESEA's LAN (setup, etc., not really talking bout the concept of ESEA TF2 having LAN) is bad, I just think that there are more benefits to the scene to have LAN finals take place at established LANs where there are large crowds of players that are not actually playing in the finals.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ⋅⋅ 88