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Last Posted August 27, 2014 at 8:59 PM
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#87 TF2 Update - 8.27.14 in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSirePeople might agree with you, Codo, but your attitude is ridiculous. Was jumping worse than second shotting? Maybe it was, maybe it was just as dumb. The real tragedy here is not being able to dodge spam.

Forgive me, I'm angry and typing at the same time. Sorry

And agreed, it's not the svs that I'm livid about. It's the "1 sniper vs 2 other classes in a room and win" situations that I want back.

posted about 9 years ago
#79 TF2 Update - 8.27.14 in TF2 General Discussion
Huckcodothis is fucking chicken shit

Fuck all you who like this; you're all just uncoordinated and suck snipers dick for replays because you can snipe yourselves

Why would valve do this
Have you actually played with this change? Or are you just mad because some other people are also mad?

I before the post.

and the change encourages second shots you morons

posted about 9 years ago
#76 TF2 Update - 8.27.14 in TF2 General Discussion

this is fucking chicken shit

Fuck all you who like this; you're all just uncoordinated and suck snipers dick for replays because you can snipe yourselves

Why would valve do this

posted about 9 years ago