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Last Posted January 4, 2022 at 7:26 PM
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#93 Fallout 4 in Other Games
Red_Seems like devs didn't actually try their own game. Sounds like there's a ton of problems
I'm gonna defer this one till later I think. Too bad I thought it would be really impressive at the start

It's very surprising to me that people don't know this already about Bethesda. They literally do not give a shit. And the reason they don't is because you go on r/gaming and it's rife with posts about the game being "funny" by ruining the user's immersion every step of the way. They are pretty notorious for having very buggy games that live on through third-party mods. The elder scrolls series is a pretty good example, Skyrim most recently. The game looks ~ok, but after the first playthrough, you really can't take the lackluster gameplay, poor voice-acting, bugs, and the overall nonsensical feeling you get from playing it (really no other word I can think of to describe it). Of course, it doesn't help that every time Bethesda announces a game is going to be released, they lie about the features of the game. So maybe people are consistently tricked, and they actually think they're buying some game that transcends open-world gaming. It's basically become their shtick and their fans actually somehow enjoy it when:

this teddy bear follows the dog's mouth and is then placed in a different dimension

you can teleport with your scope

enemies hit with a bullet showcase conservation of momentum by flying a mile into the sky

and things just happen

If your thing is immersion into a story (something I'd think you'd want out of an RPG game), Bethesda games probably aren't your games. At the very least, not on release.

posted about 8 years ago
#99 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion
  • movement of last point severely reduces importance of pipe, makes passive last holds significantly harder
  • last point itself is completely out of place, slight elevation over a displacement combined with nearby supports/boxes/tires make it way too strong of a position in post-fight 1v1/1v2 situations
  • removing props/non smooth in dropdown negates its purpose; it shouldn't be safe/winnable for someone going up dropdown
  • widening the sides of mid discourages taking high ground as soldier, makes 1/2 height crates even more of a death trap
  • pushing back 2nd forward makes the typical Z repush strategy less valid, one of the more interesting parts of the map. arguing that granary is the only rotation map with a forward that far forward doesn't take into account that it forces any fast repush after losing 4 to go through Z
  • removing various props/quirks in map geometry as "clutter" is removing those places for players to "bring some flair to their movement"
  • removing hiding spots is simply a bad principle; any good player knows of them and they give more options to roamers in an increasingly scout-dominated game. additionally, no-colliding every single wall prop simply makes the map bland; I've never heard someone complain about these being annoying/unfair.
  • changes to last spawn from the perspective of a defending team are negated by moving the point forward; it takes a comparable amount of time to get to point. arguing that the rocket room encouraged hiding for backcaps is irrelevant; process has a similar room and granary's is easier to check since it's on the way from spawn.

most of the interesting aspects of granary are in the contrast between its simple/open main path between points and cramped/complicated flanks. clearing out flanks and encouraging monolithic pushes via large, open doors (i.e. connector from mid) makes the game simpler and blander.

- from my experiences the pipe is actually extremely important, potentially moreso than on the original granary. on regular granary, the top pipe is only relevant toward the very back, near the point, and the rightmost pipe has similar uses. in the newest granary, both pipes become more usable from any given point on the pipe (cp is in the middle). when i play cp_granary_pro, the most important thing to take when pushing last is pipe, or at the very least, deny the other team from staying on top of them.

- i agree that the movement around the point is definitely awkward and i'd like it to be a lot smoother of a transition from ground to point. but that's really the only complaint i'd have. the point is in a better place than having it at the very back, with props blocking defense from the left spawn door and an awkward stairwell right behind it, with literally no way to maneuver if you're the defending team. defending teams should have a slight advantage, especially when you consider that the attacking team has the momentum and is driving the progression of the game. if you're fighting post-fight, and the attacking team hasn't executed an efficient way to actually cap the point, they shouldn't be able to just run around dm'ing or keep hitting w to force the enemy team into a corner and cap the point (like they can on regular granary)

- it's never safe/winnable for anyone in dropdown unless you play it entirely incorrectly

- i don't understand where you're getting this idea at all. the pivotal aspect of granary mid will always be crate control. they grant whoever is on the top box vision so that they can call jumpers for their medic, and allow for the best angle of attack. widening alleys only makes a soldier have to aim slightly more (not a bad thing) by giving medics an option to dodge and surf away.

- you keep using the word "interesting" as if it's synonymous with "good." on the original granary, repushing through Z haphazardly is a valid strategy, because the spawns are too close. it's "interesting," because it's exciting to watch a match being played with players RJing across yard and stampeding through Z to defend a point they don't deserve after a mockery of a last push. unfortunately, it doesn't encourage cautious or skilled play (for the attacking and defending teams respectively)

- those were actually just cluttering the map. while I appreciate the attempt to bring my words notoriety, boring movement would exist regardless of the props that were removed. should the map have better movement in general? absolutely, as I've stressed enough times already.

- i'd agree with this, but it's not really map-breaking

- the rocket room was pretty stupid and i'm very glad they took it out. it served a purpose maybe once a week. without the point being moved forward it'd be ridiculous, the spawn would be 5 inches away from the capture point. the point is in a pretty great place considering the removal of the rocket room i'd say.

you like this word too much. i would not call this good at all. cramped flanks are not good. "complicated" flanks are good, but the original granary's flanks are not complicated. they are not flanks, and they are bad. to address your monolithic point (excellent diction), the connector (if you mean the ramp room by mid) is still an awful part of this map, and encourages hitting your head against a brick wall as a viable way of pushing (IM RUNNING INTO LEFT I HOPE I DONT GET STICKY DETONATED) or even luck based, donk spamming as a viable way to get a frag. having chokes that aren't small and cluttered is almost a must in this game. cluttered chokes make demo an even stronger class than it already is, which is why you see a lot of the chokes in the maps that are enjoyed by the community being something you can easily dry push through. the flavor of tf2 shouldn't be watching classes get instagibbed in cramped flanks by a soldier look downward. simpler chokes that stress the importance of positioning, dm, and uber advantages should be encouraged over cramped flanks that stress the importance of a singular sticky trap and hitting your head into a brickwall with no form of escape once you've passed the threshold.

posted about 8 years ago
#91 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion

instead of a one liner that reeks of condescension i would like to know why pro granary is worse ty mr waldo

posted about 8 years ago
#84 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion
Csgo is much more open to trying new maps and maybe thats because its honestly easier to play (just play sites) r/globaloffensive holds community nights to playtest maps and have huge turnouts, and everyone is willing to give feedback, I would love for tf2 to just atleast try to work out the kinks for maps.

I don't know anything about redditors playtesting maps but nevertheless the maps that are in csgo competitive play are almost all maps that could be found in previous versions of counter-strike, usually changed aesthetically by valve (like mirage and 'cobblestone'). The difference is that the maps are essentially made for competitive, because public and competitive counter-strike are actually the same thing. competitive counter-strike is public cs taken to the next level. the difference between the 6s format we play and the who knows what format they were expecting format that pubbers play is enormous. so it's much easier for counter-strike to keep the same "old" maps and the newer maps aren't really stressed as much. especially considering map knowledge and timing is far more important on counter-strike, as you can die in one shot if your timing is a few hundred milliseconds off, or the map's sound queues aren't hardwired into your brain well enough yet. because of that i have an inkling that cs players would much rather play maps they're used to (which is why it took so long for overpass to actually become a popular map).

that being said I'm not quite too sure why testing new maps seems difficult to do in tf2. I think the communication usually isn't there between map makers and players, because I never seem to even know what the new hotness is for maps unless I check the maps section of tftv. but one thing for sure is that i've always felt a disconnect between map makers and players, like map makers just *create* maps and sometimes high level eu players will test it, then I never hear anything afterwards.

best case scenario would be to get esea to actually adopt a method by which we can veto maps that isn't completely inefficient, so we could use the off-season to test at least 1 or 2 maps thoroughly to see what we'd like in the new season. obviously pugs are one way to go during the season, but the majority of scrims are going to be played on the maps that are featured for the week.

posted about 8 years ago
#38 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion

sunshine is gaining traction

just because people haven't made recent processes doesn't mean the idea is flawed

posted about 8 years ago
#33 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion
Waldoclckwrk there is essentially no flank Not in the sense that there's a boring second entrance to each point whose sole function is to allow soldiers to watch themselves be chipshot for 1/2 the game, sure. Lunchbox and really that whole half of 2 is probably one of the most entertaining flanks in the game though.
clckwrk there's no specific terrain for soldiers, scouts, or medics to bring some flair to their movement. Even ignoring lunchbox there's plenty of opportunities for interesting movement. Both pipes on last as well as the actual last point are great, so is the variety of jumps/surfs from catwalk on mid. The only place devoid of interesting geometry is yard, and its surroundings make up for it.

I can't think of a map with more viable but reasonable mids/pushes/hiding spots, which is definitely a plus for variety in playstyle.

The only way it's obsolete is that it's been played the longest of any map in rotation (?) and people already (should) know how to play it. Removing/changing maps because they're old is moronic; what other competitive game does that?

lunchbox is hardly a flank. yard isn't really a flank, either. it's "entertaining" in the sense that things happen quickly (like an instagibbed roamer or scout), but that's just because it's an enclosed space that half the time can go either way. maybe this is a spectator point of view, but from a player point of view I could never understand how in a million years you could value lunchbox on granary over any other flank in the game

your movement points are decent, we just value different things for "movement."

not really sure why you think i'm saying it's obsolete because it's old? I mean, old doesn't always = obsolete, but its age does not help it. badlands is also old, but it's valve's happy little accident. maps like process, snakewater, gully, etc have had many, many, many beta's and release candidates to allow for different meta's of play to influence the way the map is formed. considering these maps were not made in the stone age (and were actually influenced greatly by 6s play), the way the game is played is relatively similar (huge influence on jumping, the ability to pressure chokes well, great flanks for roamers and scouts, and middles that allow slightly more visibility for medics). granary was not made, first of all, for 6s, and not made in the image of the way the game is actually played.

and the point that other games don't do it just isn't an argument? dunno. other games also don't do half the things the tf2 community does so really it's pointless to even mention

you guys can continue to find reasons and convince (i guess?) people to change their minds on the map but i feel like that's a waste of time when a new map can be made that will be better and can replace it. obviously the map is playable. you can spawn and use your peripherals to interact with the environment. do i think it's fun to play? not really. do i think it suits the way other maps are played? not really. do a lot of people tend to agree? sure. usually it's a pretty popular opinion until one of these threads pop up as if we're not giving granary the respect it deserves and people change their minds for 60 or so posts and then people still never play it in scrims or pugs. dunno what else tell you. it's very opinionated (some people find granary fun), but it's pretty consistently disliked and I don't think strong-arming some kind of revolution to play granary more is a representative way to count the map's merits

posted about 8 years ago
#15 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion
WaldoViaduct makes perfect sense considering how much it encourages retard sniper mains.

Metalworks and sunshine are two maps which no one likes to play in league so they naturally avoid them in pugs. How often are those maps scrimmed outside of their respective weeks?

The only people who dislike granary are people who don't know how to play it and scout mains mad at not being the de facto best dm class.

metalworks is actually not that good (slightly better granary imo), but sunshine is ~okay

people don't like granary because it doesn't fit the way the game is played nowadays. back in 2008/9 when people waddled around 90% of the time and carnage's jump from the sign on the floor to the top of the first crate was groundbreaking, the map was fine. now that people actually know how to hold chokes, how to rocket jump/rollout, and how to punish mistakes, the map is not fun. it's very choke-oriented, there is essentially no flank, and there's no specific terrain for soldiers, scouts, or medics to bring some flair to their movement. granary is absolutely the most obsolete map in the rotation and much less fun to play than either sunshine or metalworks.

usually when I pug the map I play soldier just to refute the ridiculous idea that only scouts don't like it. shockingly, it still isn't fun.

posted about 8 years ago
#123 DreamHack Winter 2015 TF2 Invitational powered by & esportunited in News
Mankyappereantly gpit will be played

i almost regretted my decision to not attend


posted about 8 years ago
#51 Help get Epsilon to DreamHack in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethI don't want to donate as Epsilon are no longer going to play TF2 afterwards, and don't seem to be putting much effort into the future. Not sort of team I'd want to support, I would rather support someone like Full Tilt or TLR who regularly practise and show some interest in the game's future.

For that reason I won't donate, but I wish you good luck with your fundraiser and hope you have a good LAN, it's great to see some of the best players in the game at an event like Dreamhack, so people should donate if they want to see amazing games, but I am thinking next generation.

To be fair, I think donations towards a team like Epsilon shouldn't hinge on their future in the game. Even if unofficial, TF2 at Dreamhack is a pretty big deal, especially for those who are still trying to nurture growth in the competitive scene. It shouldn't matter if numlocked doesn't play etf2l next season, or if the team as a whole is simply playing to kill time in the absence of Overwatch; the real reason you want them there is to bolster viewership for the event. And if I'm being honest, Epsilon and Reason are the lynchpins for the event. You want the best competition possible to be there and feel secure in their choice to even attend.

Epsilon has the clout to not only keep the attention of experienced players, who want to see Mike not miss a rocket for the entire round, but the play-makers, who impress potential new viewers. If you're thinking about donating to Epsilon, you should think about it as donating to TF2, because the event is more than just "another tournament." It's big, and you want to gain as much hype as possible and ride the wave through matchmaking and onto further tournaments. So, again, I don't really think numlocked potentially not playing etf2l next season should ever be a reason to not donate.

And you never want to use your placing as a cushion for the travel expenses, either. Teams want to feel secure in going to the tournament, not pressured that they have to place at a certain ranking to earn the money they've lost going there. It's a shitty feeling. Obviously it's ideal that no one would have to pay and we'd have sponsors for all this, but mitigating it for every player and team involved is appreciated for everyone attending, even if the players don't communicate it well enough.

Best of luck to Epsilon, Reason, full tilt, etc. in any donation drives. The community as a whole should try to make this one of the biggest tournaments TF2 has ever had.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 ESEA Invite Alias Rule in News
deetrI wonder how long you have to have had an alias before it would be considered easily recognizable to casters. Like what if mason had changed his name to chairuser like everywhere and like his friends knew so he decided to change his ESEA too and then nobody on production knew and couldn't recognize him. In that case he clearly is not intending to infringe on the rule, but he still causes the same inconveniences to the casters and somebody who did intend to use it as a joke (eg somebody who changed their name to xxbongsmoker420xx right before a match). People could end up getting banned all the time accidentally.

that's why the easiest way to remedy this confounding issue is to just change your name to the one by which people (especially those who aren't necessarily your friends, like casters) know you the best

it's seriously the easiest thing in the world; you have to purposefully cause trouble for it to be an issue

posted about 8 years ago
#18 RIP Mexico in Off Topic

lmao that first video

title: "most dangerous storm in history makes landfall"
content: everything no one needed to know about the pilot collecting the data and the plane he used to do it

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Strawberry Mangoes disbands in News


posted about 8 years ago
#3 Why can't ESEA teams self-report as dead? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 8 years ago
#12 How froyo beat nr according to WARHURYEAH in TF2 General Discussion

ash is a top 3 scout in NA tf2


posted about 8 years ago
#82 GXL LAN Thoughts in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
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