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Signed Up August 24, 2016
Last Posted December 16, 2024 at 1:50 PM
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#21 Any hardcore mma fans in this website? in Off Topic

this was so insane to watch live, so much unneeded damage, mazzagati v.2

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Quitting + my story in TF2 General Discussion

I started playng tf2 in 2011. and then i was picked up by se7en, and then i was picked up by froyo and then i was picked up by bus cre wand then an di was picked up by MINK and then i was picked up by SINK and then it was LINK ( send me the link) and then i wore some PINK, and after that i am going to be wearing some SILK and drinking MILK in front of a.... so i was picked up by faint and then iwas picked up and then i was picked up and then i was playng and i got picked up by organization called then i was picked up by nergrage

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Any hardcore mma fans in this website? in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#1 Any hardcore mma fans in this website? in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#1 cumtown in The Dumpster


posted about 3 years ago
#60 are steroids worth it ? in Off Topic

How do those steroid balloon people wipe their ass?? or scratch their back???

posted about 3 years ago
#26 Mrswipez1 exposed in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylim actually so shook, how is it possible that catbowcar's actual frag vids somehow look more fake than the fake ones LMAO there's multiple clips with people disconnecting in the middle

who asked the pencil lookin mfer for his opinion :DDD

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Mrswipez1 exposed in TF2 General Discussion
MatMotNobody cares cat seriously. I'm not here to defend anyone it just caught my attention to see someone this low level. Just trying to create drama so you can feed off of it pathetic

if ur not here to defend it why were u defending it in the 1st post :DD lolo, , , , make up ure mind

posted about 3 years ago
#12 Mrswipez1 exposed in TF2 General Discussion
MatMotMaybe it's because you're a nobody, just because you made a video like this you think someone else had the same idea equals to stealing your idea stop acting like a smartass :/ grow up into a shape no one cares
its so cute that u came here to defend ur friend. let mrswipez speak from himself hes a grown man.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Mrswipez1 exposed in TF2 General Discussion
MatMotMaybe it's because you're a nobody, just because you made a video like this you think someone else had the same idea equals to stealing your idea stop acting like a smartass :/ grow up into a shape no one cares

did u watch the video :DD he even had the same names of the people he was killing. also im not a nobody im literally a b list celebrity lol.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Mrswipez1 exposed in TF2 General Discussion

A long time ago i made a video called "leftovers" ( heres the link
and not shortly after mrswipez made a video, pretty similar to mine :D
AND i made a video about it :D feel free to discuss guys, its prettty dodgy!

posted about 3 years ago
#15 Ten questions for improving at 6s in TF2 General Discussion

Im sorry about it, i have been having a rough couple of weeks and i thought i would be a funny guy and try to bait rahmed into responding. I didnt even read his post, this is the problem a lot of the time i dont take other peoples feelings into account. I know what i need to fix in my behavior and yet i continue to make people feel like shit. Im sorry.

posted about 3 years ago
#13 Ten questions for improving at 6s in TF2 General Discussion

Like the core of it.

posted about 3 years ago
#11 Ten questions for improving at 6s in TF2 General Discussion
RahmedcaaaaaaaaatRahmed1. Pugs offer the chance to meet new friends and make contacts with others, also getting known across the community for a chance that someone might pick you up too if you're not in a team and they see your potential. Also, when your team can't scrim and you want to play comp, play a pug!

2. Someone who is kind enough to help you on your way to improve, not just belittling and blatantly saying what you did wrong in this one specific situation in a demo review. A good mentor will inevitably become a good friend, and you'll get to play with them soon one day if you get to their level

3. Dependant on the comms for some games, the tones of people's voices when they speak can imply a lot on what they actually feel - they might think that you are holding the team back if they start sounding or talking negative when interacting with you. Also applies vice versa.
I would argue mindset is just as important as mechanics. And logs can show some blatant things, like a scout consistently getting far fewer dpm/frags than his teammates or enemies

4. Depends if you guys enjoy playing with each other in all honesty. Some may want to stick around and help their teammates improve (chad play), others might wanna find greener pastures in a higher skilled team. For a team leader, it's a tough decision to make if the rest of the team simply don't enjoy playing with a person, either with results or with comms. In my opinion, a team should do the best they can to try and get everyone on the same wavelength, but if people aren't passionate enough to improve with each other then it might be a lost cause

5. No

6. By looking them up in RGL ofc! Aside from that, I guess it's ultimately their decision making, information retainment and mechanical skill that can be seen or heard from if you manage to talk to them whilst they review their own demos

7. I would read a log looking at who got the most impact in the game, maybe look at the dpm of some players (k:d if they went off the rails), deaths, heal allocation from both medics - logs don't tell the full picture though. E.g. A non-medic player can get less kills and less dpm than the server but can have a huge impact on how the game went according to how he played (i.e. based on his position, his timing, decision making etc.)

8. Record a game with your team's audio involved. Watch a high level team, focus on what they're calling, which class specifically is calling and when they call it relative to the game state (e.g. stalemates, teamfights, sacs).
Now review that recording of your team and compare the differences

9. Yes. While I do believe some people are just naturally born with the power to learn super fast, ultimately it's just relative on the time you take to "get good". Some who has 2 season of 6's that goes straight to invite can be labelled as naturally talented, someone with 20 seasons of 6's that is in invite can be labelled talented too.

10. Because my class is fun to play :) I wanted to learn comp, so someone told me of tf2center. Having no experience, I recalled this one Doctor Who episode where the David Tennant doctor said "If you want to know how a restaurant works, work in the kitchens" (or something like that idk exactly). I interpreted that into tf2, with "restaurants" as a euphemism for a comp team, and "working in the kitchens" as playing medic. I played a fuckton of medic lobbies and eventually people knew me as a med main, and then I found pugchamp out - played a couple pugs in EU and NA and during those times I found medic the most enjoyable to play

Alright, judging by these questions, it looks like you're a scout main that feels like he isn't pulling his weight around in the team enough; you really want to improve but not too sure on how to, so you want a clear specific route to get good
It's not that easy, and honestly I'm a learning player myself so there will be undoubtedly be somethings I previously mentioned which are wrong - but that's all my opinion and what I know anyway.

Just try to enjoy the game and make it enjoyable for the friends around you :) gl hf!
i dont think i agree with u on this one

What don't you agree on? open to discussion

most of it.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 How long did it take to realize Scout's power? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ⋅⋅ 81