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Last Posted August 31, 2014 at 3:16 PM
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#41 broeselhud in Customization
f_blueDo you actually deny what he's saying or what is your response about?

It was more a perfect showcase of how lack of elaboration can lead to misunderstandings :/

I'm not 'denying' anything, it was just the way that he threw this over-simply- and unqualified statement towards me that put me off. He made it sound as if I'd be using a file merge tool, then pack the result into a zip file, call it broeselhud and release it, when in fact I'm spending hours and hours on HUD updates (and yes, also on this one).

I was pretty tired yesterday so I couldn't be bothered to counter that bullshit post with anything more prolific than some likewise bullshit over-simplified statement, which was probably the wrong move but somehow felt good enough at that moment to shut up that finger pointing idiot who doesn’t have the slightest bit of insight.

To elaborate even further, yes, I took something straight from your HUD in this update – HudIconPanel.res ("- fixed MvM robot HP getting cut off"), which was just a 20-line file, but it was late and I wanted to go to bed at some point. You told me it'd work with what I've got, so I copied the file, tested it and voilà, it worked perfectly right away. I also fixed these things, based on your changelogs (believe it or not, but, at which I, as a matter of principle only had a look after I finished my own work. I didn't even look at your files for these changes as I'm apparently a bit of a masochist and like unnecessary challenges – – straight right-away copying would just feel wrong to me):

- fixed the Huntsman charge meter
- fixed item counters not being exactly above their labels
- fixed high killstreak numbers getting cut off

That's probably only about 5% of all the work in this update and, as I said, with the exception of a single file I did it on my own anyway, I just used your changelogs as pointers as to what I might have overlooked/not known of. But still, I agree that I should have given you credit nonetheless, and I'll do it here! Thanks man, you really are an awesome guy who does great work with broeselhud_blue, keep it up!

posted about 9 years ago
#35 broeselhud in Customization
MedusaNot trying to be rude but basically copying all the features from f_blue's edit and calling it an "update" is not the way to got imo.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

posted about 9 years ago
#27 broeselhud in Customization

version 2.9 is out!!

download: Link


- added support for the taunt selection menu
- added support for the B.A.S.E. Jumper
- added the Eureka Effect teleport menu
- moved the destroy menu to the same height as the build menu
- cleaned up the code of the build and destroy menus
- added damage and support stats to the scoreboard
- slightly reduced the distance between scoreboard stats and their labels
- updated clientscheme.res
- updated hudlayout.res
- fixed the Huntsman charge meter
- fixed the Bazaar Bargain counter position
- fixed item counters not being exactly above their labels
- fixed high killstreak numbers getting cut off
- fixed MvM robot HP getting cut off
- fixed a link in the Readme file

posted about 9 years ago
#20 broeselhud in Customization

Which one do you guys prefer: old or new?

edit: fixed the links

posted about 10 years ago
#19 broeselhud in Customization


posted about 10 years ago
#11 broeselhud in Customization

Try this direct link:

posted about 10 years ago
#9 broeselhud in Customization

Try this:

Animate crosshairXX FgColor "0 255 255 255" Linear 0.0 0.0 //change to flash color
Animate crosshairXX FgColor "255 0 255 255" Linear 0.1 0.0 //change back to original color

This flashes the crosshair for 0.1 seconds, you can change the duration by adjusting the starting point of the 2nd animation (first number after "Linear").

As for the health numbers, you can set buffed/low colors in Clientscheme.res, apparently you changed them there. Just set them back to their default value (255 255 255 255) and don't mess with the hudanimations file too much.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 broeselhud in Customization
bagwetteCan the TextWindowCustomServer be bigger? It kind of sucks to look at stats on 4x3 because for, you'd have to scroll down.

Maybe, I'll have a look at it. I'd rather not change the format of the the MOTD panel though, as I'd also have to widen all the other intro panels which look perfectly fine right now.

bagwetteAdding on the backpack options would be nice too, A & D to go through your backpack, and Q to go back.


posted about 10 years ago
#1 broeselhud in Customization

Website: Link

Download: Link

Steam group: Link

Screenshots: Link


Special thanks to:


General broeselhud thread for suggestions, discussions and complaints.

posted about 10 years ago
#34 broeselhud is back with version 2.8!! in Customization
GunbladeI think there should be a way to have more control over which font you use. If you select to use the oldschool font it's only going to replace the health and ammo. damage numbers and all that are still in the new font.

( I know you can just replace all the font definitions but wheres the fun in that )

The space allocation around the baseline differs on the new font (cp. "descenders"), therefore it would look totally stupid if it was simply switched out in every place. I had to change vertical positions on a lot of elements when I implemented the new font - only due to the health and ammo not being relative to anything but the viewport itself, it's possible to switch to a different baseline system without much visual difference/inconsistency (maybe I'll add the damage numbers too, as they're also not relative to anything).

That's the last time I'm gonna explain this, stop bugging me about it everyone, please. If you want a version with unproportional numerals everywhere, you'll have to adjust all the necessary elements yourself.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 broeselhud is back with version 2.8!! in Customization

broeselhud is back with an update and has moved to SourceForge now: Link

download: Link


- fixed the MvM player list getting cut off
- fixed the ping column on the scoreboard
- added support for the server time left display
- added support for killstreaks
- reduced the size of the chatbox and moved it up a bit
- added the proper color code for collector's items
- added an ammo icon to the TargetID
- increased the size of the main menu BG panel
- added support for the 3D avatar
- fixed the bug that always showed a red scout when disguised
- added support for the spellbook
- added indicators for active Soldier banners
- adjusted size and positioning of the Vaccinator icons
- adjusted positioning of the marked for death and milk icons
- fixed "[unknown]" being displayed in the inspect panel
- added Heavy knockback rage and Medic energy shield meters
- slightly moved down the Vaccinator charge bar
- changed the color of the Power Up Canteen counter to white

Shoutout to feeling_blue, who updated the HUD in the last few months!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 shiny HUD in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#1 shiny HUD in TF2 General Discussion

Totally forgot to post this after I released broeselhud 2.6.

Have fun

btw, would be cool if someone made a complete HUD out of this :)

posted about 11 years ago
#17 broeselhud 2.7 is out!! in Customization
FrenchyfryI can't see the timepanel on any resolution that I try, and yes, visible is "1". pls halp :(

Which timepanel? The normal round timer on top? If so, try reinstalling the HUD, then not modifying anything and starting up TF2 like that.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 broeselhud 2.7 is out!! in Customization
eiz0-Can u re-enable negative values for /scripts/hudlayout "CDamageAccountPanel" "ypos"?
For values > 0, the damage appears over the enemy skin, specially when i have height advantage, which messes my aim :( I used to use "-20" on 2.5 version, but know the damage disappears with neg values. I've tried changing resource/ui/HudDamageAccount values, scripts/hudlayout/HudDamageIndicator and CDamageAccountPanel with no success..thx!

I didn't change anything regarding this in hudlayout.res. I even tried it right now and it worked:

		"fieldName"				"CDamageAccountPanel"
		"xpos"					"0"
		"ypos"					"-50"
		"wide"					"f0"
		"tall"					"480"
		"visible" 				"1"
		"enabled" 				"1"
		"PaintBackgroundType"	"2"
posted about 11 years ago
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