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Signed Up December 17, 2012
Last Posted July 10, 2018 at 3:59 PM
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#13 Magna Carta Holy Grail Release in TF2 General Discussion
zigzterboppetI'm really hoping someone like Eminem comes out and shows the mainstream how to rap again.I guess you missed his last 2-3 albums.

I'm aware of Relapse and Recovery, but I'm saying this because it seems hip-hop has reached the peak point of the shitty beats and mediocre lyrics, and the genre needs something like the best selling artist to create something that stands out and so to speak "snap everyone out of their senses".

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Magna Carta Holy Grail Release in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly sounds like the same commercial bullshit mainstream nonsense that every rapper spews out all the time. Nothing revolutionary, nothing new, worst Jay-Z album 5/10.

Seriously, almost 80% of the MC's out now have succumbed to the same shit techno beats, gasping after every bar, and flowless style of music that it's ridiculous.(J.Cole and Kendrick Excluded) Even Snoop dogg has turned into a reggae artist who collaborates with Miley Cyrus and shit. I'm black, but I'm really hoping someone like Eminem comes out and shows the mainstream how to rap again.

Someone wrote this:

Has Jay-Z ever written any lyrics that any 8th grader could just as easily have written? This whole "businessman, business, man" brilliance can only be described as embarrassing idolatry. Seriously? This placement of a comma is treated by kiss-up music critics if it was of Shakespearean quality. Please!

Look, let's be honest. This guy can't play an instrument, can't read music, can't sing, and doesn't even write the "music' to the stuff he puts out (as with all rap performers, he buys "beats" written by others). His lyrics are clever in the elementary school sense. In short, this emperor has not a stitch of clothes on and yet he has made millions by those who pay to admire his latest fashion. What exactly is this fella's talent? Somebody please explain.
posted about 10 years ago
#37 not just map tweaks, weapons too in TF2 General Discussion

Guess I'll just have to settle with the invis watch from now on as spy. :( But this update will be very colossal and will probably make pubs less of a shitfest annoyance to play. Hopefully.

Also, after this maybe more weapons will ACTUALLY be viable in HL/6v6 play, it's just a silent plead from me.

posted about 10 years ago
#52 An Abrupt Farewell to You All in Off Topic

Tragedies 99% of the time never last, you and your family will rise out of this. It's just
such an acherontic situation for anyone to be in, but you seem like a guy who can take problems like this head on, and work to a success and solve this for the better. Good luck Ghos7 and it's just ridiculously insane how this happened to you. Hope to see you on again. :(

posted about 10 years ago
#23 When did you realize you were better than average? in TF2 General Discussion

MGE is a sad way of boosting my super important virtual ego, so when I win i'm all like

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Need to get opinions for a simple question in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#23 happy 4th fellow tf2ers in Off Topic

Anyone else got videos?

The two fireworks in the video aren't exactly the most exciting, but it's all just fun =}

posted about 10 years ago
#288 age in Off Topic
slide52 but I look 46.

Is this a joke or are you serious, legitimate question here.

posted about 10 years ago
#118 - A competitive tf2 wiki? in Projects

I originally thought this was a silly idea, but turns out it just might thrive and become special. Looks like a fantastic resource for newcomers outright. Terrific job kaneco. :]

posted about 10 years ago
#297 Collection of Custom HUDs in Customization
medic909can we put the toonhud in here

That hud looks fantastic.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 Emotional Experiences in Off Topic

the feels



posted about 10 years ago
#3 Frag Video Names in TF2 General Discussion

Why did you include the information of you getting banned from #tf2mix? Logically anyone seeing this will look past the frag video part of your post and attack you for that. Also, asking for the name of a frag video is a dilemma you can handle with some friends rather than creating a thread.

For the sake of not being totally unhelpful, I think any variation of your name should suffice for a frag video name.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 New Look in TF2 General Discussion

another way to sell and trade virtual pixels

posted about 10 years ago
#21 Worst Movies Ever in TF2 General Discussion

The concept was terrible, not funny, hated it.

Show Content

Sodden jokes, and not a single amusing moment.

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I even hate talking about it.

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I don't have to explain much.

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This movie is just so terrible; slow pacing, too much dialogue, shitty ending, and a lame story and concept.

Show Content
posted about 10 years ago
#95 OTHER HOBBIES? in Off Topic

I'm black so stealing drugs and shit

Seriously though, I thoroughly enjoy reading, writing and listening to music, tae kwon do(rarely, like twice a year), lifting weights, and bike riding.

posted about 10 years ago
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