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Country Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Signed Up October 20, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2022 at 4:53 PM
Posts 780 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ⋅⋅ 51
#447 Post your setup in Off Topic

New setup :)

this pleases my eyes.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 JohnMilter in Off Topic
i clicked this thread knowing exactly what to post, then i see this,i have been gluck'ed.

so instead enjoy.

do not start reading this story. it will eat up your life until you finish it, and then you feel empty inside.

it's even worse when reading the non fanfic version... *shudders*

posted about 10 years ago
#10 DavyC lft backup open or intermediate any class in Recruitment (looking for team)

davy is good yo

best heavy main i know

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Old M0rehud in Customization
32hzI've been learning how huds work and stuff and I've made like an indexed m0re HUD folder.

It's like how KBN is formatted, where it gives you a bunch of options for damage numbers and stuff and hp crosses.

So I've been working on something like that for m0rehud, so far I have the hurt/buffed health numbers and the layers behind them, the background Hp cross, ready up tourney UI, shadow distance(to make it look a little more like broesselhud, damage number color and sizes, main menu and a few others. This is really basic editing but it's pretty cool to have really accessible options, so if anyone's interest I might have some motivation to finish it.

You should! I've always gone back to m0rehud after switching to other huds.. Would be cool to add some customization to mine. I tried awhile back but couldn't figure out how to make it look nice.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Old M0rehud in Customization
CaspianWhat do you mean by old morehud?

Like the original version? dana remade that version if that's what you're after.

What's different in this version than the newer version?

posted about 10 years ago
#66 huh check that out in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoHereThereBeTygersIn Mangachu's stream last night, Clockwork said that Pure felt ESEA didn't respect tf2 players after the client fiasco, and so he felt they didn't deserve his time/money, and that's why he left. Clockwork also said that they most likely aren't going to play this season because Pure was too much of a driving force behind their team.Pure definitely has his shit together, really good decision if this is true. I hope more top players start pressuring ESEA so they dont think they can get away with anything

I agree. While I'm sad to see that pure won't be in this season, it's a sad truth that ESEA is fucking TF2 in the ass.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Halloween in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#473 stream highlights in Videos

wrecking cheeris, pie_hero, and space all in one huntsmen clip? this might be my favorite video on twitch ever

posted about 10 years ago
#15 huh check that out in TF2 General Discussion

Sad to see - was excited to see brad back on medic

posted about 10 years ago
#10 looking for writers to cover esea invite in TF2 General Discussion

Sounds like fun but I'm probably too bad at it to create anything coherent.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Best airshots in the world? in Videos

Grant 'b4nny' Vincent

posted about 10 years ago
#227 Who got you into comp TF2? in TF2 General Discussion


posted videos of competitive play which made me want to play 6v6

posted about 10 years ago
#13 IT'S COMING in TF2 General Discussion

it would be really dumb of valve to not make hl3, there is too much potential profit

edit: although they could just release it after a reeeaaally long time.. but the fanbase might have died away by then. literally.

posted about 10 years ago
#81 Tip of the Hats 2 Planning/Info in TF2 General Discussion

After 12am, I'm guessing truktruk is going to leave his computer on streaming the autodirect?

If for some reason the computer crashes it should be set to restart and autostart TF2/join server/start streaming again through some magical batch scripting combined with TF2 scripting, if that's possible

I've done it before with an old laptop running a minecraft server, although that was much simpler..

posted about 10 years ago
#427 stream highlights in Videos

lol nice. in mumble djroomba's reaction was basically "yep that's a spy"

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ⋅⋅ 51