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Signed Up March 12, 2021
Last Posted July 25, 2024 at 11:48 AM
Posts 15 (0 per day)
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Headphones Logitech
#14 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
However, highlander never seems to devolve into a stalemate where neither team is attacking or defending.

Worth noting that the reason highlander never ends up the stalemate state that 6's ended up in is teams are always either attacking or defending in highlander, they aren't doing both. 6's doesn't have stalemates on koth, because after the mid fight there is one team that must push, and one team that must defends. There were tons of stalemates in HL when we were running 5cp maps. Stalemates are a map/gamemode issue.

posted 1 day ago
#7 Why is the Dragons Fury not used outside of 6's? in TF2 General Discussion

It has worse airblast. Airblasting is the best thing in pyro's entire kit. Everything else it does "better" than degreaser it just doesn't need to do in HL. Like you can melt buildings with it but you have other classes that can do it better.

posted 2 months ago
#17 Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide in News

Day 2 and mystery giveaway number 1 happening now !ticket 1

posted 3 months ago
#2 Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide in News

Fireside bringing the heat with these casters god damn

posted 3 months ago
#8 post good video essays in Off Topic

Any of Jacob Geller's work but I'm fond of


posted 6 months ago
#90 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
Monghm today I will make a thread about israel-palestine on a gaming forum and not mention the innocent killings by hamas on oct 7,

hm, today I will respond to a thread about israel-palestine and talk about october 7th, without mentioning anything Israel did pre-october 7th to provoke the attack, without mentioning that Israel knew about the attack before it happened, without mentioning that Israel targeted their own citizens during the attack, without mentioning that Israel significantly inflated the death toll from the attack and has brought the number down numerous times since then.

Mongwhich the majority of palestinians endorse

Hamas didn't even win the majority of the vote in the election in the last election in 2006, when 40% of the current population of Palestine wasn't even born yet, and upwards of 70% wouldn't have been old enough to vote.

posted 6 months ago
#760 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone got a download link for the benchmark demo that works? I just get captchas over and over.

posted about a year ago
#5 animal kingdom matchups in Off Topic

Grizzly > Tiger
Hippo > Moose
Troops > Chimp
Pitbull > Cub
Polar Bear > Gorilla

Anyone saying the bears don't win those match ups isn't Canadian.

posted about a year ago
#86 Cheater bans should be permanent in TF2 General Discussion
det-One thing I really wish the anticheat team would do is at least say the specific cheat they catch someone using when they ban someone, whether it be walls, triggerbot etc.

One of the issues with doing that is it helps other cheaters/the same person avoid getting caught in the future. For example, if someone was using walls and silent aim, but only got banned for silent aim, they know they can continue to use walls. Or if every cheater that gets banned is getting banned for trigger bot, it signals to people that the AC team is really good at catching triggerbotters but not other things.

posted about a year ago
#1 Need the best TF2 Sniper clips in Videos

Looking for the best TF2 sniper clips for a video idea. If they're kill streaks they need to have very little down time. That is all.

posted about a year ago
#47 If you could bring a dead game back to life in Other Games

Titanfall 2

posted about a year ago
#22 tf2 outlived overwatch in Other Games
DanceNumberI really gotta know as i've never really understood, why does the tf2 community hate overwatch so much? I 100% understand not enjoying it, however this comical level of spite seems so random.

Overwatch was pushed by a lot of people as the "TF2 killer" that was going to be TF2 but better and make TF2 obsolete. People enjoy rubbing the fact that TF2 outlived Overwatch 1 in those peoples faces.

posted about a year ago
#10 koth_jamram in Map Discussion

Currently there's no jam, 4/10.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 Weird Keybinds in Customization

For every game, one of my friends uses
I don't even know what they do for crouch they play with all 4 fingers on movement keys.

posted about 2 years ago
#85 seriously? in TF2 General Discussion
phobiaSigafoo is so fucking delusional in his twitter profile he put "ex top tf2 player" bro u played fucking engineer in highlander

He was right about putting comedian in there though, because this whole thing is a joke.

posted about 3 years ago