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Last Posted October 17, 2018 at 2:16 AM
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#1 industry by weatherspoon in Videos

edited in about 2-3 hours

feedback is appreciated, thanks

posted about 9 years ago
#10 self worth by weatherspoon in Videos
kirbyAside from it being dark, the only problem I have with the video is that the smooths aren't very smooth.

I don't mean that they're laggy/choppy or anything. I say they're not smooth because they turn too sharply at some points. An example being 24 seconds into your video. The smooth turns too sharply during those 3 keys you placed (1 for each of the turns). The best way to not have this happen is spread out the keys you place more than you did. Have a higher amount of ticks in between each key so that the camera change looks more natural, more smooth. You could also just try using two keys instead of 3. Having an A-to-B plan is better for those short smooths. You want to save using more than 2 keys for the longer ones, which a lot of the time don't even need that much (because then you're usually overdoing it).

This is a little less important, as over time you'll get better and will stop doing it, but you should try to make sure the camera is continuously focused on the exact same area, if that's what you're going for in your smooth (which in this case you were). Using 24 seconds in again as an example, each key had the camera looking in the same general direction/area, but not at the exact same spot each time. That's not visually appealing.

Keep up the good work though. I hope you're serious with editing and don't find it a waste of time. We need more serious editors.

Thanks for a ton of helpful feedback. I definitely will be trying spacing my keys and spreading out the time between. Actually this comment means a lot to me since i remember looking at your videos a long time ago. I've actually been attempting at editing (failing) for a while now, but only recently have I been trying to get somewhere with it.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 self worth by weatherspoon in Videos
GeknaiirThe dark colors were very unappealing.RayinerIt wasn't bad, but the colors were too dark and the camera wasn't that good either.
Overall, music pretty fits the edit style, but work on these things.
Abrissgood songcr4ftyhonestly i think the music fits the colors you had; whether that was intentional or not, i'm not sure.

smooths we're pretty good.

i really prefer viewmodels but that's just me.

Thank you guys for your feedback and comments. Also about the viewmodels, i couldn't get a clean green screen of them so just decided not to include them. And having them through the whole video or certain parts are kinda distracting in my opinion.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 self worth by weatherspoon in Videos

Looking for feedback on what i can improve on or what i can do to make it look better.
made in 4-5 hours
*warning* song is rap, please don't complain about it since i told you ahead.
thanks in advance

The video is more for the editing then the frags.

posted about 9 years ago
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