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Country Bulgaria
Signed Up May 6, 2017
Last Posted June 12, 2019 at 12:16 PM
Posts 523 (0.2 per day)
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#14 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament 2 ft. Mannco.Store in TF2 General Discussion

The prize pool has been updated with the additional premium codes, generously donated by Arie! I edited the original post regarding that, and included the list of participants that have signed up so far.

posted about 5 years ago
#6 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament 2 ft. Mannco.Store in TF2 General Discussion
SnackCan I please have the happy face sticker I can never find any

The organisation was mainly based on your tournaments so thank you!

posted about 5 years ago
#1 The Ultimate Ultiduo Tournament 2 ft. Mannco.Store in TF2 General Discussion

Oh look, the ultiduo boy is here!

With BIG seasons imminent both for ETF2L and ESEA and plethora of emotions to fill the otherwise dull daily routine, I hereby announce the next Ultimate Ultiduo tournament - mostly inspired by numerous requests of participants in the last tournament for me to host another one! We have medals, we have EssentialsTF to stream it, but most importantly - we have a sponsor - Mannco.Store!

You can immediately sell your TF2 items on Mannco.Store totally safely, for real money!

Everything is different this time!

The old website is out of use due to its endless plugin flaws, therefore the tournament will be handled on challonge - The results will be submitted on our Discord - We have slight changes in our rules and maps, as you can see below.

Europe is the pivot of the tournament. Everyone is welcome to sign up but all matches are to be played on a server hosted in Europe.

The tournament is planned to take place on 13th-14th [Group Stages] and 20th-21st [Playoffs] October.

This time around, we are making use of 3 maps only, each being present in the ETF2L Ultiduo Cup #6, them being:

- ultiduo_baloo_v2
- koth_ultiduo_r_b7
- ultiduo_grove_b2

All rules, as well as further information including signing up, you can find here. I will cover the signing up process below as well.

Prize pool:

  • 130 keys
  • premium codes for the finalists, generously donated by Arie!
  • DM reserved slots for the top 16 teams, generously donated by maly!
  • Panda MGE reserved slots for the finalists, generously donated by kVN!

The finalists' prizes stand as following:

1st Place: 66 keys, 2 x 1 Year premium codes, 2 x 3 Months DM reserved slots, 2 x 3 Months Panda MGE reserved slots;
2nd Place: 42 keys, 2 x 6 Months premium codes, 2 x 3 Months DM reserved slots, 2 x 3 Months Panda MGE reserved slots;
3rd Place: 22 keys, 2 x 3 Months premium codes, 2 x 3 Months DM reserved slots, 2 x 3 Months Panda MGE reserved slots;

Donations of 5 keys and more will be rewarded with a precious glowing helper medal, all donations going towards the prize pool! All the medals you can find here. You can donate here.

Sign Up:
Signing up for the tournament happens through this TF.TV thread. As in most tournaments held erstwhile, you are required to reply to it with your team’s name, players’ alias and steam profile links respectively. Example:

Team name: Memes For The Win
V!s - [steam link]
SynciNG - [steam link]
Sub - [steam link]

I will handle everything else, the list with participants you can find here.

Everything else should be found on the rules page. For any questions, feel free to ask me over discord. Please read the rules! Sign ups close on 11th October, games begin on 13th. Rounds will be 100% randomly generated.

Good luck to everyone!


posted about 5 years ago
#120 its back in TF2 General Discussion

This thread just gets better and better

posted about 5 years ago
#6 COD IIII in Off Topic


posted about 5 years ago
#2 cp idea in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 5 years ago
#2 Happy Video Games Day in Other Games
Video game players across the United States enjoy this day


posted about 5 years ago
#17 Ascent.EU announcement in TF2 General Discussion

It's literally a second 7 team with 2 different players.

posted about 5 years ago
#78 Steam chat redesign beta in Off Topic

I can view game info now lol what..

Anyway, thanks!

posted about 5 years ago
#74 Steam chat redesign beta in Off Topic

Is it just me or we can no longer (again) view game info from friends list?

posted about 5 years ago
#29 How much do you jack off? in The Dumpster
TailorTFI can see for two miles unaided by a lens.

I think this answered the question

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Flicker main trying to become Tracker main in Q/A Help

Don't be self conscious when playing is a rule number one. I've tried to start flicking less myself and I've noticed there are a few factors irl as well - if I play for the first time but early in the day for example, I'd flick like I have 1cm/360 and I can't stop it, but if I'm tired at the evening and launch tf2, the same sensitivity feels perfect which allows me to aim as softly as I'd like to. Ultimately, you can try to play a jump map for a few minutes just to start aiming more precisely. In my experience, the most consistent players don't play like they have Parkinson, but would just snap quickly and aim smoothly. Flicking is for those mad shots you have to hit in 0.5 seconds and that's why you see it so much in 6s, but the best advice I can give you is to play the way you have always played and don't change sensitivity or huds etc., stick to what you are used to and progress will happen naturally.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 what do Y'ALL DRINK when GAMING in TF2 General Discussion

why are THE CAPS in the TITLE?

posted about 5 years ago
#16 We gonna get i63 STV Demos? in TF2 General Discussion
twiikuuWhat's your problem dude?
You're getting riled up over literally nothing, someone asked where the demos were, someone else pointed them to the location, and you're just screeching like a very weird child. Literally everyone so far in this exchange behaved normally and had no issues up until you joined
Cyanicdid you even read my followup comment in that thread vis? sometimes i wonder if the reason you play a gamemode with 1/3 of the players is you have 1/3 of a brain

EDIT: Most of you would probably think I'm being extremely egocentric, but I applaud the more perspicacious of you who would notice that I simply dispute allegations against myself in the way they have been made in the first place, and that has always been the case before. The majority that lack self-assessment or simply forget how they word their accusations and play as innocent are worth pitying.

We are all here because we play(ed) TF2. People have different incentives to play the game - for some it is 6s, for others - highlander. There is barely anything to motivate me to play nowadays - I've only recently found some motivation in playing bball because that's the only gamemode I meet any competition in because I haven't played it as much as ultiduo or MGE yet (I'm not ranting). I'll be honest - Cyanic's videos are not bad, they are basic but clear, slowly transitioning into the more complex waters of editing, emphasis on slowly, but, nonetheless, good enough to appeal the public eye. That is probably his incentive to stick around TF2, and it is just simple psychology to target what somebody values to hurt them - that's what he did (to an extent) and that's what I did in return. The case with you, twiku, is similar - you believe that your contribution to TF2 is enough for you to stand above someone else, and hurting your ego would be the most effective to trigger you, but I will try a different method this time, as my current technique has proved to have caused more hatred than initiated, which, thinking about it now, is not really surprising.

I'm sorry that I have to break it down to you, twiku, but you are not involved in something crazy. You may be putting countless hours of effort to organise events and platforms, but they are for TF2. I'm sure you do it because you like to do it, but in that case, do not bring it up as something people should praise or worship you for. It is true - I'm just a player, I haven't contributed much for TF2, I made a tournament and I'm planning to announce a second one in a few days because I like doing it, and I'm seeking competition. I'm just playing because that's what a game is for. Saying I'm 'beyond useless' sounds really wrong, you just need to realise why.

I hope you reflected on my brief psychological analysis even if the negative parts do not appeal to you. I just wanted you to see how you come off to people when you involve personal achievements, but also make sure you realise that you are wrong within your arguments and also the way you word them. I believe Cyanic initiates these beefs (He's done it before too) simply because he wants to look like a good fun in front of the others, seeking attention - often associated with lack of such in personal aspect, but it is entirely his problem if the way he is planning to attract viewers' eyes involves poor, unfounded insults. Instead of copying his behaviour by fancying it with a bit of vocabulary that he might not possess, in order to get involved in the same circlejerk, why not look everything from an outsider's view? You are better than that.

posted about 5 years ago
#13 We gonna get i63 STV Demos? in TF2 General Discussion
CyanicVisIt's people's problem that they post STV demos in a thread that requires POV ones. Simply posting a link to that thread implies that the current one is needless, which is not entirely true.
did you even read my followup comment in that thread vis? sometimes i wonder if the reason you play a gamemode with 1/3 of the players is you have 1/3 of a brain

Going through a bunch of comments that consist of links to demos sounds like a very interesting activity! If you have a follow up comment then use your modest amount of brain cells and edit your original post, don't do unnecessary mental gymnastics to come up with stupid ways to insult someone. You can also preserve this energy for your editing, it would be a pleasure to see a product of yours that, for once, does not scream "I'm just past the tutorial for Movie Maker"

posted about 5 years ago
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