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SteamID64 76561198063845409
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:51789840
Country Portugal
Signed Up May 10, 2015
Last Posted February 24, 2016 at 5:22 PM
Posts 37 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 0.953
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Raw Input 1
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#5 Demos, ticks, and music advice. in Videos
-proto60 fps 4k is so fucking overkill haha have fun with 500gb per minute of raw recording ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

500x3 = 1500gb. Should put some use to my new 4TB hard drive :D

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Demos, ticks, and music advice. in Videos
Ash_4k60fps won't make an overedited fragclip any better. that being said, I don't remember any of your works so I can't really judge you on that...

First one, I have some experience with hate and editing, I'm not over editing it, it's essence is mainly time remaping, and transitions with sfms in the middle. I was looking to get in my way towards doing something near French are Fucking Awesome by Salade au Thon, but for now all I can do is a bit more of a simplistic editing, somewhere between that and SynciNG's edits, which doesn't mean it'll look bad.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Demos, ticks, and music advice. in Videos

Yo, 4k60fps fragmovie, looking to do some really good editing, need demos with the respective ticks.
Notice that it will be a verry fast frag movie, so some single sniper airshots and stuff might even not take one sec.
There is also going to be some SFM involved.
Also, I need a not mainstream music, with a nice drop but not too much that I can use. Somewhere in the lines of NERVO- hold on (vicetone remix).

Send the demos to, I'll make them available somewhere so more people can use it.
Thanks, best community ever :)

More on editing, the idea is for it to go with the rhythm in like airshots and so, some really good transitions, player names when available, some occasional slow motions and stuff. Shouldn't be much longer than 3 mins, nice sfms in the mid of it. ALL AT NATIVE 4Kb60FPS

posted about 8 years ago
#51 Epsilong Time No See in News

Scream2frag is so bad, you should do frag2scream.

I would like to see this happen and would be real fun to watch some POVs from this :D
Time to hear "there's more than one way in tf2" by arx for some hype.

We should have Morgan freeman do something tf2 related.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Need help with interp and such. in TF2 General Discussion
pazerYou can remove cl_lagcompensation and cl_pred_optimize from your config. Those are non-archived cvars, so there's no point in setting them to their defaults.

cl_smooth and cl_smoothtime are purely preference, but if you're disabling smoothing then there's no reason to include cl_smoothtime in your config.

tickrate is purely a server command, and iirc it doesn't even function on TF2 without modifications, so go ahead and remove that from your command line.

Your cl_interp and cl_interp_ratio values are conflicting. Interp is calculated to be max(cl_interp, 1 / cl_updaterate * cl_interp_ratio). It's still important to set both, as some poorly thought out networking settings in league configs (cough ugc) force cl_interp_ratio to 1.

Generally, cl_interp 0.033 is recommended for when you have cl_updaterate 66. If you're using cl_updaterate 66.6666, then you should try cl_interp 0.03 ( 1 / 66.666666666 * 2 ) and cl_interp_ratio 2. At least, that's what I use. There's many different opinions on what the "best" networking settings are.

Ty so much, I'll try that as soon as I can, but for now I gtg, long day tomorrow :)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Need help with interp and such. in TF2 General Discussion

Hey, I have been reading some stuff about interp and really, after so many ours on the webs I still can't figure something that's fine for me.

So, my net connection is the purest of the craps. 200ish Kb/s is usually the highest I get. I also live in portugal so I end up getting and avg of ~85 ping.

Here are my current settings that ended up working slightly better than th good connection ones from chris. (these>good connection > bad connection)
cl_cmdrate 66.6
cl_interp 0.033
cl_interp_ratio 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_pred_optimize 2
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.01
cl_updaterate 66.6
rate 60000
(-tickrate 67)

I get a lerp of 33.3 (white), no packet loss, and little to no choke (around 0 - 7)

I would love if you could explain how each of these settings affect the game, cuz I've read quite a bit about how it works and the packets and everything but that doesn't help me much in this situation (can't quite understand how it actually affects the game itself).

Thank you for your time and help! :)

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Welp removing Killstreak symbol from killfeed. in Customization
HerganYou can't take that out I think, unless you edit the texture for the symbol.
"image"	"../hud/leaderboard_streak"

I got that from targetid.res, try locating that texture and making it transparent or something.

oh, ok, I'm not very experienced on this but what would be the place where it would be likely to find it?

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Welp removing Killstreak symbol from killfeed. in Customization

Hey, I've been messing with the kill feed a wee bit and I can delete the background which is great to greatly extend it cause it won't block half of my screen, but when I tried and remove the fonts to make it look like a "frag movie" lange made there still was that annoying ass killstreak symbol with no number attached to it.

I tried installing a font that only had numbers so it would display the ks number and not the names, which would have been great, but the hud seems to be fucking with me as it will, no matter what, use the previous fonts used in the "TextFont" (is case Cerbetica Bold), even if I freaking replace it everywhere it says "Cebetica Bold", god damn, I did my homework ;_;

So, that's it, now that I got screwed on that I'm looking for some god who can tell me how to take that outta der.

Thank you for your time and help c:

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization

For anyone who might need help I found this awesome page that will solve all your problems:

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization
eeevansI can't remember the specifics of how I managed to do it but I do have the .cfg files I used so you can take a look at them and experiment for yourself

Wow! I'm like a kid in a candy store dud. I really am gonna start using aliases. Thank you so much :D

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization
eeevansI did something with the developer mode a while ago that functioned quite well

I made it navigate the menus using the number keys and then had some other keys for going back or closing

That is exactly what I'm doing!
Help me I can't make paragraphs, it just writes EVERYITHING in a single line.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization
nopeThe 'soldier hurt' is just closed captions, that isn't what you want. The only thing i can think of that might help a little is the console parser that was made public recently, can someone link please. But you can't really use tf2 cvars to code anything very useful, there's no way to do 'if then' statements and the like. The console parser might help a little but I doubt you'll be able to do what you want in its entirety.

I'll probably end up using console filters as jarateking said but thank you! Looking forward to beginning with real coding soon. Even then I'm figuring you would have to code a server plugin of sorts to extract the data onto a 3rd party that would then do the amazing things we have here today? If you could link me to a beginner's guide on that I would appreciate a lot :)
Thank you for everything c:

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization
Geknaiirits called closed captions and it puts words on your screen when certain noises are made

also why would you use dat and that at the same time if youre gonna type like a 10 year old on social media at least be consistent with that

Thank you!
I thought that dat internet was free.

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization
JarateKingWith developer 1 you could just filter everything you don't want out of the console with con_filter_enable 1;con_filter_text "some text that only appears in your echoes".

You can also make your own captions that only appear with the console command cc_emit "whatever the caption's named" but captions are a fair bit trickier to set up than echoes, though they do look a lot nicer. Clovervidia's guide is pretty good for getting started with captions.
nopeThe 'soldier hurt' is just closed captions, that isn't what you want. The only thing i can think of that might help a little is the console parser that was made public recently, can someone link please. But you can't really use tf2 cvars to code anything very useful, there's no way to do 'if then' statements and the like. The console parser might help a little but I doubt you'll be able to do what you want in its entirety.There's some really roundabout ways to do if-then statements with aliases (null canceling movement script is the biggest and most basic example of this). I'm not really seeing where that'd be used in this so far though :B

Thank you :D
I might link my final work somewhere here.
Who knows, maybe some day I'll do something actually useful :)

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Need help with HUD callouts-like project. in Customization

If this is the wrong or if there's a better place to post this senpai me over where.
So, we've all seen that stupid(this is a complement because I like the word) HUD call out deal. My HUD knowledge is fairly limited.
I'm working on a neat numpad menu type of thing to load my different cfgs, quickly use chat binds without having trouble with keyboard space, and some more neat commands like reloadscheme etc..
It's basically just a bunch of folders with binds and echo's inside.
The way I'm currently displaying stuff on screen is by "developer 1" ing and echoing it to the console with a clean before.
But we all know that dat don't work because people keep dying and **** keeps getting spammed on the console.
No wait commands on this project as often servers fuck it up, so no timed clean and re-echo.
But then I thought of the huds that display "soldier hurt" and shiz like that. Can someone guide me through how that work pls? I really need to know as I'm getting into coding and another thing I'd like to do in the future would be a more complete and very accurate log-"maker" with how much damage I did to each player etc..

posted about 8 years ago
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