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Signed Up May 26, 2015
Last Posted November 6, 2017 at 2:55 PM
Posts 242 (0.1 per day)
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1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 16
#24 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic
JarlowAs an allosteric effector, Cl- binds to amylase and changes it's conformation(or shape), turning the enzyme from inactive to activate state.

ye this seems like what the question's looking for summed up well, thanks

posted about 6 years ago
#20 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic

as i said i googled for the answer and the only information i did end up finding was either just results of a case study that didn't help me at all or paragraphs that i didnt understand 90% of

nice edit from google to school resources u rly got me there!!! but as i also already said i wouldnt have time for that at this point hehe

posted about 6 years ago
#17 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic
ScrambledCallum - Today at 5:45 PM
It's a co-factor, dummies
Stabilises it, much like Iron ions stabilise haemoglobin
Is that kid a 1st year biochem student or something?

tell him thanks and ye im learning ok :(

posted about 6 years ago
#14 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic
reakochloride ions are only present in alpha amylase hope this helps

ye the question is on alpha only, but i didnt know how they were linked thanks tho

posted about 6 years ago
#13 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic
bknnigga idk what google you are using but when I copy and paste the title of this thread i get tons of links.

i actually went on that link but i only scrolled down to where he said he doesnt know why and clicked off without checking, probably should've made the effort to move my scrollwheel one more inch but oh well

thank you sir

posted about 6 years ago
#8 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic
Vulcanread ur textbook

ye i checked but there's nothing on it in there

posted about 6 years ago
#3 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic


posted about 6 years ago
#1 why do chloride ions enhance amylase activity in Off Topic

google didnt help and i only have you guys now

help this essay is due tommorow

posted about 6 years ago
#11 i have in The Dumpster

posted about 6 years ago
#1 do i self harm? in The Dumpster

sometimes when i get really ANGRY or sad i pinch myself on the bottom of the big toe

posted about 7 years ago
#58 ETF2L S26 W6: Lowpander vs. se7en in Matches


posted about 7 years ago
#7 free pornhub premium for v-day in Off Topic
cnsmYo i found a really nuts video featuring somebody from the tf2 community
Its called "young brit gets fucked by strong russian bears"
Show Content


posted about 7 years ago
#3 jarate in Off Topic

Awesome, but I have a question. Is Dell Conagher's (TF2 Engie's) dad "Fred" from the comic, or someone else entirely?
This is what appears to be a picture of Dell Conagher with his dad, at the very bottom of the image
This is the most recent picture of the TFC team in their prime, from the Catch-Up Comic
This is Fred, the TFC team's current Engineer
The two don't resemble each other at all. One's fairly fit, with fully functioning legs, the other is pretty fat with robo-legs. Granted, it could be they're the same person, and the fit version was just Fred in his prime. But all the other TFC Mercs in the Catch-Up Comic look pretty distinctly similar to their older selves we see in this new comic.
Except the Engineer.
Catch-Up Comic Engineer looks distinctly different from Fred, and all his teammates surrounding him. Note that in 2nd image, he's the only one not wearing camo fatigues and he looks as though he belongs more with TF2's art style. Furthermore, Fred doesn't seem to know anything about Australium or life-extender machines, which is something that any Conagher worth his salt would have at least heard of. Probably fairly safe to say that Dell Conagher's father was the original TFC Engineer. He did not (for whatever reason) come back to work for Grey Mann, just like the TFC Medic. The team solved this by hiring Fred, who's a good Engineer that simply doesn't have the depth of knowledge the Conagher family has. The one problem with this is that Virgil (Classic Sniper) says he's worked with Fred for years. Maybe put this down to Dell's dad retiring early and being replaced by Fred in the 40's or 50's?

posted about 7 years ago
#9 Gaming with a fractured wrist in Q/A Help

about a year ago i fractured my wrist and it was in a temporary cast for 2/3 weeks
i scrimmed less but for the most part it was fine and i still played tf2 a lot

it could be worse for you than me, and you should be cautious, but in all likelyhood youll be fine

posted about 7 years ago
#13 [Humor] Asshole Tips in The Dumpster

i dont mean to be rude but raise your fov

posted about 7 years ago
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