Account Details
SteamID64 76561198079761277
SteamID3 [U:1:119495549]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:59747774
Country Germany
Signed Up January 10, 2015
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 2:49 AM
Posts 459 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3
Windows Sensitivity 1
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Roccat Kone AIMO Remastered
Keyboard Sharkoon Skiller Pro
Mousepad Roccat Taito
Headphones Roccat Kave XTD
Monitor Zowie XL2411
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#10861 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#342 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

Rest in peace!
Never really talked or interacted with him directly but it was always great to catch his streams to see him play and have fun. Deepest condolences to his family and friends!

posted about 4 years ago
#6 pilotstyle123 jump guide blocked in TF2 General Discussion
sourcesniffi just put the title into a search engine with quotation marks around it and clicked on the bilibili link because I know its a chinese video siteis there anything special about Chinese video websites?

There are quite a few people simply reuploading videos from asian to western platforms and vice versa to increase the accessibility for different countries and since most big western labels and corporations aren't that active to block content on asian websites it's pretty possible to find some lost gems archived on platforms like that.
The infamous Marines fragvid for instance was recovered like that as well.

posted about 4 years ago
#39 make your ideal burger in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 4 years ago
#25 Redeye thinks TF2 should be an esport in TF2 General Discussion
ErrdumIf valve doesn't even make the default fov 90 after 12 years how can we expect them to make this game an esport

If Valve wanted to make tf2 an actual esport the fov would be locked to 70 to prevent people getting unfair advantages

posted about 4 years ago
#2 RGL S3 W1A: Ascent vs. froyotech in Matches
glasswhat classes are froyotech playing?


posted about 4 years ago
#1 down? in Q/A Help

It looks like the domain expired. Does anyone know who owned or maintained the site and if this is permanent or temporary?
I think it was a pretty good resource for newer players and it would be a shame if it was lost

Edit: Well, looks like we have this from 4 years ago:
Has it really been that long? And if yes seems to be down as well, what happened to that site?

posted about 4 years ago
#5 i need help with comp in my place. in TF2 General Discussion

I would've linked since it used to be a good resource for people new to this scene but it looks like the domain expired. Does anyone know who owned the site and if this being down is permanent?

Also since your profile sais that you're a spy main you might want to look out for the Highlander format, where teams consist of 9 players on each class. The more popular format 6v6 is usually played with 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo and 1 medic on each team, you can obviously try that out as well but if you want to play spy, highlander might be better for you.

80 ping isn't really that great but I've seen plenty of other people play with a somewhat higher ping so it might be a little annoying but shouldn't be that big of a problem as long as you're used to it.

I guess you can check out and play some lobbies to try the different formats out, just be aware that the players joining those games are somewhat random so the quality of the games might be varying.

posted about 4 years ago
#16 Friendlies are the most toxic part of tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
DolphinInTownTheMackey5Yeah right I really hate it when people decide to play the video game in a different way than me, that's truly unacceptable
I don't have a problem with people playing the game differently I have a problem when friendlies start to get mad and vote kick you just because "You KiLlEd A FrIeNdlY"

So you're getting mad at them because you don't want those people getting mad at you?

I agree it's annoying but so are you to them. It seems like you kinda want to stay on the servers but for what reason? Killing a bunch of friendlies isn't fun to anyone anyways (except you only do it because you actually want to make them mad or annoyed of course) so nothing of actual value is lost when you switch games.

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Friendlies are the most toxic part of tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah right I really hate it when people decide to play the video game in a different way than me, that's truly unacceptable

posted about 4 years ago
#1203 worst steam profile in Off Topic
eevvbuudscary how all of these play tf2
its eazy just ban everyone with rainbovv flag

Haha we hate the homogay am i right gamers? :DDD

posted about 4 years ago
#8 Looking for scrims in TF2 General Discussion

I guess when you're posting in the discord channels you could say that you're new to comp so it's more likely for other new open teams to contact you instead of teams which are more experienced.

Also if you found teams which are good to play against keep their leaders in your friend list so you can arrange some matches via direct messages instead of asking some "randoms" on discord

posted about 4 years ago
#28 ETF2L Website not working in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 4 years ago
#12 933 Days without an update in TF2 General Discussion
PumNow that all the half-life alyx stuff is kinda done the possibilities are there

I don't think that Half-Life Alyx is a big factor tbh. Valve is probably one of the videogame companies with the highest profit per employee ratios considering how much money they make while only having a few hundred people in their ranks. If Valve actually wanted to do something with TF2 there would always be possibilities to just hire 2 or 3 people more, it's not like Valve is a small indie-studio with limited resources.

posted about 4 years ago
#36 What would you commit your time to? in Off Topic

Realistically it's probably just playing some other video game or watching stupid memes and youtube videos since using time spent in entertainment in a more productive way is merely an illusion ignoring the reasons we ended up spending said time the ways we did. Also would that "more productive" path really be more enjoyable to yourself?

posted about 4 years ago
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