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Signed Up April 24, 2014
Last Posted October 27, 2017 at 6:46 PM
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#56 You can now change your name on twitch in Off Topic

Half my followers are already from when terry crews made his twitch account last year, changing it from terrycrewstf2 to terrycrewstv shouldn't make too much of a difference

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Lack of communication in pugs in TF2 General Discussion
yaugIn overwatch, I leave voice channel every game on my diamond smurf because diamond players are shit

I've played through 1800 - 4.3k in the last week on accounts and I've noticed that people under diamond are really fucking nice compared to diamond and up, it's pretty relaxing.

On topic, there is no real solution, if people don't want to talk then they won't talk. Play with a team if you want guaranteed communication

posted about 7 years ago
#38 I just found the most liked screenshot for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
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Honestly I miss the innocent pub days where I'd take screenshots like this all the time

posted about 7 years ago
#150 How old were you when you joined the community? in Off Topic
nanimal12. Now 17, and I don't play nearly as much as I used to :(

I thought you were closer to my age. I feel a little weird about seeing your nipple covered in american cheese on my stream now.

posted about 7 years ago
#104 How old were you when you joined the community? in Off Topic

Started playing casually on a friend's account at release when I was ~13. Started comp my senior year of HS, so 18. Now I'm 22

posted about 7 years ago
#11 enabling 144hz on my monitor in Hardware
dot_nigga I just spent all season using an hdmi cable with my 144hz monitor

The question is did you play better though

Because if so then the 144hz lives inside you

posted about 7 years ago
#31 need name for rocket launcher in Off Topic


You can be dumb like me

bonus points for doing this in the middle of a scrim or something

posted about 7 years ago
#39 Rice in Off Topic

I make coconut and chicken flavored rice because thai food is pretty awesome.

posted about 7 years ago
#91 Where do you work? in Off Topic

Was a fencing coach/referee in the tristate area last year. Head coach for a middle school team. Currently looking for internships for software dev positions over the summer.

posted about 7 years ago
#743 2016 election live results in World Events
jdmmustardoverlord12. If you don't believe that even children are legitimately anxious about the result of the election (not always accurately, ie "mommy will I be deported back to Puerto Rico?"), then you haven't been paying attention, or don't know a person of color.
I am upset about obvious exaggerations such as the examples I posted. I agree that this obviously impacts children and many of them have legitimate reasons to be concerned, but the fact is that many parents have blown this way out of proportion.

Can you really fault them completely though, considering trumps rhetoric?
His supporters took him seriously but not literally
Clinton supporters took him literally but not seriously

Not saying people don't blow him way out of proportion, but the majority didn't decide to do that all willy nilly

posted about 7 years ago
#700 2016 election live results in World Events
KonceptTERRYCREWSKonceptNext, explain how we would control China with "political and economic leverage" when they are our biggest rival. As far as I'm aware, a lot of products are being made by the Chinese because they can produce it for cheaper and all we have to do is cover shipping costs. But those jobs could easily be occupied by our own workers. Rebuild some factories and improve our highways and roads (which doing that puts people to work), and then there's a likely competition of who can produce better products.
I'm not a big fan of this argument. It makes sense, but you gotta also realize that in the near future AI and automation are gonna wipe out jobs much much more than illegal immigrants or whatever. Same thing has happened in the past:

- Factories used to be located in cities, up until developments in transportation/shipping allowed for cheaper prices by moving the factories into rural areas. Back then it was the rural people taking the jobs from the city folk, now it's China.
- The jobs left after automation takes over the simple workforce are all gonna require training, complexity that AI can't deal with (at least in the near future). Which basically means the uneducated/unskilled are fucked over either way, immigrant, chinese or not.
Sure, anti globalism is a good short term solution, but the issue at hand is really that technology is gonna fuck over cheap unskilled labor orders of magnitude more than global competitors

Fair enough. I didn't think much of AI initially but it does eliminate the "human error" element in production.

But I do feel that there is some place where the educated and unskilled here. Personally, I think that the rebuilding of our roads could be a fantastic place to start, since we don't have the machinery yet to fully automate the process available on a mass scale.

I remember I met a guy a few semesters ago that was in his late 40s and worked basically as the cleaner of stuff that went wrong, his biggest and most recent project being the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. However, it was after a disaster so it's not exactly like these kinds of people are needed 24/7 around the country.

I did a research paper on automation and AI in transportation last semester, with a focus on the self driving car industry, and a comparison with the effects of the Gutenberg printing press. Basically, those jobs that are going to be replaced (taxis, shipping, etc) are never going to be opened up again for human workers. This is going to happen in the next 20-40 years (semi-autonomous vehicles are happening now, fully autonomous within 15 or so years at current rate). However, replacing unskilled labor with automation also opens up resources to be used in higher level labor, R&D, and a bunch of other stuff - basically a better use of time and money. This in turn will theoretically be a net gain in many socioeconomic factors, most importantly education, but there are some nitpicky downsides (that I personally think don't come close to outweighing the positives) to the proliferation and integration of fully autonomous vehicles into society as well. We're living in a pretty cool transitional period, but I don't think the issue of globalism taking local jobs away will be as big an issue 30-40 years into the future.

Sorry, I'll clarify. I think if you want your opinions and thoughts to be taken seriously in a discussion, then you should try to sound like you have something important to say rather than going off on pointless tangents, especially since the topics at hand are already pretty high tension for a lot of people

posted about 7 years ago
#698 2016 election live results in World Events
Nub_DanishTERRYCREWSNub_DanishAI is gonna wipe us all out soon terry lets not worry about it taking away our jobs lets worry about it taking away our lives!!!!!
You know it doesn't help your arguments in this thread when you're being intentionally braindead
alot of people developing AI think it could kill us my dude stephen hawking, elon musk you know some p smart dudes my dude and many more

I never said you were wrong. It's just not pertinent to the discussion at hand, but I guess that was lost on you too

posted about 7 years ago
#695 2016 election live results in World Events
Nub_DanishAI is gonna wipe us all out soon terry lets not worry about it taking away our jobs lets worry about it taking away our lives!!!!!

You know it doesn't help your arguments in this thread when you're being intentionally braindead

posted about 7 years ago
#693 2016 election live results in World Events
KonceptNext, explain how we would control China with "political and economic leverage" when they are our biggest rival. As far as I'm aware, a lot of products are being made by the Chinese because they can produce it for cheaper and all we have to do is cover shipping costs. But those jobs could easily be occupied by our own workers. Rebuild some factories and improve our highways and roads (which doing that puts people to work), and then there's a likely competition of who can produce better products.

I'm not a big fan of this argument. It makes sense, but you gotta also realize that in the near future AI and automation are gonna wipe out jobs much much more than illegal immigrants or whatever. Same thing has happened in the past:

- Factories used to be located in cities, up until developments in transportation/shipping allowed for cheaper prices by moving the factories into rural areas. Back then it was the rural people taking the jobs from the city folk, now it's China.
- The jobs left after automation takes over the simple workforce are all gonna require training, complexity that AI can't deal with (at least in the near future). Which basically means the uneducated/unskilled are fucked over either way, immigrant, chinese or not.
Sure, anti globalism is a good short term solution, but the issue at hand is really that technology is gonna fuck over cheap unskilled labor orders of magnitude more than global competitors

posted about 7 years ago
#663 2016 election live results in World Events
dollarlayermustardoverlordYour post is literally bereft of logic. The liberal media painting Trump as the second coming of Hitler is the reason why some Trump supporters really are white supremacists? So either a) they were sitting around doing nothing, turned on CNN (lol already) and heard that Trump was a Nazi, and decided they wanted to back him without ever hearing him talk, or b) these racists have nothing to do with Trump, it's completely coincidental that they're popping up the day after election day, and the media is just pretending they're connected?
The election was a win for American independence and a middle finger for the globalist agenda, you are bound to have some racist come out of the closet on both ends.

I personally am seeing much more violent racists coming from the left than from anywhere else. Sure you have a handful of tweets and FB posts which show some "racist trump supporters" talking shit to immigrants and stuff, but they could entirely be fabricated because they lack any way of proving the legitimacy of the story.

But on the flip side we have multiple videos of minorities saying stuff like "he voted for trump lets get him" and beating the shit out of some white Trump supporter for no reason other than he is white and he voted for Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5RUv8z59EZA

Examples like this are as racist as you can get, and far exceed any of the racist words I've heard. Neither are justified, but actions are much worse than words in the case of racism.
mustardoverlord[most] people aren't protesting because they don't accept the validity of the election, they are protesting because it's the most valid channel of expression against a particular candidate and their goal is to foment a movement
the tea party did exactly the same thing in regards to obama and it helped lead to a wave of new candidates that never would have propagated otherwise

Please man show me videos of thousands of people in the streets rioting, settings things on fire, looting, destroying cop cars after Obama's victories. This kind of new age thuggery they are calling "protesting" is not protesting it is domestic terrorism.

I don't think it's a fair comparison given that the political climate back in 2008 was much more sane and toned down than it is now. A better comparison would be a hypothetical if Clinton won, what would Trump supporters do?

Spoilers: probably the same, if not worse since Trump insinuated he wouldn't accept the election results (ala 3rd debate). Shitty people on both sides, what a surprise

posted about 7 years ago
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