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Signed Up April 24, 2014
Last Posted October 27, 2017 at 6:46 PM
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#2 [KG] Konvict Gaming in Recruitment (looking for players)

Hey there,
I don't think this is the right section for your post. The tf.tv recruitment threads cater primarily to players looking for teams in ESEA. I'd recommend maybe the TF2 General Discussion thread, or the Off Topic thread.


posted about 8 years ago
#35 UGC bans picking up dropped mediguns in TF2 General Discussion

I think it's pretty obvious that the uber pickup mechanic is a method to increase the viability of pick classes in a smaller player size environment, like 6s. Makes perfect sense when you think about it that way, but it's lacking a few touches to make it a good mechanic. I 100% believe that this will not be the final result.

posted about 8 years ago
#1206 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
BSPEThird man stuff

He's already been banned on TF2C. UGC wise I'll speed it up a bit

posted about 8 years ago
#1196 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Rage Target no longer exists as a LMAObox feature.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Razer Arena adds TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

According to this: https://arena.razerzone.com/games/profile/tf2

The devs have been testing it for at least a month, but it doesn't look like they went above testing 5v5 team size with 1 player on each team. Thoughts?

posted about 8 years ago
#1127 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
Looking at his solly logs you provided, it is not very conclusive tbh. 32 AS is pretty good for ulti so not sure if he really was bad at aiming those rockets, especially since you got 12 but it does look like there were some subs so not quite sure.

I joined as the third sub in the match which explains why his logs would be a lot better than mine. His rocket aim wasn't as bad as his jumps/strafes but it was bad enough for me to beat him reasonably comfortably in the 2 rounds we played despite me not being a great solly. Compared to his scout/sniper logs his soldier play definitely would not seem to match that of someone consistently top damaging in his matches/getting such high accuracy.

Also, do you know him at all, your steam name has the clan tag that he plays a lot of his games on and your tf.tv name is the same as a name he used in one of his games.
Also, do you know him at all, your steam name has the clan tag that he plays a lot of his games on and your tf.tv name is the same as a name he used in one of his games.

They have each other added
Yeah, the clan i am in have played with him. Seemed kinda suspicious but i just nodded it off towards skill rather than hacks.

It's the same guy

You're fucking stupid
Do you understand what an IP is? Do you understand that people can track IPs?
Thank you for analyzing your own bad gameplay

posted about 8 years ago
#1112 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Pika08 91% sniper accuracy, 100 scatter, 96% shotgun.

His main http://steamcommunity.com/id/techstar9000/

Also he's banned from firepowered for aimbotting if that means anything to anybody

Uhh, not sure how you found that, but my checks return a different result.

main (Swordfish): http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198143559320

Previously mentioned, still cheating I guess. Will handle this soon-ish.

Firepowered had listed him as an alt of the profile I posted when they banned him

Guess he just has three accounts, then. The FP one must not have ever registered with TF2C or UGC. Good to know, thank you!

posted about 8 years ago
#1109 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

Pika08 91% sniper accuracy, 100 scatter, 96% shotgun.

His main http://steamcommunity.com/id/techstar9000/

Also he's banned from firepowered for aimbotting if that means anything to anybody

Uhh, not sure how you found that, but my checks return a different result.

main (Swordfish): http://www.ugcleague.com/players_page.cfm?player_id=76561198143559320

Previously mentioned, still cheating I guess. Will handle this soon-ish.

posted about 8 years ago
#1108 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
VipaI'd just like to announce to all of you that bo4r has been officially cleared by the UGC anti-cheat team and we will be keeping all four of our rightfully earned wins. We will be giving ALL of our POV demos to the admins for each match in the future to ensure that we continue to be in good standing with the league. I expect we'll soon see bo4r unbanned from Tf2center within a few days. Thanks, and lets all help UGC silver get back to discussing the sexual tendencies of dogs...

lol what
you're free to believe what you want
don't be upset if you're wrong though

posted about 8 years ago
#1053 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
NegysIts not even funny how obvious it is.
Name of hacker: EPIC
http://steamcommunity.com/id/EPICIAC/ STEAM_0:1:57073324


Obvious that it's an alt? 70%+ heals and fulltime kritz/vacc tends to result in good stats for heavy.

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Fury 2015 - Frag Video from AsiaFortress in Videos

Here is the roamer POVs from Fury's team for the merc cup grand finals that just finished earlier this year:
part 1: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/hLRRDo6IWCc/
part 2: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/zyO3JOa1gqA/
part 3: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/WTbVIcrfbm8/
part 4: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/NSFQmu89Jt4/
part 5: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/vsunH2Yk4U0/

Don't worry about the website, tudou (potato) is basically the Chinese Youtube.
I wouldn't advise having volume on very high, since all the comms are in Mandarin, and they have the worst comms of literally any team I've ever seen. Sounds worse than a HL team's comms, and that's saying something. They don't really call damage, don't have a maincaller, like to yell stuff like "watch your ass/watch x location" 50x, and in fights they usually just yell "keep fighting!!!" instead of stuff like focuses or position. Boggles my mind that they comm so terribly, yet have amazing coordination (or so people say).

On second thought, it's pretty funny to listen to.

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Fury 2015 - Frag Video from AsiaFortress in Videos
mustardoverlordValmustardoverlordtorritdamn this kid might have better shotgun aim than kaptain
10/10 frags, pants=jizzed

ok u are definitely going too far

this guy's ok, frags like 7/10, but to say he is better than this

is ridic
his post was retarded, but there's no reason to call the video 7/10...

fury is by far the best soldier in Asia, this frag vid doesnt properly illustrate how much of an impact he has on every single game. He is much more than just another european DM hero.

he could very well be the best soldier in Asia but:

a) if the video doesn't illustrate his impact well then that's a knock on the video to an extent

b) asian tf2 is REALLY far behind the na, eu or even au scene

I'm actually in HK right now, playing with some D1/2 peeps. Most of the teams here seem to copy EU strats, but I'll let you know more about relative skill levels when I play more with them.

posted about 8 years ago
#943 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion

I really don't understand why you think that's a good idea. Here's my reasoning.
If an account IP matched with a cheater, chances are (through the data that's accumulated over time) that the account is an alt. Maybe 1/100 isn't, from what I've seen. Like I said, there have been only two cases that I recall in the past 6+ months where the matched account is actually someone different.

Let's assume that of this sample of 100 banned cheaters, 99/100 have legitimate alts (not IP matches with another person). Without an IP ban, we'd be forced to go look through 99 accounts and manually ban all of them. With the IP ban, the 1/100 that is unfairly banned (due to blanket IP ban) can just send in 1 unban request. 99 accounts to manually check, compared to 1 unban request, which isn't particularly hard to write up. Do you see the issue now? It's much easier to process, and more beneficial to the rest of the community that has no association with cheaters, since the ban is instant.

Do you remember Mittens, the Gold pyro caught for cheating a few weeks back? Last night I banned an alt of hers on TF2C that bypassed the IP ban using a VPN. How did I find it? At some point she had logged into TF2C without using the VPN, which was tracked. In the worst case scenario, she only did this once, and by accident. If we didn't do IP tracking, then she would have gotten off for free, and continued playing - and possibly cheating - on the alt for much longer. Instead, I caught and banned her within 5 lobbies. It only worked out quickly because I happened to be in the same lobby as her, and usually check related accounts of players with under 500 hours. If I hadn't played that night, who knows how long she could have continued playing lobbies. IP bans are absolutely necessary considering the size of TF2C.

The decision to place IP bans is based on the benefits to the majority rather than the minority. You want us to check the vast, vast majority of cases where they're guilty as charged instead of the 1 case where they aren't? With a userbase of 100k+ players, 440k+ lobbies played, using the TF2C staff of less than 20? There's maybe 3-4 people even in the Admins who I'd trust for accurate AC review, which would be required to go with your option. It'd take orders of magnitude longer to make sure every cheater is banned for good.

This is the issue with the current UGC AC stuff. Few resources, and we don't blanket IP ban cheaters, so everything is done manually. This ensures that much fewers mistakes are made, but the result is that things progress at a snail's pace. UGC has almost 10x less active players than TF2C, and with an AC team of roughly the same size. Are people happy with the pace of UGC AC? Obviously not, myself included. Thankfully, most cheaters can only make an impact once or twice a week, and so the pace is very slightly more acceptable.

The moral of the story is that, if you want to check and make sure every account with an IP match is unrelated, then you will have to process much more information. It takes away from other crucial services, and also negatively affects the playing experience of legitimate players. For a site that is based on efficient and quick competitive play, this is simply unacceptable.

I've been on both sides of this particular problem. At one end, there's UGC meticulously checking every account with an IP match. At the other, TF2C with the blanket IP bans. Are the results of either perfect? Definitely not. Is there a better option given the current situations? I 100% believe that there isn't. It's a case of a necessary, but definitely lesser, evil.

Wareya, I'd like to hear what you think regarding what I've said. AC in any league matters a lot to me, and I'm fortunately in a position where I can do something to make them better. We might differ in opinion now, but I have no doubt that we both want to see cheaters banned and prevented from interacting with honest players.

posted about 8 years ago
#939 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
saamif i goto a lan do i become an alt of everyone there

You'd have to all use TF2C to get an IP match with everyone
I specifically said that all the IP match proves is that you had the same IP at some point, not that you're automatically an alt. We've literally caught dozens, if not hundreds of ban evaders by doing IP checks, and I can only think of two cases where two IP matched players were not actually the same person. It's simply too useful, and there is no other substitute for the information it provides.

I haven't looked into it, but if Atrocity is unable to login on TF2C, it just means that the IP ban is working.

posted about 8 years ago
#931 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
wareyaif a single use of the same ip is enough to mark you as an alt I want new admins

I never said IP match means the accounts are alts - only that they have a connection. In 95% of cases, it does usually end up being alts. But for places like Canada, where IPs are recycled fairly often, and Singapore, where you can see literally dozens of people with the same IP, it doesn't provide much. So yes, kKaltuu made a mistake assuming Atrocity and Yuri, but the protocol has always been to ban based on IP matches.

So how would you propose we track people who use alts to circumvent bans, if not through IP checking? I don't see any solution other than relying on what people say, and that's a pretty terrifying and stupid idea.

posted about 8 years ago
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