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SteamID64 76561198025102049
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:32418160
Country Germany
Signed Up August 25, 2012
Last Posted November 24, 2013 at 4:37 AM
Posts 205 (0 per day)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 14
#153 [HUD] HUDAS Iscariote - first beta release in Customization
QuartzEDIT: I forgot to add this to the changelog:

- Added status icons for Marked for Death, Bleeding and Milked below HP

You said that you're gonna give me credit for that :(
Either way I love your hud and I love beta testing it <3 Keep it up man

posted about 10 years ago
#5 New Keyboard in Hardware
JackyLegsIf you do want to get a gaming keyboard, I would say a Noppoo Choc Mini, Microsoft Sidewinder X6, ThermalTake Meka, Razer Blackwidow (really expensive), I'm pretty sure all of them are over your price range, so just ignore what I wrote and look at what I wrote above.
Also, just the Sidewinder X6 has actually a volume control.

Why would you want to get a >gaming< keyboard? They're overpriced and mostly shitty

posted about 10 years ago
#87 QuakeCon 2013 August 1-4 in LAN Discussion

So I stayed up until 3 am because I really wanted to watch the finals. It's 4:30 am now, I'm tired as shit and I have no idea for how long this nonsense will continue so I'm gonna go to bed now. I hope i can find the VOD up somehwere when i wake up today. I <3 quakecon

posted about 10 years ago
#6 How to use multiple HUD crosshairs. in Customization

Also works with broesel's crosshair switcher if anyone is using that here.


alias scout_primary       "small; yellow; cross; off; hud_achievement_tracker 1"
alias scout_secondary     "small; yellow; cross; off; hud_achievement_tracker 0"
alias scout_melee         "small; yellow; cross; 90; hud_achievement_tracker 0"
posted about 10 years ago
#14 Connect with your father in prison in Off Topic
Bolsheviklol this is the guy who made the "my mom is scared" thread. how'd you go from that to this?


posted about 10 years ago
#8 Connect with your father in prison in Off Topic

Ofcourse the girl on the picture has to be black... lel society

posted about 10 years ago
#45 2v2 MGE Tournament in TF2 General Discussion
the301stspartanlanskyfor real this time
... is this legal?

Dw Lansky is shit :3

posted about 10 years ago
#14 The Breaking Bad Mythbusters special leaked. in Off Topic
ehFkFor anyone wondering I am pretty sure the super acid they used is triflic acid.

Non. It's Piranha solution. Jamie basically tells you at the end when he says "lots of hydrogen and oxygen"

posted about 10 years ago
#6 The Breaking Bad Mythbusters special leaked. in Off Topic

I absolutely love you for posting this here

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Badlands is fixed. in TF2 General Discussion

-Ended the Mann Co. Store summer sale.
-The Summer Claim Check is now a rare drop.
-Medics using the Quick-Fix will now take jump force from Pyros using the Detonator to explosive jump.
-Fixed a client crash related to missing particle systems.
-Fixed a server crash when entering Sudden Death mode with only melee weapons.
-Fixed players sometimes being damaged by doors when they are closing.
-Fixed soccer/beach balls sometimes blocking Payload carts and trains.
-Fixed paint can icons not showing the Red/Blue colors correctly.
-Fixed the Loch-n-Load gun sight not drawing in the correct place.
-Fixed the Bonk Boy model using the incorrect normals.
-Updated Cp_Badlands and Koth_Badlands.
-Opened the windows around the center point.
-Smoothed player clipping around doorways.


posted about 10 years ago
#17 Mousepad, help me choose one. in Hardware

The goliathus is awesome. I have the speed and the control edition but imo the control edition feels better (For both high and low sens)

posted about 10 years ago
#254 post your desktop in Off Topic

posted about 10 years ago
#33 Auctioning off some of my signed weapons in TF2 General Discussion


blaze Rocket Launcher $50 , Omni
boomer Shotgun $35, Mangachu
dummy Stickybomb Launcher $20, Omni
clockwork Pistol $35 , TMA
Yz50 Scattergun $20, scrab
mesr Medigun $30 , Scoots

posted about 10 years ago
#64 What you bought? in Off Topic

Dishonored so far

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Good steam skins? in Other Games
yukiCheers. It's some in-joke word that my friend and I made up when we were in elementary school. Can't remember what it means anymore, but it was pronounced "bum-zool".

Fun fact. Don't even think that email exists anymore either. Stopped using it in ~04/05 when I got my gmail beta invite.

Just sayin'

posted about 10 years ago
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