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Signed Up June 5, 2013
Last Posted June 30, 2024 at 2:03 AM
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#22 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion

What if he was just in a flow state?

posted 3 weeks ago
#11 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion
springrollsI know ur ass was sweating for a second there

posted 4 months ago
#9 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion
r4ve_it has happened 4 times since it has been implemented, first with WG in s6, then on lan froyo was knocked into lower bracket and came back in grands, G6 was also knocked into lower bracket s11 and came back, and most recently last season s13 froyo was knocked into lower bracket by WG. It is kinda lame but it makes winning UBF actually important

Froyo doing it doesn't really count

posted 4 months ago
#5 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion
HamiPick/ban advantage might make better viewing, but I'd wager a lot of those times it will just end up 3-0 or 3-1

At least we'd get to see 3 maps though

HamiYou should be rewarded with a significant advantage for not losing a WHOLE SERIES in playoffs.

The reward is you get to be comfy for the rest of that day, plus an extra map pick is plenty advantage especially if they're the better team anyways

posted 4 months ago
#1 bo5 w/ map advantage in TF2 General Discussion

Anyone else find this format super lame/anticlimactic to watch? I see the lower seed go down a map and I'm pretty much instantly tuned out. Pretty sure the only time the lower seed team has climbed back is witness in s6? Surely the upper team could get some sort of pick/ban advantage that wouldn't make things so 1 sided.

Only advanced and invite 6s use this format as far as I know, even highlander does multiple best of 3's if the lower seed wins the first one. Always liked that format from a viewer perspective.

posted 4 months ago
#2 what map!??!?!?!?! in Q/A Help


posted 4 months ago
#8 wat song is stuck in yr head rn in Music, Movies, TV

sticking out your gyat for the rizzler

posted 9 months ago
#138 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#68 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#24 any interest in an ETF2L top 100 players? in TF2 General Discussion
29 Happicool

At least I made it onto the EU list

posted about a year ago
#21 presidential roster in Off Topic

Everyone sleeping on the Obama roamer, bro has experience with drone strikes

posted about a year ago
#14 RGL S11 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Litrono hate, just wondering why this rule is being ignored here


posted about a year ago
#35 Time to vote on the 8th in World Events

posted about a year ago
#30 TF2 player vocabulary in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#32 tf2 outlived overwatch in Other Games
capnnofapn it even has mei and now kiriko but i still don't wanna play it!

get a load of this libertarian

posted about a year ago
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