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Last Posted July 16, 2018 at 4:55 PM
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#47 ELEAGUE Atlanta 2017 Major in CS2 General Discussion

good series

posted about 7 years ago
#43 trump's muslim ban in World Events
Nub_Danishhow does it come out to 2 where does this math come from 9/11 alone was 3k and people injured would also could as victims of the terror attack

Ooh, let me do the all lowercase, no punctuation gimmick to convey that I don't care!

it literally says 10-year average right in the graphic sorry for coming off confrontational i didnt realize i was arguing with a blind person on the internet

posted about 7 years ago
#39 trump's muslim ban in World Events
Nub_Danish hmmmmm where exactly does this 2 number come from

The site you list doesn't say whether the perpetrator was an American citizen or not. Not sure how what you're trying to use it to say, since the 144 people over what, 14 years comes out to almost exactly the number in the chart when you add immigrants and non-immigrants.

Getawhaleyou're right, even the most generous math gives more than two, even when you exclude 9/11 as an outlier, but i doubt the importance/significance/purpose of the chart he posted. we get it, americans shoot other americans. so in other words, that graph isn't really a compelling thing to look at or consider.

The point is that the threat to Americans from refugee terrorist attacks is miniscule compared to, say, disastrous consequences of lax gun safety laws. Trumps campaign promise (and, now, policy measure) to ban muslims/refugees from entering the country is not only disgusting from a humanitarian standpoint (today, many Syrian refugees are held up in Turkey, where they aren't allowed to work and have trouble accessing heathcare and education services), but also when you consider that these unfounded allegations deepen the distrust between ethnic and religious communities in the US. It's hard to deny that they're the result of a deeply racist worldview.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Powerline Adapter Recomendations in Q/A Help

I'm using a Linksys model right now and haven't had any problems. The listed price is out of your range, but I'd recommend getting a used device anyway, no matter what brand you decide on - its not like there's any sort of fragile microelectronics in these things.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Timing items instead of banning them in TF2 General Discussion

You do realize that a CaC scout being 'focused like a med during a krits uber', ie bombed on with everything youve got, puts your team into shitty positions, gets you nothing but a scout pick at best and facilitates the enemy team pushing into you with a positional advantage that more than negates the scout you may or may not have killed? The entire reason kritz works is that if you do manage to get their medic during the uber, and you haven't lost too many players, you have a good chance of hunting down the remaining enemy team with your heals advantage.

The essential problem with currently banned weapons is that theyre incredibly unfun to play against and/or force the entire team to play around them if run by the enemy, with minimal commitment on their part. Nobody is going to think the Gunslinger is suddenly a valuable addition to the game just because you know you'll only have to endure it for x more minutes.

EDIT: I swear I didn't +frag myself

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Help with weapon reflectivity in TF2 General Discussion

when i want a more reflective weapon i usually just switch to pyro

posted about 7 years ago
#35 pee in Off Topic

So this looks dumb as hell. However before you guys start getting riled up about the diabolical mainstream media and the left's supposed flood of 'fake news' again, every report I've seen stated that the source was very flimsy right in the headline, which shows hell of a lot more journalistic standards than the standard far-right 'news' outlets will ever have. If the Russians have blackmail material on Trump now or in the future, I doubt it'll involve sex shit anyway, it'd most likely be something on the business side like blatant corruption in his international dealings.

Also lol at the guy sperging out about infowars upthread, how can anyone listen to Alex Jones for more than a minute and not realize he's conning confused idiots out of their money. I can't wait to whip out my RADStickers ( next time I suspect I'm receiving a 10 Sv dose of radiation.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 Any good free games? in Other Games

Since you enjoy TF2, I'm going to assume you get off on bad graphics. So I'd recommend you check out the following:

-ADOM (roguelike)
-Battle for Wesnoth (TBS)
-Dwarf Fortress (Warning: this game causes autism, do not play unless you don't mind having dreams about the best ways to deliver minecarts full of weapons unto your enemies. It's basically Elder God Minecraft)

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Any way to remove the laser dot from sniper scope? in Customization

play ambassador spy

posted about 7 years ago
#615 2016 election live results in World Events
dollarlayerThere is no such thing as jobs that "American's don't want to do." Just like any job market in the free world if a job is shit and no one wants it then they raise wages until someone wants it, or find another way to solve the problem (e.g. build a robot or automate the work). Case and point.... Last I checked cows were mostly milked by machine in this country....

So you're admitting that the whole deportation thing isn't actually about freeing up jobs for American workers. Because all it'll do is make the business that relied on them close down.

posted about 7 years ago
#26 Rip Tagg in Off Topic

tf2 community is 12 year olds and people who have never moved on from being 12, of course they think racism is an epic meme.

posted about 7 years ago
#392 2016 election live results in World Events
KonceptSearchlightWelp, guess we should just hand over the Baltic states to Putin now; it'll be less painful that way.
If that stops any possible conflicts between us and the russians, that wouldn't be a bad idea since I've heard that it hasn't exactly been smooth sailing between us and russia

Sure, let them have Poland too, and while we're at it, I remember something about East Germany...

posted about 7 years ago
#387 2016 election live results in World Events

Welp, guess we should just hand over the Baltic states to Putin now; it'll be less painful that way.

The upside is that since the US aren't going to be in need of competent economists for the next couple of years, maybe our universities can get a few good hires in.

posted about 7 years ago
#1068 Donald Trump in World Events
SpaceCadetI don't think that map includes all the possible votes.

Yeah I don't know enough about the districts.

posted about 7 years ago
#1065 Donald Trump in World Events
Nub_Danishvote for trump boys if he wins they'll just kill him off and you can get a new president after hes dead
if you vote hillary your stuck with her

Pence might honestly be even worse than Trump, if only because Pence isn't as utterly incompetent.

posted about 7 years ago
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