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Signed Up January 28, 2014
Last Posted November 21, 2017 at 12:30 PM
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#172 Muma/FROYO i58 AMA in TF2 General Discussion
MumaMiserable. I hate flying. How badly my ears hurt is enough to make me never want to travel by plane ever again.

For the ears thing I would recommend yawning a bunch while taking off and while descending. I've heard chewing gum also helps but I have no idea about that.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 koth_avalanche in Map Discussion

Firstly the console is very angry at me.

I'm no map expert, but I feel like the map as a whole is extremely big. It almost feels like a jump map. There is an absurd amount of ground to cover to get from spawn to the point, making it in general difficult to rotate as a team. The maze-like nature of the mansion and the several dropdowns exacerbate this.

And the area around the point is massive, yielding sightlines such as these ones from the roof thing. Also backing up from the point, there is only one easy exit if you're not explosive jumping. Scouts can reach the top-left part but that requires them to get past a jumping puzzle in the form of crates. The right-side snowbank is deceivingly difficult to climb up, which means the roof is only a real escape route if you're already on the snowbank.

Also there's that entire underground rocket area, not sure what to say about that. The sign that says "<= ROCKET" probably means there's a rocket in that vault, but honestly it just confused me for a few seconds as I turned left and ran into a wall. I'd prefer a sign that directs me to the control point -- maybe I'm just stupid but the first time I navigated the underground area I ended up in the other team's base and had no clue where the point was.

Other miscellaneous things:
Not sure how I feel about being able to jump over this
I can imagine these things becoming a nuisance

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Playdemo command doesn't work with demo support in Q/A Help

I think the command is

ds_dir <your tf folder>
posted about 7 years ago
#11 Gamemode opinions? in Map Discussion
TwiggyI would like to see a koth map in 6s that isn't viaduct. Just try to make one with a spire as the cap point.


posted about 7 years ago
#19 best sodas/pops in Off Topic

truktruk's favorite

posted about 7 years ago
#23 Announcing the Insomnia58 broadcast crew powered by! in News
STOGEI really don't know how to feel about how far Bren has come so quickly, what started out as a simple joke... "You should cast if you like your own voice so much" actually became reality. Seeing twitch chat go crazy about this guy I've just fucked around in games with for almost 2 years is crazy man.

Whether it's because casters are in short supply, or if you guys genuinely love "Mr Hype" himself, it's just crazy thinking about how renowned he is so quickly.

I just hope none of you guys are gonna come up for autographs or any shit because I don't know how I'm gonna deal with that lmfao.

First time I remember him casting was when he replaced Hafficool after Hafficool refused to say more than two words at a time. That was an interesting cast.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 TF2 ADS (aim down sights) pack in Customization

I modified the script in the OP a bit to add an animation, zoom, and lowered sensitivity because I thought it would be cool. The main thing is that the animation uses the "wait" command so it wouldn't work unless sv_allow_wait_command was on.

posted about 7 years ago
#51 Ready Steady Pan could have a season 3 in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#3 need help with config.cfg reseting itself in Customization

I had this problem for the longest time, whenever I closed TF2, config.cfg would just reset to however far back it wanted; I'm guessing it has something to do with Steam Cloud. I just ended up putting anything I wanted changed in my autoexec so at least my changes would be applied while I was playing.

I think I fixed it a few days ago by deleting everything in my cfg folder (back up your important configs of course), then starting TF2 with -autoconfig (and then remove -autoconfig after this), and then just manually changing all my settings to how I want them.

posted about 7 years ago
#64 Sideshow's last stream (AKA Sideshow memorial) in TF2 General Discussion

sideshow's stream ends and so does my life FeelsBadMan ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\.

posted about 7 years ago
#17 New 6v6 Voice Lines in TF2 General Discussion

Seven minutes of Scout lines but couldn't get some grunts for the Shortstop FailFish

posted about 7 years ago
#258 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion
nobelharvardsThe built in P-REC (Demo Support) new "tournament matches only" mode (ds_enable 3) starts recording from the moment you join a tournament server, not when both teams ready up.

Gotta record pre-match frags...

posted about 7 years ago
#173 MAJOR TF2 update for 7/7/16 (Meet Your Match) in TF2 General Discussion
hurrykannI am so happy about the matchmaking part finally being out, but they still haven't fixed the biggest issue that most people who have Intel GPU+Nvidia GPU and uses the Optimus solution. The game starts to leak, memory leak...Most people will see
id color format! ShaderAPIDX8::CreateD3DTexture: Invalid color format!
spamming all over the console while being in a matchmaking game, it's been like this during beta and still not addressed. I hope they will eventually sort it out, because otherwise many people will suffer with unbearable FPS problems, since it just leaks and frames will start to crawl down to sub 20.

I've had this problem since the beta and I didn't know what it was. I also didn't know anyone else who had it. Is there any workaround to it?

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Low-Spec FPS Games? in Other Games
sage78Frets on Fire is pretty fun and can run on a toaster
basically guitar hero with a keyboard, it sounds a little silly but actually works really well and you can import GH or RB songs or custom made ones

Well the OP said FPS games which I assume in this case means first-person shooters but if you mention Frets on Fire I think I should mention Phase Shift which is pretty much FoF except better (it has drums and stuff).

Not sure performance-wise but it definitely runs a lot better for me than TF2.

posted about 7 years ago
#152 Update speculation in TF2 General Discussion
Huckif u constantly bomb your own medic it helps him stay alert and vigilant

"Soldier jumping our med... oh wait it's me"

posted about 7 years ago
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