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Last Posted April 17, 2017 at 11:27 AM
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#4155 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Ok so I kinda have a new question:
How can I remove the white cross around my health number when I'm over healed and instead just have the numbers change color?

posted about 7 years ago
#4154 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

How can I add a health cross (one with numbers next to it, not inside) to an existing HUD and make it fit in size and position?
I'm currently using a slightly costumized m0reHUD where I changed the fonts and I'm really happy with it, so I don't want to change to a completely different HUD just to get the health cross.
But I feel like having a health cross helps with instantly seeing how much health you got left, because you don't have to read the number an can just see how full the cross is.
I'd like to use something like the health cross in broeselhud_blue, with a flashing red or white cross around the base cross when you get below 50% or over 100% health.
So basically I'd like to steal that existing cross and fit it into my HUD and not create my own cross from scratch if that's possible.

EDIT: Just had an idea: m0reHUD has this blinking transparent cross around the health number when you are over healed (white) or under 50% (red).
Would it maybe be possible to have this transparent cross all the time (not just when over healed or hurt) and chance size according to your health%?
Like have it white and not blinking when you're between 50 and 100%, getting smaller and smaller as you go towards 50% and turn red when you go below 50% and get bigger and turn blue when you have over 100%?
Would be awesome if this was possible.

EDIT2: Nevermind, figured it out by myself.
Just changed "HealthDeathWarning" to "1.00" in HudPlayerHealth.res so the red cross shows up as soon as you take 1 damage or more and also increased "HealthBonusPosAdj" by a bit so the cross grows more as you lose health.
Then opened HudAnimations.res and lowered the alphas of "HudHealthDyingPulse" to make the cross more transparent and also made both alphas the same value so the cross doesn't pulse/blink any more.
So basically what I have now is a very transparent and non-pulsing (so it doesn't get in the way and isn't distracting) red cross that shows up as soon as I drop below 100% health and steadily increases in size as my health goes towards 1%. It's really tiny at 99% and gets pretty big at 1% to alert me that I'm close to dying.

Really happy with how this turned out and that I was able to figure it out by myself so quickly.
Pretty much exactly what I was going for and I actually like it more than just having a regular solid health cross next to the number.

posted about 7 years ago
#66 Rate Current Map Pool in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#3 Engineer Scripting in Customization

I think if you want to destroy and then rebuild with just one keypress you need:

alias "+sentry" "destroy 2"
alias "-sentry" "build 2"

alias "+dispenser" "destroy 0"
alias "-dispenser" "build 0"

alias "+entrance" "destroy 1"
alias "-entrance" "build 1"

alias "+exit" "destroy 3"
alias "-exit" "build 3"

bind f1 +sentry
bind f2 +dispenser
bind f3 +entrance
bind f4 +exit

Pressing F1-4 destroys the building, letting go of the key builds a new one.

posted about 7 years ago
#101 m0re hud in Customization

Could you maybe include a customization file with different fonts?
The fonts are the only thing I don't like about this HUD :(

posted about 7 years ago
#5270 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Mutehave been editing m0rehud black to my liking for a day or 2
normal health and ammo
low hp
low ammo
damage and hit marker
scoreboard (edit of waves ui scoreboard)

Could you give me a DL link for the file(s) needed to change the fonts?
m0reHUD is probably my favorite HUD, except I absolutely hate the fonts with different size letters.


Wow that's pretty awesome TFTV should start using this ASAP!

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Particle Limitation Pack in Customization
wsorry for bumping this but i just benchmarked using preset 3 (dead particles) and i went from 190 to 210 fps

is there still any potential for this to get updated. if it did it could do wonders

also whats the difference between this and the light particles vtf?

Pretty sure this doesn't work on sv_pure 1/2 servers, right?

posted about 7 years ago
#69 We seriously need more koth and a/d maps. in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_You have clearly misconstrued my point so I will try and make it more clear.

The amount of points or objectives the map or game mode has in it has zero to do with what I am talking about. It could be a single cap point or it could be a DOM game with 30 caps, the number does not matter. All I am talking about is how the base game flows, and in CS, much like KOTH it is have better aim then the other dudes. Now this is not an accurate statement because all of TF2 is just have better aim and you will win more fights, but the way KOTH presents itself makes it much more action oriented then 5cp is.

My point also was not that KOTH is a better game mode to play, my point was that KOTH gives a better spectator experience then 5cp does, and because of that it is objectively a better game mode to stream and produce for, nothing more than that.

The basic rules of 5cp are very hard for new people to understand, you don't see it because you have been playing them for a long time but understanding ammo management, buffs, uber management and positioning are all very complex game mechanics that people that do not play will not get. Now add the fact that there are two locations that you need to watch. KOTH on the other hand presents itself as shoot the other guys until they die and you get the point, no stalemates because of the round timer. The action keeps up and it is easier to follow because there are no flanks, but at the same time there is a large complexity as to the positioning of players and how to play around advantages. I am not going to argue about koth vs. 5cp for what is more complex because that is a waste of time. At low levels koth is a DM fest and at high levels KOTH is the most strat oriented map.

Ok first of all:

Tino_ basic rules of 5cpTino_ ammo management, buffs, uber management and positioning

Those are not the basic rules of 5cp.
The basic rules are:
You stand on a point for a bit you get the point.
You get all 5 points you win the round.
You win more rounds than the enemy in 30 minutes you win the game.
It doesn't get much simpler than that.
The things you named are not basic and they're not rules either.
Plus they apply to koth aswell.

The other thing you said is how koth is more action oriented than 5cp (which is true)
and that that makes it more like CS (which I don't agree with at all).
In CS there's A LOT of times when no real action happens, nobody is shooting, maybe someone throws a flash or a smoke, takes a quick look onto a bomb site then goes back and sometimes teams (attacking) just flat out let the clock run down until there's barely enough time left for them to plant the bomb (I remember Na'Vi was known to play like this).
I'd argue that there's a lot more 'dead time' in CS than there is in 5cp.
I also think that that's also one of the big reasons CS is so popular.
Watching a bunch of guys shooting each other in the face non stop get's dull pretty quickly, because the viewer can't really put himself into the players mind and and try to figure out what he's thinking, why he's doing what he's doing.
It's just he sees a guy, he points at him, he shoots over and over again and that's just not intellectually challenging at all.
It's exciting as a player, because it's your hands doing it, but for a viewer it get's pretty boring.
So it's during those slower moments in a match where the viewer can really see and follow a players thought process, the stuff that goes beyond just pointing and clicking and isn't purely reactive and muscle memory.
Those slow moments emphasize the importance of the action that'll happen next and get's you invested in the outcome of the next gun fight and makes it more interesting than just seeing gun fight after gun fight and knowing each of them of them doesn't matter as much because the next one will happen right after.

Think of other popular eSports. Most of them have slower phases. In Dota2/Lol the teams don't just go at each other right away, they first level up or whatever they do (don't really know shit about those games, jsut know that players kill bots first to level their characters) or something like Starcraft where players first build their armies/bases for a while and it's not constant fighting, but theirs a built up.
Or Quake. It happens a bunch that players just leave each other alone for long-ish periods of time until they are both happy with their stacks or that one player flat out tries to hide from the other guy because he wan't to keep his lead and let the clock run out.
In none of those games people are crying about stalemates and complaining that there are some slower moments and not non stop action.

I think one big reason FPS games traditionally weren't as big in terms of eSports is that they often lack strategic dept that is visible to the viewer, because the rest of it really comes down to pointing and clicking, which is fun as a player, but doesn't really get you involved as much as a viewer.
And that's one thing that CSGO does right. Because it's a slow paced game as far as FPS go, where you have a build up to the action and can really see the thoughts that go into what players are doing.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Trying to optimize tf2 in Customization
Archinator surfaceproperties, no soundscapes, no hats or hat effects, low particles mod, clean tf2 and complete phongless pack.

Could you maybe give me links where i can download all of those?
I'd like to try them but having a hard time finding updated working versions.
Gonna try your config later.

posted about 7 years ago
#34 What are your favorite scripts? in TF2 General Discussion
PoliphobiasopsRentQNsopsbind q "slot1;slot2;slot1" or something and a resupply bind
I think with "slot1; slot2" you can switch back and forth between your secondary and primary?
No idea what that extra ";slot1" would be good for.

the extra slot1 is there so when you have a melee out and you press q it will go to your slot 1 and not your slot 2

IIRC isn't it a bit more complicated? I made my own way back then and it was something like this:

//weapon switch script
bind q "one"
alias one "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0; bind q two"
alias two "slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80; tf_use_min_viewmodels 1; bind q one"
bind e "slot3;r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80; tf_use_min_viewmodels 1; bind q one"

Slot2;slot1 works perfectly.
You only need your script if you want different viewmodels for slot1 and slot2.
But in that case I'd use
alias "s1" "slot1;r_drawviewmodel 0; viewmodel_fov 0"
alias "s2" "slot2;r_drawviewmodel 1; viewmodel_fov 80"
bind "key" "s2;s1"

I don't like having binds in my aliases.
Makes it harder to change binds, because you have to go into the aliases and chance multiple binds there instead of just changing one bind in the console in-game.

posted about 7 years ago
#60 We seriously need more koth and a/d maps. in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_RentQN5cp is SO much more fun to watch than koth imo.
Koth is basically just one big DM.
Sure, there's teamplay elements to it and it's a lot more complicated than just DM, but the spectator sees a lot less of the strategic elements than in 5cp.
In 5cp there's back and forth with the points, a team can push the other teams last, lose the push and the other team uses the advantage to roll all the way to the other teams last. That's exiting and interesting to see. So are backcaps or to see if a team that just won mid pushes for second or holds mid first and if the team that lost mid defends second or just turtles last.
In koth all you see is both teams running into each other again and again and the team that gets more kills gets the point.

Just want to point out that the most successful esport when it comes to viewer numbers (cs:go) is exactly that. Easy to understand DM for new people with a lot of underlying strats and complexity that you have to be better to understand. In this sense KOTH would objectively be the best option if we are trying to present TF2 as a streamable and marketable game. Might not be the most fun for the players but it would be a easier viewer experience.

CSGO is nothing like koth lol.
For starters it has 2 points not 1, which already makes a huge difference.
In koth there is no choice in where to go, only when. So that's something where 5cp is closer to CS than koth.
I also don't think koth has anywhere near the strategic complexity of CS, underlying or not.
So 5cp having more strategic dept than koth is another similarity.
CS is definitely more complex than both, but 5cp is closer.
And it's not like the basic rules üg6cp are to complicated for new viewers to understand.
The classes in TF2 might be, but that's a different story.

All in all I think your argument that koth is the better game mode because CSGO is successful is pretty rediculous...

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Custom Hitsounds Problem in Customization
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\hitsound\sound\ui


Remove the hit and it should work.

posted about 7 years ago
#27 What are your favorite scripts? in TF2 General Discussion
quantumsopsbind q "slot1;slot2;slot1"RentQN
bind q "slot2; slot1"
does the job

zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.818933027098955175"
although this can't really be called a script, it's probably the most usefull line in my config

Pretty sure the correct number is:
But I don't want this thread to turn into a discussion about that.
There are already long threads about this.

And about the slot1;slot2 thing.
What sops pointed out was correct.
Slot1;slot2 will switch to your secondary when you use it while you're on your melee.
the extra ;slot1 makes it so you'll switch to your primary instead, what is probably what you want from this script - switch to primary unless you already have your primary out, in which case you switch to secondary.

posted about 7 years ago
#56 We seriously need more koth and a/d maps. in TF2 General Discussion

5cp is SO much more fun to watch than koth imo.
Koth is basically just one big DM.
Sure, there's teamplay elements to it and it's a lot more complicated than just DM, but the spectator sees a lot less of the strategic elements than in 5cp.
In 5cp there's back and forth with the points, a team can push the other teams last, lose the push and the other team uses the advantage to roll all the way to the other teams last. That's exiting and interesting to see. So are backcaps or to see if a team that just won mid pushes for second or holds mid first and if the team that lost mid defends second or just turtles last.
In koth all you see is both teams runnign into each other again and again and the team that gets more kills gets the point.
Basically it's just 5cp mid fights all game long.

And A/D is basically Koth but with two points.

I get why people are complaining about 5cp, but i also think the complaints are way over the top for how big the issues really are. People pretend like the only issue with Koth and A/D is the maps, but I think it's a the grass is always greener on the other side kinda thing.
Assuming all the game modes worked flawlessly and had great maps, i still think 5cp would by far be the best one for comp play.

posted about 7 years ago
#24 Pro Gamer in Esports
pendaI think you're only a pro gamer if you make a living off competing in video game(s). By this definition no one is really a pro in tf2 because no one makes their living off competing because there are no orgs which pay salary and prize pools aren't enough. B4nny makes his money off streaming and YouTube mostly (afaik) so I wouldn't really consider him a pro gamer.

I wouldn't say you need to make a living off of it, but I'd say you have to get paid to play the game.
Still means there's not TF2 players who's really a pro gamer, since afaik none of them get's payed for simply competing in tournaments and they only make any money if they win.

posted about 7 years ago
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