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Signed Up June 3, 2013
Last Posted May 8, 2018 at 5:39 PM
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#41 ESEA-IM S19 Week 1 Power Rankings in News
Cloudmakerim good... smh

dont believe his lies

posted about 9 years ago
#8 make awp scope same as tf2 in Q/A Help

AWP first zoom is 40 fov
AWP second zoom is 10 fov
TF2 sniper zoom is 20 fov

With a value of zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 (the default), it reduces your sensitivity to the point where it’ll still feel the same, but if you try and do a 360, you’ll notice you have to move your mouse a lot more. If you set zoom_sensitivity_ratio to 4.5 (I think it’s 4.5), it’ll make it so the sensitivity stays the same when you zoom in, but you’ll notice it’ll be really hard to aim like that since your sensitivity will seem really high.

To further explain, pixels are all the same size in the game engine but they take up more space depending on the angle you view them at. Press your face up against a wall and now the tiny dot on it is taking up your entire screen, but is still the same size.

If you're trying to get your cm/360 to be the same regardless of zoom level just divide 90 by whatever FOV you're going to to use ex. I have 90 FOV in TF2 and want my zoom sens to have the same cm/360 so I set my zoom fov to 4.5.

I wouldn't recommend it because say for example you have a 10 in/360 but adjust your tf2 zoom sens to be equal to your in/360, you have effectively the feeling of 2.22 in/360

posted about 9 years ago
#4 make awp scope same as tf2 in Q/A Help

zoom sens 1 csgo = .8333333333 90 fov tf2

^ misinformation wh00ps read below, the sources I used before were all wrong :(

posted about 9 years ago
#4 How to airshot wild strafers? (MGE) in Q/A Help

Try and predict where they're going to strafe to and shoot below them when they have less momentum and a more predictable strafe

As far as juggling it's just knowing the delay of your rockets which comes from practice, try and hit them at the lowest point so the rocket shoots them up and resets their falling momentum

posted about 9 years ago
#96 has anyone else been playing this browser game in Off Topic


i am hoping to go invite in this game

shoutout to the other mr slins/in like slins ive run into :)

posted about 9 years ago
#24 TF2C PSA: Recent Influx of New Players in The Dumpster

cool thread

on a side note I'd like to see some form of skill rating or balancing on tf2c, and now seems like a good time to relink this article in preparation for the soon-to-be matchmaking debacle http://www.vanillatf2.org/2014/08/zen-and-the-art-of-balancing-a-lobby/

posted about 9 years ago
#143 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion
Kond3PMake zoom_sensitivity_ratio scale with fov. RIght now the sensitivity with zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1 is 1:1 only with 75 fov. That means players who use fov 90 and use default zoom sens effectively have 6:5 sensitivity while scoped.

wow I never knew that
what value can you use to make scope sensitivity 1:1 at 90 fov?

edit did some digging

Interesting fact: by default, you already aim slower when zoomed. Set zoom_sensitivity_ratio to 3.75 (75/20) to get a 1:1 sensitivity in scope and out of scope. If you do this, make sure your mouse dpi is at its maximum effective value. Adjust in-game sensitivity to suit it.

If your fov is usually 90 (the scope zoom slowdown was based around and assumes 75), setting zoom_sensitivity ratio to 0.8333333333 (3.75 * 20 / 90) will move the crosshair in the same amount of screen space as aiming outside of the scope.
posted about 9 years ago
#76 esea in TF2 General Discussion

people never really went to tf2 lan for money

anticheat + more competitive because of paying to play

posted about 9 years ago
#36 oPlaiD on Matchmaking in News

That doesn't happen in CSGO because competitive CSGO and matchmaking are the same game.

6v6 and Valve's TF2 might as well be two separate games.

v edit more stuff below v
I don't see a problem with weapons being rebalanced but pub TF2 and competitive TF2 are vastly different, the reason (I assume) that the things we deem broken haven't been fixed is because Valve just didn't care at the time and focused on pubs and hat revenue.

If Valve managed to completely rebalance the game where all weapons were viable and could be countered by skill that doesn't mean the game would be fun to play. Given the nature of class/item combinations there are a ton of possible team compositions that could be completely broken or unfun to play against.

The reason items are banned is not only because they are too strong but some items just slow down the game or make it not fun to play. I don't think leagues will remove their whitelists even if Valve rebalances everything, because certain class compositions and mechanics (ex, multiple ubers, extreme demo spam, multiple wrangled sentries) lower the skill and enjoyment of everyone involved.

This still creates the jarring effect of someones favorite class/item being banned which is one of the major hurdles comp tf2 already faces.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 oPlaiD on Matchmaking in News

Sorry but I don't see a point in a matchmaking system where everyone will goof off and broken items are allowed. A new players will queue into matchmaking and think pocket engineer with short circuit is "the meta" which is going to suffer from the same problem we have now where people come into 6s and are turned off that their favorite class/weapon isn't used.

"But Valve can just fix the broken weapons!" WAY easier said than done. There are just so many weapons/items that are either broken or useless that it would take months of feedback and out of the box thinking to even fix half of them.

Matchmaking works so well in CSGO because there are no classes or broken strategies used by lower level players that are effective to worry about and balance around. RASH B NOO STOP BLYAT might work well in silver but it is shut down by 1 molotov/smoke in higher ranks. P90 is great if you can't aim but you get headshot and it's over.

Someone can place a mini sentry and no matter how good a scout I am I can't push up until it's dead. I can be the best roamer in the world but if a short circuit engineer is running at me I can't even rocket jump away. A broken strategy meta may very well turn into something that is the most effective but the least fun.

As far as matchmaking goes, everyone at the top will probably be around mid-high open level and if you aren't you can expect either insane queue times + stomping the other team or the great experience of offclassing against bad players.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 oPlaiD on Matchmaking in News

No class limits will break the game almost as much as no item bans will

Do you really want to queue into a game where everyone refuses to play medic and your team is filled with snipers? How about 3 Quickfix medics with 3 BFB scouts?

There is going to be extremely little communication in these games. Barely anyone on your team is going to use a microphone (ingame voice is kinda shit to begin with) and people will not have the minimal game-sense required to enjoy 6v6. Most of the people playing in these matchmaking games will be very bad new/pub players.

Should make it highlander only with UGC maps/whitelist. There is a reason why 5cp doesn't work in pubs, things like payload and attack/defend offer clear objectives your team can contribute towards. You can read more about Valve's pub design philosophy in some map making documentation.

If Valve wants a healthy competitive scene their focus should be spreading awareness through the in-game stream lists as well as main menu popup/notifications directing people towards the already established systems that actually work like TF2Center.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 What game would you play comp other than tf2? in Other Games

csgo (dont like it)
reflex (kinda dead atm)

maybe league of legends (dont like it x10)

posted about 9 years ago
#7 question about the donks in TF2 General Discussion

the loose cannon is nearly an upgrade over the stock pipes

advantages over stock
+able to drop a medic from full / kill a scout in 1 donk upon testing directs do 60 and minicrits do 141
+knockback ubers/players
+charge and det to kill low health players instead of directing them
+projectile speed over stock
+very dumb "spam angles" possible on maps with open chokes like process
+able to overcharge jump (possibly useful to get out of a bad situation with no stickies)

stock advantages
+sentry spam? (not an issue in 6s)
+rollers (soldiers are better at spamming corners on stalemates)

its not so much a matter of "is this overpowered?" as it is "is this weapon not fun to play against?" and id have to argue the latter

posted about 9 years ago
#4 New Zowie ZA in Hardware

at this rate i will own all the zowie mice :(

za13 looks nice

posted about 9 years ago
#64 /r/tf2 posts that make you cringe in The Dumpster


posted about 9 years ago
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