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Signed Up October 20, 2016
Last Posted February 9, 2018 at 5:41 PM
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#18 IGN top 10 FPS games ever in Off Topic

where is super noah's ark 3d?

posted about 6 years ago
#25 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
alderpsi identify me next

have a dinner with me bae so I get to know you better

posted about 6 years ago
#23 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
uberchainPsi8: the "every brit is fucking toxic". this one is even more self explanatory.

haha true every single brit I played with said things like "AW MEE FAWKING GOD" or "what's the new word lad" or "that's pretty fucking gay mate"

posted about 6 years ago
#21 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
dishsoapI wish there was a way to help you, but you seem to reject all help to the point where all help rejects you.

Sorry Psi.

What help? I dont think some stupid normal human being needs any kind of help for spending time into typing on the itnernet. I'm actually pretty good right now but I always appreciated your support

posted about 6 years ago
#18 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
yightthe "heart-broken weebs". these people usually love talking about depression silently, without getting into the emo zone, and also anime They usually have names of their ex virtual gf's, the girls they stalk at school, or other depressed names like "eternal rains" or "super cold winters" some shit like that. Obligatory vaporwave steam artwork/rain gifs, or just emptying the entire profile including games played (way too obvious, like people who do that shit instead of making their profile private like we understand the edge).

holy shit u read me like a fucking book

didnt know you were a weeb

posted about 6 years ago
#17 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
zheepThe younger ones call "bad" the invite players he also calls bad.

Like Vro This Is Not english This is some Straight Gibbarish

yeah I meant to say that if b4nny calls someone bad, some of his subs will call him bad as well even if they arent

posted about 6 years ago
#13 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
Spritewhat circlejerk are you in?

the "nobody loves/cares about" circlejerk. People who dont give any shits anymore and have absolute 0 affiliation now, but since sometimes I like to type retarded stuff on the internet cuz its legal

posted about 6 years ago
#8 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster

I love this thank you

posted about 6 years ago
#7 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
ImmatureLlamawho hurt you?

the edge

posted about 6 years ago
#6 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster
fyggreban him

here's the first comment looking for upfrags, dont forget to bandwagon into comments like this!

posted about 6 years ago
#1 types of TF2 circlejerks in The Dumpster

I'm back, and a couple of friends were telling me to reinstall tf2 but after watching that the drama is way too spicy now and things have become even worse I decided to make a new thread, dedicated to the current state of the so called "circlejerks" in comp tf2. Gotta mention that these arent even my own opinions, these got gathered from streamers, other threads and friends, this time without being that retarded. (also apparently I recently got unbanned):

1: The "I'm too cool I meme". Just your average douche and his friends, usually the leader streams and gets around +10 viewers avg playing pugs/pubs and how funny it is watching someone throwing in inhouses/pugchamp.

2: the "mge lords unite". People who spare their 24 hours each day like this: 23 hours of mge, 50 minutes of pubbing and 10 minutes to shit, eat and sleep, they only talk about mge and the people they fight on mge and have a "head collection" of popular players they beat.

3: the "underage people who need internet friends urgently". Your average IRL underachiever. they age from 13-17 y/o, they are usually really good at the game but they love forcing friendships. They exclusevely talk about tf2, LAN's (even if some never attended to one), etc, nothing else can enter their brain... well maybe CS:GO from time to time

4: the "sugarcoaters". Group of people who call toxic anyone who is giving feedback/criticizing any friend of them. They are usually HL players who made their move to the 6's scene. Everything they do is okay, if they perform like shit they will have someone else saying "NO ITS OKAY YOU DID GOOD KEEP DOING THE SAME SHIT".

5: the "omg gramer grill". Some men, like myself, are really bad at videogames. But obviously same thing can also happen to women. However, this circlejerk usually follows a girl who performs TERRIBLE but they never get feedback or any critque (which can also be considered sugarcoating). The avg tf2 girl dates a sniper main or a 24/7 2fort player (if they both have a decent backpack they just play mvm)

6: the "heart-broken weebs". these people usually love talking about depression silently, without getting into the emo zone, and also anime They usually have names of their ex virtual gf's, the girls they stalk at school, or other depressed names like "eternal rains" or "super cold winters" some shit like that. Obligatory vaporwave steam artwork/rain gifs, or just emptying the entire profile including games played (way too obvious, like people who do that shit instead of making their profile private like we understand the edge).

7: the "b4nny subs". the name speaks for itself, kids who worship b4nny and everything he does is always right and everything he says is always correct. The younger ones call "bad" the invite players he also calls bad. You usually find them in casual waitng for b4nny, others add up on pugchamp waiting to get picked by him.

my new favorite:

8: the "every brit is fucking toxic". this one is even more self explanatory. Americans who try to be french or danish calling every single englishman toxic when they NEVER got the chance to play with/against one, but they go around typing in threads and streams that they hate them for absolute no reason. Funny because when drezzo played for my team everyone called him a brit carry.

That's it for today ladies and gents, just on a sidenote: I dont want to spread any kind of hate, neither I'm showing any to anyone. This is just mixed opinions of different people to the current state of the community. I also have nothing against (neither want to affiliate) with any kind of people I mentioned. It's the internet anyone can be whatever the F they want and do what they are allowed

posted about 6 years ago
#53 FRESH SICK FRAG MOVIES in The Dumpster
charisfuPsiyour comments were nothing but a pimple on my asscheeks
i really feel bad even reading this thread. on a real note, Psi you quite seriously need some professional therapy or something. you're an emotional trainwreck and you do nothing but blame your shortcomings on others.


posted about 7 years ago
#51 FRESH SICK FRAG MOVIES in The Dumpster

stop feeding the troll you idiots, I Guess at this point is too late

posted about 7 years ago
#49 FRESH SICK FRAG MOVIES in The Dumpster
alderis this because i made you cry :(
i don't even dislike you anymore, you just seem sad
you're trying to put up a tough front, but you suck at it
perhaps you should take a long break from the internet and wait until you're emotionally capable to handle it, because right now you're just making yourself look stupid, not unlikable

I legit dont care about what a nobody on the internet says in a dead game lol right now dozens of people seem more affected by me. I could handle the death of my father, my stepfather being the biggest asshole, horrible family, your comments were nothing but a pimple on my asscheeks, nice try tho B)
Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ made me cry more and I'm not even religious

sacPsi, you're like George W. Bush after invading Iraq and confounded everyone hates you after you rode a wave of sympathy post 9/11 (which was partially ur own fault).
you can still get more unlikable though, just tell everyone about your furry lifestyle and how you try to bribe people's friendship with keys. :)

who dis? also what keys? I cant even trade

posted about 7 years ago
#40 FRESH SICK FRAG MOVIES in The Dumpster
nazaraYou always love to claim how "nice" you are to everybody, but then you make all these threads just shitting on people for no reason

Doesn't seem very nice to me

I WAS nice, to the majority, I started this threads when people suddenly turned against me and started picking on me because one stupid video and because I told an open player not to bomb into 5 other people in a pug. but if I leave this community and piss off a couple of people then I'm happy with it, oh btw can someone ban me already? like perma ban

also you havent read what I said? right NOW I'm intentionally trying to be the most hated person in this community, worse than hitler, worse than milan, worse than circa, akemi, be, etc, you will see what someone who is 100% unlikable looks like

posted about 7 years ago
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