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Signed Up April 22, 2020
Last Posted July 26, 2024 at 4:51 PM
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#104 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion


posted 3 weeks ago
#18 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion

You know what I should of laughed this off my fault.

posted 3 weeks ago
#13 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion
Kevito1young man record setter truly inspirational

Going for 50 next time!

posted 3 weeks ago
#10 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion
avgPrime-SanityIf I had knowingly turned on cheats to abuse it in a pug I would play aggressive as fuck and go for a record setting kills. Instead I was playing extremely passive at the 15 minute mark because I noticed my deathless kd. You can ask my teammates who were in that pug I was getting hyped as fuck every time I got low because I thought I was getting lucky and simply living.
yeah man i forgot i had buddha on after i didn't die getting triple directed by a soldier and living at 1 multiple times. really common mistake i feel for you youngman :(

I've been grinding a shit ton on stream and off stream to prove alot of people wrong who say I'm not ready for adv. I've been getting servers recently to practice jump maps and also just play. I feel like I literally adressed this in the main post bro,"If I had knowingly turned on cheats to abuse it in a pug I would play aggressive as fuck and go for a record setting kills. Instead I was playing extremely passive at the 15 minute mark because I noticed my deathless kd. You can ask my teammates who were in that pug I was getting hyped as fuck every time I got low because I thought I was getting lucky and simply living." As I have said it was my mistake and hopefully won't happen again end of the thread. Get your upvotes and downvotes in this dunking session is over.

posted 3 weeks ago
#9 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion

Didn't want my runner being taken away. Right after the pug jebidah brought it to my attention and I was like oh shit.
Also why did you try to raid my team server rosepunk?

posted 3 weeks ago
#6 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion

I was jumping before the pug to get consistent on my fast rollouts and was getting tired of cratering. I thought if I had switched classes it would had turned off my fault. I asked for the owner to take off my runner, but he said that mistakes happen and let me keep it. If I had knowingly turned on cheats to abuse it in a pug I would play aggressive as fuck and go for a record setting kills. Instead I was playing extremely passive at the 15 minute mark because I noticed my deathless kd. You can ask my teammates who were in that pug I was getting hyped as fuck every time I got low because I thought I was getting lucky and simply living. I'm sorry to anyone in that pug that is angry, my fault. Hope this small incident that is getting blown out the water doesn't ruin any of the future opportunities I currently have with some big people.
Although, I do have some questions why is the person making this thread not even in the pug group where the pug happened? I feel like I told the people in the pug what happened so why? Also why did u try to raid my discord?

posted 3 weeks ago
#13 Prime Era 2.0 in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted 1 month ago
#1254 Vent your anger in Off Topic

Crab Community

posted 1 month ago
#67 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Absolute Cinema
Sanity Masterclass

posted 1 month ago
#65 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Coin Flip Accuracy Debut

posted 1 month ago
#9 RGL S15 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Yo, I'm not an advanced player yet, but I actually can empathize with what is happening. I miss the days where matches were placed on a late night Friday and I would stay up researching anything I could about my opponent. RGL is killing our competitive scene faster then the declining player base. It is so agonizing that we have to constantly post on a forum site so RGL would give us a response promising change, and then nothing happens. The staff team is out of touch, and it is extremely concerning that we have people that are governing their respective divisions when they have never played in that div I feel like that would play into decisions in getting ringers accepted by an admin when they get denied by the opposing team.

bearodactylgotta love the classic RGL admins being completely out of touch and making overly strict rules, then refusing to admit they were wrong / head admin doubling down with unilateral decision for a division he has never played in

It seems like the RGL admins are only strict on rules that don't affect the actual game. Like how they banned aim for casting a match, and RGL didn't give him permission to even though the enemy team was fine with it(I think). They are strict on restrictions at the wrong time being overly strict on the wrong type of players and too easy on players they should be harsher on with restrictions.

posted 1 month ago
#62 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Successful hatewatch

posted 1 month ago
#61 RGL S15 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
maraudeRsay what you want about young sanity but he is singlehandedly carrying the main happenings thread and has for years


posted 1 month ago
#2 Fireball7d7 LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

An absolute goat, always tried to reach out and help me. Amazing mechanics and is extremely dedicated to improving.
Next up

posted 1 month ago
#2 RGL S15 IM W4A: Six Hate Club vs. Classic Mixup in Events
cookieThat team should get banned for using that name lol

? I don't get it
Ban them for blatant harassment or for copying one of greatest teams of all time?

posted 1 month ago
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