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Last Posted February 19, 2020 at 12:23 PM
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yo this is incredible

that kinda figure-8 jump on sunshine is something i never thought was possible and hell i'm the creator of the map

that's a sick video and the editing is so smooth

posted about 8 years ago
#24 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

THANK YOU for all the feedback so far everyone, I didn't expect the reception to be this good! Botmode and drshdw, thank you so much for the paragraphs with visuals, it's some of the most helpful stuff I can receive barring full pugs. Hopefully I can get a few on a1b and then spend a little bit reworking and fixing stuff for a2. Keep it coming.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion
fatswimdudehas anyone playtested maps with the point below high ground on mid? it seems like a good way to encourage gay passive mids but i could be completely wrong since ive never played a map like that

Yukon used to be set up like that, point on the lowest ground under the bridge. Mids were played very passively but that's also because of the inability to jump onto the other side without committing completely (as the only way across were through the enclosed-roof bridge, or two cramped sideroutes.)

I've addressed the possibility of passive mids by offering a lot of space for teams to work with, the ground on either side of the point is much closer to the other than it was on Yukon. Should play faster.

posted about 8 years ago
#6 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion

I'm mostly looking for straight-up layout feedback. The map's in its first alpha, there are bound to be issues as to, say: maybe a choke comes out in the wrong spot, maybe a route is too useless, a point's too hard to recap, etc. Stuff like that, essentially. It could be nice to see pugs on it but don't be too let down if it's not very smooth, as it's the first iteration.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion
lucrativeis there a download so that we can actually run around on the map and possible play it? looks very cool

oooops, my bad! Missed putting the link in the post, it's updated with a1b now.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 cp_reckoner (5CP) in Map Discussion


Current version: RC6


Upvote this map on the Steam Workshop!

Older versions:


Overlays and metal textures designed by iiboharz.
Wet floor sign by Seba, phi, and iiboharz.
Japan pack made by Freyja and EArkham.
Two textures in the map made by Fubar.
Valve shipping containter edit made by Fantasmos and Bakscratch.
Skybox by YM.
Oceanic props part of the Bulletcrops pack.


posted about 8 years ago
#43 Maps, Schedule & Whitelist Confirmed for Invitational at DreamHack Winter in News

ah, that's more reasonable, i guess. i hope it doesn't sound like i'm trying to start an argument or anything, I was just commenting on what others had been saying/doing. i don't know all too much about what has/hasn't been done so i've only been going off of various threads. apologies.

posted about 8 years ago
#41 Maps, Schedule & Whitelist Confirmed for Invitational at DreamHack Winter in News
It was a players vote.
Out of process, sunshine and snake - sunshine was voted out.
The gravelpit addition has been discussed to death already, but sideshow won't budge.

Really?? Only out of process, sunshine and snake? That seems like a surefire way to kick sunshine out. Nobody in their right mind is going to vote for process or snake. I guess it's a non-issue, it's just one thing, just kind of rubs me the wrong way. Ah well.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Maps, Schedule & Whitelist Confirmed for Invitational at DreamHack Winter in News

dang, no sunshine :(

I won't comment on the map choice because I'm biased, but it makes me really disappointed, especially with the decision to kick out a new map rather than some 8-year-old thing called Granary. Oh well.. I'll still watch everything casted. Best of luck to the teams.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 TF2 Update for 11/13/15 in TF2 General Discussion




posted about 8 years ago
#50 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion

To be fair, drshdwpuppet, wildlife wasn't intended as a comp map and I think people were only playing it because they have nothing else to play. I pushed it to beta because I didn't intend to bring it to comp, it was mostly detail practice for me.

That being said, mapmakers are definitely at least partially at fault for not bringing their maps here earlier - what I did with sunshine was test it constantly in competitive environments since the /very first alpha/. It ended up pretty decent, I think. Mappers need to realize that there are gunna be trolls. Of course you're going to get people shittalking your map, it's to be expected. But there's a huge amount of incredible feedback to take in, and so much of it requires the mapmaker to be dedicated to heavily changing their map.

If mappers want to get good comp maps, more people (including the mapmaker themself) need to dedicate themselves to the full iteration process. Which, coincidentally, is what I plan to do with the map I'm going to release alongside my 5cp article.

posted about 8 years ago
#46 the unpugable maps in TF2 General Discussion

If it's worth anything, I'm writing a huge encompassing article (to be hosted in its own site, nonetheless) about making 5cp maps for competitive... I'm going to pitch it to the mapping community and see what happens.

I'm also working on an as-of-yet-unreleased new 5cp map that I hope to release and test heavily with people here.

It isn't necessarily what the thread is about, but I thought I'd just put the word in. If anyone wants to help peer edit the article once I write the first draft, hit me up. I want to try to get mapmakers interested in competitive again (and actually making better maps than those that have came up in recent past). Sunshine is old and I've improved a lot since then, I haven't been as active as I would like but I plan to change that.

posted about 8 years ago
#674 ESEA-IM S20 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
flatlineplaying sunshine TWICE



Not sure where you came up with that. Sunshine's only being played in the UR1. No other round.

posted about 8 years ago
#536 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Yep, no problem! I can raise the door frames and clip the top off so that you don't get caught on the lip against the ceiling. Thanks for notifying me. I'll move the spawns around a tad as well to try to combat the spawning issue.

Thank you for the feedback.

posted about 8 years ago
#532 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

Sinshine was mainly for me to fool around and just try out silly ideas, so more likely than not I won't be making any of the major changes to rc9 that I did for Sinshine (I presume you mean the extra entrance to last and the different staircase around second - everything else, like the deathpits, has no place in competitive). At this point, I'd only make those type of gameplay changes if the map desperately needed them, which I don't believe it does.

However, feel free to give opinions and other feedback as well! RC9 will have some changes, just (most likely) nothing that will majorly impact the way the map plays or the way the map's meta is evolving.

posted about 8 years ago
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