Hi Setsul, I would like your recommendation. My PC that I bought in 2014 seems to be slowly dying on me and I figure it's time for a new one. I play source games, so csgo dota and tf2, and also maplestory but that last one's not really intensive at all.
My main priority is with speedrunning, for that I use an xbox and capture the feed with a capture card and stream so something that can handle streaming decently is required, right now I get encoding issues and stuttering when I stream sometimes cause my cpu is overworked or something. Lastly, also for speedrunning, there's an emulator called CXBX that I would like to have the option to use, right now I get 20 fps when I use it so it's kind of unplayable. Not sure how knowledgeable you are with emulation specifically but for the game I run in particular the emulator works better with an intel cpu so I would prefer getting an intel cpu if all else is equal, but if an amd one would be more cost efficient that's fine
I'm not interested in playing new or triple A games so I don't really think the graphics card has to be that good, as my understanding is source stuff is primarily cpu based and streaming / emulation is also mostly cpu based. I would like to spend at most $1200 cad but would definitely prefer spending as little as possible.