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Last Posted August 29, 2024 at 12:29 AM
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#10 pedophile nazi brony moron in TF2 General Discussion

why cant we just be normal and play the video game :/

posted 1 month ago
#45 A Famine of Medics in TF2 General Discussion

as a newer 6s medic, fuck this class. gotta deal with loch & gardener while being told to just surf/dodge. play perfect the full 30 minutes cause five seconds of losing focus loses your team the round gg

posted 5 months ago
#93 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
trippaHow does killing a level 3 sentry slow the pacing of the game

Two different points I explained poorly. LnL kills sentries in less than a second by itself, yes HL has wrangler and RR but guns die before engi can react. (also demos can shoot longer angles) Nobody in high level HL has problems with level 3 guns, only bad teams can't coordinate killing a gun even through RR & shield.

The other point is that on KOTH LnL slows down the fights as demos no longer need to walk up, compared to other pipes. As seen in grands, both teams just sat back and waited for someone to randomly eat a cross map pipe. Please just watch one round of ashville, while that being the worst map for the LnL of the 3/4 HL koth maps.

posted 5 months ago
#90 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion

There are two conversations that need to happen, one for 6s and one for HL. I dont have much say on 6s but HL I wanna say that two piping a level 3 sentry from across the map shouldn't be a thing. Spamming LnL on HL koth is becoming a very stale meta, look at the most recent grand finals for evidence.

HL loch might just be a side-grade, but its a side-grade that can slow the pacing of a format with already pretty slow pacing.

posted 5 months ago
#69 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion
SpadesI rang highlander tonight and yen was on my team. He averaged 80% scatter accuracy across all the logs we played together. A regular human being doesn't do that.

Average 80%? I have not seen him drop below 80% while apparently still spy checking. Still, they don't have the brain to win main HL with invite 6s DM. RGL doesn't allow demo requests, or upload the demos they weekly request publicly. Tried getting any sort of pov demo but couldn't through the season.

Here is a fun force of nature log!

posted 6 months ago
#20 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion

Most of this thread has been about 6s, but as a HL player, the same core issues seem to be happening from my perspective.

- Limited resources & incentives for teams/players to move up divisions

- Lack of cups to try different maps/bans, and engage players to play outside of the season.

- Forced changes with very little warning or feedback.(map pool, advanced quals & playoff brackets)

- Amount of free to paid divisions is unhealthy

My quick thought it to fix some of these points is removing IM, and making main free & mostly unrestricted. This allows teams to just play for fun in main, where there is a wide variety of skill. At the same time, make advanced open to register for all teams. Sure advanced loses the round robin, but it being the lowest paid div still will make it very competitive. The majority of the playerbase will have options when deciding a div, and won't feel forced to a div. (especially when moving up from AM)

posted about a year ago
#1 sunnyy lft med in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hi, I'm LFT for main med next season. I've played a few seasons of adv HL, and IM 6s. After playing on friend teams, I feel like I'm ready to play on a team that wants to win. Most recently got 3rd IM in the most recent mid season cup, with none of us having main exp. I'm highly committed, competitive, and improve rapidly at what I focus at. Currently I am main calling in advanced highlander (yes on medic) so my coms will be clean. I don't want to main call in 6s, or countercall, just will communicate properly. Please please please just give me a pocket scout team that cares about beam.

/id/pl_badwater or Sunnyy#5762 on discord :>

posted about a year ago
#72 Why must you hate me :C in TF2 General Discussion

Thought I would put my experience with you here as it should fit the narrative well.

Back about a year ago I was making a team for a weekend RGL 6s cup in AM. Got some friends on board, but needed to fill out the roster, so I did a LFP post on the Thursday before the weekend. You replied, looking to play scout and I hesitantly let you join, as I was needing to fill the spots for roster lock. The plan was to scrim Friday night, just so we all meet & get to know voices, etc.

On that Friday scrim you were impossible to play with. Not only were you constantly yelling & shit talking "bad AM players" on both your team and the enemy team, but you were actively trolling a close scrim. My entire team muted you in discord during the scrim, myself being the only one not, as I felt responsible as a TL (I wanted to though). Immediately after that scrim I kicked you from the discord, and DM'd you saying how you acted was not okay. Your response to this really showed your character. "It was funny in my defence & I was beasting" was your response to someone telling you that nobody on the team wanted to play with you. Regardless my team went on to talk to the admins to get a replacement, and won the weekend cup.

From that point on I went on to avoid you whenever possible, staying away from pugs you were in, and leaving lobbies if you joined the same team I was on. Even if you have changed in the last year, what you did & how you acted back then will keep my outlook on you the same.

Here is my quick advice: Don't care about what people think of you, peoples opinions do not effect how good at the game you are, or how much you can improve. Find good teammates that want you to improve (in both aspects) & scrim scrim scrim. Pugs do very little to helping you improve over personal demo reviews, MGE, and actual scrims. Maybe I am a little biased coming from HL, but pugs tend to make me play worse overall, cause I get away with dumb stuff that I normally wouldn't do in actual scrim/match scenarios. Regardless of everything, you are young and have talent. With the skills you have and the drive to improve, you could always hop on a new esport when it comes out and dominate there.

I will edit with the RGL team page when the site comes back up

posted about 2 years ago
#12 Cheater thread(Kiwi) in TF2 General Discussion

This dude was reported all throughout AM playoffs. good work rgl anti-cheat team! also kiwi & his team claimed multiple other people were cheating in AM, ironic.

posted about 3 years ago