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Last Posted August 28, 2023 at 11:10 AM
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#214 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
Hunter_2_0OwlyI shared the elijah videos in vorobeys discord where midnight who is extremely knowledged in cheats(he is a cheater afterall) said that elijah told a friend of his that he uses lbox

I wouldnt be surprised if feno used lbox aswell

Thank you for this extremely valuable information that two confirmed cheaters may have used the most popular cheat in order to cheat. I was on the edge of my seat waiting for someone to bump this thread with that information.

oh wow thank you for this information that you didnt like my information such a loving and informative comment

posted about a year ago
#200 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
fygsomeone should do a side by side comparison of feno and elijah since im like 99% sure theyre using the same cheat engines.

granted feno is incredibly stupid and didnt even bother to try to hide the cheats

I shared the elijah videos in vorobeys discord where midnight who is extremely knowledged in cheats(he is a cheater afterall) said that elijah told a friend of his that he uses lbox

I wouldnt be surprised if feno used lbox aswell

posted about a year ago
#199 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
torrityak404cereaIi think accused cheaters should be allowed to prove themselves at lan
There have been European players (Boomeh) who cheated online and then played just as good, if not better, at lan. Proving yourself at lan doesn't really prove anything if someone has actively been caught cheating.
oh man if only you knew the whole of that story

didnt you get perma banned from etf2l?

or am I confusing you with someone else?

posted about a year ago
#110 OMG 2 in TF2 General Discussion
VirgilReeroAdditionally, he streams himself launching tf2 with his task manager open, and streams his executed programs at the end of each stream.
just wanna mention that (i think) good cheats aren't separate processes, they can be injected into the program you're using them on and they'd never show up on task manager nor would they naturally pop up when you launch the game. i believe after you configure them once, they'd just be set up and stored in game memory so from a spectator pov they'd never show up unless u accidentally toggled something. Not super sure but this is my understanding, all this to say that streaming your pov and shit doesn't do much

cheats have a feature called antiobs which hides the cheat functions from the recording software. im not sure if anti obs could hide the cheat menu

posted about a year ago
#17 B4nny's future financial wellbeing (SERIOUS) in The Dumpster

Most sane froyo fan.

Grapejuice is a really good player.
How the fuck can you even say that an invite player is bad.

like I swear froyos dominant era made you guys delusional about pro level tf2 and that players other than b4nny are bad.

the reason he can't put up a classic froyotech level roster is because nobody wants to play with him.

btw froyo didn't even do bad .last two seasons. 3rd and 2nd with upncoming teammates is still a good result.
rn B4nny's attitude is a big problem. he literally blamed everyone else for why they lost except himself despite doing a lot of mistakes that cost froyo crusial rounds.

B4nny's attitude and blaming mistakes on others is a bigger problem than his financial wellbeing. man is literally the most paid tf2 player ever.

posted about a year ago
#61 ETF2L Admins: Blackmail, Bias and Censorship in TF2 General Discussion
moralexeiKaylusI've tried. He just does not understand and does not stop. But I don't really care for this. I'm rather disappointed by other's actions and words. So if you move past the feeling that I'm trying to victimize myself I do find my joke to be amusing. Because this is all this was.
You are the senior league admin of ETF2L, like it or not, that position requires responsibility and maturity, things of which you are currently not demonstrating. I do sympathise that there are some literal demons about that you have to deal with and will always make you and the lives of other admins hell, terminally online, no life purpose etc etc we all know the stories. But do yourself a favour, don't make it worse for yourself, don't hand people the stick to beat you with. Be firm, be diligent by all means, but be fair, be reasonable, and do things the right way.

moralexi casually destroying etf2l admins with fax and logic

posted about a year ago
#35 GOAT team for your country in TF2 General Discussion
0mgercan we play with 6 scouts? amppis doesn't like solly anymore


looks like a good roster

seriously tho who would play soldier and demo. lek? murje?

posted about a year ago
#91 if u could see 1 retired tf2 player play again in TF2 General Discussion
veccWiethoofdDarn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkREHOewda8
i wonder what hes up to these days, i hope hes doing good :]

apparently he plays/played discgolf

posted about a year ago
#119 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion
plunkwheatchampionfor anyone in the UK (I think the Isle of Man falls under UK jurisdiction?) there is a lot of information to be found here on how to report: https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/How-can-CEOP-help-me-YP/.

While uberchain's experience sounds horrible and unfair, I think (hope!) the UK's judicial system does a better job at protecting whistleblowers. Either way have a read through it if you feel you could help.
We protect them militarily, that’s where the similarities end mate. They are outside our judicial systems for England and wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland so they can’t fall under any of the laws regarding online grooming or anything along those lines.

Isn't Isle of Man a crown Protectorate like Gibraltar(or was gibraltar a overseas territory)

posted about 2 years ago
#109 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion

quite possibly the worst fucking thing you could have said while talking to a minor

I don't know but for me saying you want to kiss a minor is propably worse.

posted about 2 years ago
#105 Predatory behaviour within the community. in Site Discussion


posted about 2 years ago