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SteamID64 76561198091071300
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:65402786
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up July 22, 2018
Last Posted March 23, 2024 at 10:27 PM
Posts 44 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 0.9
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G Pro
Keyboard Corsair K70 Rapidfire
Mousepad Steelseries Qck+
Headphones HyperX Cloud Stinger
Monitor Samsung CRG5
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#6 Duplo assembles for the next season in News
jnkinice formatting

Also smallest of nit picks: Swi has also played on 6ix in Season 35 where they've placed 2nd in Prem. He played 71.4% of the regular season games(5/7) placing them straight into the finals with their seed, unfortunately he didn't make the grand finals so I guess 3rd place highest it is?

His biggest achievement however in my opinion has to be the fact that he is the only player on ETF2L to have won Division 1 4 times, twice on scout and twice on soldier, making him the most accomplished player in that Tier.

Yeah this is a fair criticism all things considered. With regards to swi's "best achievment", I could have listed both of those achievements instead of jumping to a subjective conclusion. I'm glad you pointed that out - I can see why that can be an issue. I'm also aware of swi's four Division 1 wins, and of course it wouldn't have hurt to include that in there as well.

Having said that the article could have easily gotten too bloated in exploring each players' achievements and results to great detail. Especially abla who's been to significantly more LANs than the rest of the players on the main roster. I wanted to go for an easy read that didn't stray too far away from the subject of Duplo as a team and the Premiership division.

posted about a year ago
#26 No Hats Mod + HeadsFeet, 2020+ Edition in Customization
jeebsauReturning once again for the most recent Screamfortress update. Should work fine but if you notice anything, let me know and I'll fix it!

No Hats:



Using Headsfeet - Players with the "Pyro Shark" cosmetic equipped appear headless - Send Help!

posted about 2 years ago
#30 Is consistency always a good thing? in The Dumpster

Consistency is a good thing - Keeping you consistently banned, that is.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Name Change in Requests

From “TF2Megalodon” to just “Megalodon” , Please.

posted about 2 years ago
#8 Major FPS drops in Q/A Help
DwapkingHave your task manager open and take a look at what's using up CPU when it happens. For me steam client webhelper would spike up to 80%+ of CPU from time to time. Keeping the friend list closed (on desktop and in the steam overlay) solved that for me.

I think I did check task manager at some point and saw nothing out of the ordinary - then again I'm not 100 percent certain... Will check the next time the issue happens!

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Major FPS drops in Q/A Help
BuildBruhmight be something updating or scanning in the background? if its around the same time of the day, id give disabling antivirus scanning a go and to manually set window 10 (if u use it) "active" hours to late night or early morning

Yeah great suggestion, though as far as I can see in Task Scheduler Windows Defender isn't scheduling scans during active gaming hours. However, I've now set specific triggers just in case.

posted about 2 years ago
#4 Major FPS drops in Q/A Help
scaryhave you done the easy shit like verifying game files and such

I have done that, yes.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Major FPS drops in Q/A Help

Since April this year I have been experiencing random FPS drops that happen when playing the game. They can last up to 10 seconds, and can occur randomly. I observe at least one during a night of playing. My game runs buttery smooth otherwise @ 240Hz with an i5-8600k and GTX 1080.

I'm using mastercomfig low, with nohats, custom crosshairs, m0rehud, and custom hitsounds. Launch options are updated according to mastercomfig docs.

My temps seem perfectly normal when ingame, and I always keep all my drivers up to date. I also think its at least worth noting that I always notice the issue occurring at around the same time of day, several hours after booting up my PC.

posted about 2 years ago
#149 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion
GazWhat exactly is the issue?

There isn't really an issue and I think we can all move on without getting hurt. If certain members of nerdRage want to continue being keyboard warriors then so be it, I advise their opponents to just mute them if they become an annoyance. It's not like any of your taunts have any backbone behind them anyway. After the S38 Grand Finals for example, as soon as production invites your team to a post-game interview on stream and politely asks you to be respectful, the players on your team that were either personally attacking the enemy team as a whole or targeting individual players including yourself instantly submitted to their plea and refrained from doing so again during said interview - A point in time where your words would have carried the most weight behind them.

posted about 3 years ago
#132 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion
You have to pay for the flight there (at this point in time, it's probably at least $1000 from the closest places in NA, hundreds more as you go west), the hotel, the transportation, the food, and lastly, the drinks, who almost everyone will partake in, as you don't just go halfway across the world to not socialize and have fun. If you have all the money settled, and you actually want to attend, you have to take off of work that Monday and likely Thursday/Friday, maybe even Wednesday if you decide you don't want to spend only 3 days at a tournament where you'll be playing for almost 2 entire days. In reality, for those who work regular schedules, you're losing even more money than simply the amount of the flights, travel, and LAN.

I really enjoyed going the first couple of times (the second time only because I met everyone I hadn't met the first time), but any amount more and it becomes kind of tiring. You dread the travel, you dread playing day 1 from like 9 am to midnight the next day on jetlag and minimal sleep, you dread the loss of money. It's not like it's some kind of fucking conspiracy that no one wants to go, as if you're all better people who would die for a chance to go to LAN and you're disappointed that everyone on froyo is missing this deal of a lifetime. Yeah, no shit, it would be your first time there, you're thinking entirely hypothetically, and you have no idea what the process actually entails. Once you've experienced everything, it can become not only overwhelming, but you can easily think of more reasons to not attend than to attend. And as banny says, if one person doesn't want to go, it becomes a domino effect. One person not wanting to go makes the next person, who thinks his presence invaluable, uninterested in attending. If you're going to spend money out of pocket to miss days of work and attend a LAN in Europe, you're going to want to do it correctly, with a real roster.

I don't agree with the idea that b4nny is a LAN dodger though - Given clockwork's insight on attending European TF2 LANs in his time it's pretty understandable as to why b4nny wouldn't want to travel to Europe again to play at insomnia, for instance.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Help in Customization

I'm assuming you mean the blocky lighting? Try alias lightmaps_override in your autoexec

posted about 3 years ago
#11 Help : Weird bug, frames tanking (only on comp) in Q/A Help

I've also been having stutters similar to that you have just described, audio crackling and frame stuttering. I'm using mastercomfig low. I've recently verified the game files and I think that might have been the cause but we'll see.

posted about 3 years ago
#4 rahThread: -dxlevel 81 vs. -dxlevel 100 in TF2 General Discussion

Use whatever you prefer. I personally prefer the look of dx8 and have gotten used to it. I also get higher frame counts in mastercoms' benchmark in dx8 even on a modern high-end PC, though this doesn't mean my game will technically be running "better" compared to if I was playing in dx9 - According to mastercoms dx9 usually has better resource utilization, which consequently gives you a smoother and more responsive game. I've switched between the two many times and don't really feel any noticeable difference other than aesthetics honestly.

posted about 3 years ago
#22 rahThread: An honest discussion in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#3 Where can I actually play the game? in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
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