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SteamID64 76561198019146522
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29440397
Country Bulgaria
Signed Up January 9, 2014
Last Posted July 23, 2024 at 3:05 PM
Posts 696 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity I don't fucking know
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Mouse Logitech Superlight
Keyboard Newmen GM610
Mousepad Paracontrol v2 XXL
Headphones HyperX Cloud Alpha
Monitor AOC 27G2G8
1 2 3 4 5 6 ⋅⋅ 46
#10 rahThread: Perspectives on death in TF2 General Discussion

I was hit by a truck when I was little and was comatosed for a week. Almost lost a leg. Didn't. I would say I really do not care when I die as long as it's not painful or drawn out. I fear the pain not the thing itself.

posted 5 months ago
#1873 best pub quotes in TF2 General Discussion

*DEAD* Dave : Daved

posted 5 months ago
#13215 stream highlights in Videos

posted 5 months ago
#6951 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I'm using an old version of knhud but the player health on kill cam (the one that kills you) is not showing up. I have no idea what the file in resouce is called

posted 5 months ago
#2 The True 1%ers in TF2 General Discussion

ornaments > armaments

posted 5 months ago
#13 rahThread: Skin care routine in Off Topic


I use it mostly in winter seing as how my skin gets mega dry

posted 5 months ago
#16 Mathematics tutor services in Off Topic

Can you teach me C#

posted 5 months ago
#89 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

Hey Nubbi I was also 19 and lazy once, I didn't want to work and wanted everything to be given to me cuz I was "very cool" but what I found out at the age of 20 is that being able to afford shit yourself is "even cooler" so I decide to get a job. Hope this helps!


Thanks for LAN spot.

posted 5 months ago
#3 The best of 2023 in TF2 General Discussion

this thread is pissing me off

edit: you mentioned me tikkeh thanks bro :)

posted 5 months ago
#3 All of the tf2 mercenraries with all the overwatch in TF2 General Discussion

spy backstabs tanks buud your move

posted 6 months ago
#9572 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 6 months ago
#24 post good video essays in Off Topic

I really like this guys videos they've got a really unique editing style and each one is differently edited to fit the subject matter perfectly

posted 6 months ago
#41 Most memorable Team/Teammate you've played with? in TF2 General Discussion - (aka Cam0) my favourite scout teammate of all time - (aka Mould) one of the funniest guys I ever met in this game

We played on a couple of legendary teams together and were the only british people to be consistently funny and make me crylaugh on multiple occasions

posted 6 months ago
#8 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion
yak404Why can't ur shitty gambling sponsor fund u

Damn question and answer all rolled into one

posted 7 months ago
#9544 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 7 months ago
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