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Signed Up February 1, 2014
Last Posted May 16, 2023 at 8:04 AM
Posts 172 (0 per day)
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#46 ESEA S16 LAN - Day 2 in Events

This is just another example of why we can't rely on ESEA. They can't even be arsed to fix a damn STV for TF2 when it's almost certain that this wouldn't fly if it was a CS:GO game. This is literally the biggest NA TF2 event we have constantly, and we can't even watch the final because ESEA has something up their ass, or they just don't give a shit. I could go on for longer, but there would be no point.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Looking for Scout mentor (preferably for HL) in Mentoring
Deathyif it's payload on offense your job will mainly be to push the cart
on defense ur basically just trying to be annoying
in 5CP tho i feel like it's similar to 6s

but then again im not a hl scout

Yeah, stuff like this is helpful. Definitely.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Looking for Scout mentor (preferably for HL) in Mentoring

Hi. Me again. You've probably noticed I ask for mentors a lot. Well, that's because I need them, since I enjoy multiple classes, but could use help with them. For this time, it's scout.

What I know: pretty much, the basics, Aim by movement, not by twitching, be annoying, watch flank, pick off loners, meat shot people, cap points.

What I need to know: sadly, my scout knowledge is limited to the 6v6 format, and many people have told me that scout for 6s is very different than highlander, if that's the case, then I have no idea what I'm doing, so even just a few words of advice in the replies would be fantastic.

For those who prefer to mentor in game: my schedule is kinda all over the place, but if you wanna add me on steam, we can work something out. I'm an iron level player, and this will be my first season, so pretty much anybody can help, and it will be gladly excepted.

Load out advice would also be helpful, I only use the Scattergun and Boston Basher for Primary and Melee, so I mainly want to know what is ideal for a scout load out.

posted about 9 years ago
#104 Family issues when playing in Off Topic
jp_Lulzy makes a fantastic post and you respond to the shit post below his?

You're doomed kid.

Hey! I made a good post! First time for everything!

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Pub-Stomp Groups? in TF2 General Discussion

Also, I get the hint, this was an INCREDIBLY bad idea. Can this just be allowed to die? I'd rather not have to keep up with an idiot post I made.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Pub-Stomp Groups? in TF2 General Discussion
mi try to give bronies the benefit of the doubt but most of u are so fucking dumb i get angry just remembering that u exist in this fuckign world

and ur alias is lulzy

god fuck

Is this a serious response? No, seriously, I mean, just because I have a picture of a pony means you have to come as close as possible as an attack? Jeez, that's nice of you.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Pub-Stomp Groups? in TF2 General Discussion
FayngLulzyStarzZIf you haven't already used the tftv ones... just wait
Those are the one I look at. Usually, the top NA one is full, and then there is another one that hosts 8 players that is usually empty, like I said before, they usually are empty or full or in another country.
Why don't you have it join you when there is a slot and practice. and plus, who actually has fun pub stomping?

I'm only Iron, so pub-stomping is actually not that easy for me, plus, the only way I actually stomp is by being a soldier with a medic I can comm with and will keep his medi-gun shoved up my pooper. And as I stated before, I don't have much time to play, I get about an hour a day. I don't wanna be set to join a server only to be pulled into it when I have 5 minutes left.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Pub-Stomp Groups? in TF2 General Discussion
StarzZIf you haven't already used the tftv ones... just wait

Those are the one I look at. Usually, the top NA one is full, and then there is another one that hosts 8 players that is usually empty, like I said before, they usually are empty or full or in another country.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Pub-Stomp Groups? in TF2 General Discussion
fuckmachineso basically ruining pub


reillyWhy not play DM? If you're looking to improve and don't have a lot of time to commit, that's your best bet.

Can you suggest any? Whenever I look for DM servers, they are either one of three things
1. empty
2. Have to high of a Ping
3. Full

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Pub-Stomp Groups? in TF2 General Discussion

So, recently, since my game time is so limited, I've found out that the best way to practice tf2 is to play pubs with a competitive mindset, since my time constraints won't allow me to play PUGs, Lobbies, Scrims, matches, or otherwise until summer.

That said, I'd like a few people to pub stomp with, it's great fun, as some of you know, and it's a good way to maybe meet other competitive players. I was considering making a steam group for it if enough people were interested.

Having a sense of humor would be a good thing too, if it's a pub, everybody can maybe get some laughs out of it while also trying new strategies and stuff on random people.

posted about 9 years ago
#93 Family issues when playing in Off Topic

I'm in a similar situation as you, my mom is a nurse, and as such, she feels inclined to read every health magazine and then do exactly what they say. Most recently is that one magazine says that people should only have an hour of screen time a day, (except for herself, of course) and so me (17) and my little brothers (11) all have to work our way into this. However, unlike you, my mom understands that I have little time to be a kid or whatever, so we made an agreement, and this is the agreement I suggest for you to attempt:

The leader of my team is understanding about my situation, and made me a substitute until school is out because of this:

Talk to your dad about your gaming habits, try to limit yourself to a certain about a day, (and keep it consistent, no 1 hour one day and 4 the next), on the weekends, try and play more than you usually do, I play an hour a day and about an hour and a half on the weekend.

The agreement was basically this: Play with the time given to you until school is out, but put school first before anything else, since it matters more in the long run. Then when your dad sees improvement, ask him if he'll let you play during the summer.

This works because, if your dad sees you limiting yourself without his guidance, he'll know that you understand, and he'll be slightly more lenient. If that doesn't work, then just sneak games in. I do it because I'm the first one home, and I get the house to myself for an hour.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 LF Demoman Mentor in Mentoring
MoyTry finding a team first.
Not only will this help improve you in general, but it will also give you more coordination to work off of. PUGs and lobbies won't teach you shit except for the basics.

I'm mainly asking for the help so that I can get good enough to get on a team. And I know that PUGs and Lobbies don't really help, but I figured it was worth putting in so that a person reading knows that I know the basics.

BLeakXDont focus on being good with your pipes, focus on sticky spamming and just using pipes to mainly spam choke points / spam. Only thing i notice is starting demos rely on pipe dm which takes away a big factor of being good with stickies in the long run. Thats my 2 cents.

I need help with stickies too. Like something beyond just using stickies in Pubs, because I do that already, and more often then not, people seem to kinda just... Walk into them on purpose, in seems.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 LF Demoman Mentor in Mentoring

Here goes, let me make it as short and sweet as I can:

I'm looking for a Demoman mentor whose willing to help out a starting out competitive demoman for both highlander and 6v6. I know the basics of the class, and I usually hit pipes that aren't spam. I'd like help in any possible way, ranging from sticky placement, to positioning, to rollouts and everything in between.

I'm willing to listen and use what I've been taught to improve and become better, and I also take criticism well, so feel free to let me have it. My previous experience is nothing but a few PUGs and lobbies.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 LF Pocket Soldier Mentor in Mentoring

Closing this one. I got picked up as a back up Demo.

posted about 10 years ago
#18 When do we find out that secret? in TF2 General Discussion

Can somebody tell me the name of the Twitch channel that the stream will be on tonight? I can't find it in the events. I have eXtelevision followed on Twitch, but if that's not the channel that's broadcasting it, which is?

posted about 10 years ago
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