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SteamID64 76561198040562842
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Country United States
Signed Up July 19, 2013
Last Posted November 3, 2020 at 7:24 AM
Posts 132 (0 per day)
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Keyboard Corsair K70 (Cherry MX Red)
Mousepad Glorious Extended
Headphones Audio Technica ATH-M50
Monitor BenQ XL 2411Z
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#2 reminder to americans in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#6 Fully Charged! Episode 47 - Promod Edition in Events
Getawhaleplunkpost below if you are a b4nny sub so your opinion is disregarded in chat
I got perma'd by zeekaptain for asking if his age is closer to 6 or 60

braver than the troops

posted about 4 years ago
#4 trump acquitted in World Events


posted about 4 years ago
#16 small b4nny in Off Topic

posted about 4 years ago
#9 worst cast scenario for tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

hey guys what's up

posted about 4 years ago
#188 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
sops"Guy's I've seen dashner being a total prick and abusive towards members of the staff, this isn't right, anybody else noticed that? What can we do?"sopswithout having to bring out anything to the public.
posted about 4 years ago
#185 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
sopsWhen you see abuse going on around you, you let your fellow members of the community know that [x] person is abusivesopswithout having to bring out anything to the public.

Sorry, what was your point?

posted about 4 years ago
#173 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
FuxxIf no one speaks up then it logically follows that anyone who's aware of the situation, previous victims included, is partially responsible for any abuses that follow.

Go fuck yourself.

posted about 4 years ago
#296 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

Ruwin just released his first game on Steam, a first person 3D platformer titled In Passing. Tight controls, smooth gameplay, beautiful visuals, incredible OST, and a very thoughtful narrative. It's free, so give it a shot if you like platformers or just want to check out what he's been up to!

Got that fatty Lead Designer credit, too.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 RGL Update: On Recent Events in TF2 General Discussion
The administration team at RGL takes situations involving sexual harassment very seriously, especially those involving minors. Recent events have caused tensions to run high in the community, and many are understandably very upset. This previous Sunday, Nursey was banned for code of conduct violations regarding sexual interactions with minors. Since then, many others in the community have come forward with their own reports. The admin staff has been in the process of reviewing the cases we have received so far, and we are ready to release the following decisions.

The following players have received permanent suspensions from RGL:

Nursey- Breaking RGL's player conduct stance by interacting with minors in inappropriate and sexually suggestive ways. Soliciting images from a minor.

Broking- Breaking RGL's player conduct stance by interacting with minors in inappropriate and sexually suggestive ways.

Viper- Breaking RGL's player conduct stance through repeated improper interactions with others, including minors, in sexually suggestive ways.

Retrodavid- Breaking RGL's player conduct stance by repeatedly interacting with minors in inappropriate and sexually suggestive ways. Soliciting images from a minor.

We're not handing out these bans lightly. When evaluating the severity of a case, we're particularly looking for repeated or egregious behavior. Abuses of positions of power (ie: top level players using their status over players newer to the scene) are also a very significant factor at play. In situations where a victim is a minor, these offenses become significantly worse, though any situation regarding sexual harassment is of a serious and reportable nature.

We have set up a google form available here for use as a primary method to submit reports of inappropriate behavior directly to head admins. This form or a future equivalent will remain open indefinitely. In all circumstances regarding player reports, it should be noted that the recommended course of action is to go through our report system rather than through specific members of staff or community.

Efforts made by the community to publicize this issue and create a comfortable environment for people to come forward are, of course, appreciated. That said, it is more than possible for things to be taken too far. Our administration team does not condone witch hunting or harassment in any capacity. Punitive action may be taken regarding this subject matter if the current trends of aggressive behavior among certain individuals within the community continue. Please remember to maintain respectful relations within the community, and to be mindful of the dangers of a mob mentality.

Moving forward, we are well aware that our work is not done. We will continue to investigate and evaluate reports we receive so we can take action accordingly. Our number one objective in RGL is to foster a community where people can feel safe while playing the game they love. Thank you to those who have come forward and shared information. Through our combined efforts we can achieve our dream of a healthy and safe competitive environment.

To ensure proper visibility, our form for submitting reports of inappropriate behavior is also linked here as well-
Click here
posted about 5 years ago
#5 DBZ voice actor leaks in Music, Movies, TV


posted about 5 years ago
#31 Se7en or Froyotech, who's better? in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlord7 sometimes plays so passively that it becomes sub-optimal, it just works especially well against teams clearly worse than them

who the fuck are you to say that

posted about 5 years ago
#52 Unveiling NACL in TF2 General Discussion

Will the league have any kind of integration with Pugchamp? Shared conduct/cheating bans, name highlights for divs, etc?

posted about 5 years ago
#17 ESEA S31 W4: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches
zenmodeFroyo lost to Ascent in Seasons 21 (after the Luca Goers match), 22, 23, and 25. The only actual loss to FROYOBLACK was season 29 cuz that’s the season where the roster went Ascent -> SVIFT NA -> FROYOBLACK. The roster hasn’t been used since then, and ESEA doesn’t remember old names in the league histories.

With that said, any froyo loss is historic at this point tbh

whoops, that's my bad. should have checked the match pages instead of just the match history. thanks for the correction! with that, this is still froyo's first loss to ascent in almost 2 years, which is still a pretty crazy statistic. cheers!

posted about 5 years ago
#13 ESEA S31 W4: froyotech vs. Ascent in Matches

This is the first time that froyotech has lost to a team other than FROYOBLACK since Season 21, when they lost to the Luca Goers. Really historic moment here.

posted about 5 years ago
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