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Signed Up December 4, 2013
Last Posted June 24, 2021 at 10:24 AM
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Monitor Dell something
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#33 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

-Resolution fixes for 1920x1080 (option in 4plug)
-Added options, advanced options, and console button to the main menu

MOOSE_why is using Comanglia's config better especially good for clean tf2?

If you're going to downgrade your graphics severely through mods, I figured there'd be some reason for some people to use configs too.

alec_feedback-stupidly high viewmodels like mine cause a problem by the health (idk if that can be fixed)

It might be fixable through some console command, but I don't have an actual solution atm.

AmirBonkCould you possibly implement a quickplay button to the main menu? Because i didn't see one. I might be just blind, though.

I don't know where to put it that would work on 4:3. The obvious spot next to MvM gets cut off.

posted about 9 years ago
#26 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
Is the clean tf2 thing legal in leagues? I dont want to get banned from etf2l for using this :s

I'll ask for an etf2l response but if something like hrbls' nohats gets by just fine, I don't see why this wouldn't.

MOOSE_Whats the difference between Clean tf2 and flat textures?

Flat textures makes textures unicolor on sv_pure 0 and nothing else.

Clean tf2 makes textures unicolor on sv_pure 0, grainy on sv_pure 1/2 (idk I got used to it and now cant play without it), disables lighting on materials (any sv_pure for world textures, needs preloading to work on sv_pure 1/2 for models), removes some unneeded models that appear in maps (like the rocks around badlands second that can get stickies placed in them as an example. Requires preloading), and removes some unneeded visual clutter (quite a few particle materials are removed for example, depends on each one whether it needs preloading or not to work on sv_pure).

MOOSE_uyScutiSlightly different details and apparantly clean tf2 actually effects framerate.Are there any significant visible differences? Also I'm a bit confused about whether it works on sv_pure 2, or if it looks the same as Quaketextures.

If you want to compare how it looks, here's a quick picture from google images (thanks netglow) of just plain flat textures. Completely different angle from the one in the op but you can see the differences.


The mod's not for everyone, I realize, but I think it looks nice and I've had people say the same.

FleekAm i blind or is there no options button in menus?

Expect it in the next update. I replaced it to get mvm in and then completely forgot about re-implementing it.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

-Made main menu greens less bright
-Disabled crosshair by default (go into resource\ui\base_customs\crosshairs.res to re-enable).

-Added surfaceproperties.txt
-Added optional _clean_tf2_minusplayer.vpk to fix most of the problems adysky's having (some are impossible and fire I forgot which file)

SAAM_Is this the best it's going to look on sv_pure 2 servers or am I doing the preloading wrong? I just typed 'map cp_badlands' into console when I booted then joined a server.

That's the flat textures. It looks shitty on doors but I like it in general (and get 20 more fps from it). To preload you should probably go into the same map that you'll later join but what you're pointing at with the door will be like that with or without preloading.

iFY_I love this mod. do you recommend running this with flat textures at the same time?

I'd sure recommend it.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization
LionxHow do you install the clean tf2 textures?

Should just be moving the .vpk's into steam\steamapps\common\team fortress 2\tf\custom\

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

merry xmas tf.tv

I edited omni's notohud around until it started looking like its own hud. There's still quite a bit of stuff that's the same as notohud that I'll edit soon. Sorry for being a bit rushed to release for today, I'm sure I'll run into tons of little mistakes and issues involving resolutions but I'll be on them ASAP.



More Screenshots
VPK to disable the scope removal rules for ESEA and ETF2L make this needed (I'll get a more elegant way to disable soon)

I used some trippy vmt stuff and afaik it all works perfectly on dx9 (comangalia's cfg and chris's maxquality both work so I'd assume everything in between works), but on dx8 it doesn't at all.

What that means though is things like the healthcross/circle DO work on sv_pure 2, since it's technically additives and masks applied over it to make it look the way it does.

One thing to note is fps configs will slightly change things, on maxframes masking materials will go through viewmodels always, but on maxquality masking will go through viewmodels only on maps without water. Transparent viewmodels for example (run tf2 w/ prismhud once, edit cfg\prismhud.txt, change pcfg_vmalpha=0 to 1 or 2) will not work with maxquality on maps with water, but will in every other case.

Omni	 	- notohud
B4stian		- EJP-HUD
Sevin7		- 7HUD
Rays		- Rayshud
Zimmy		- Control points
0wner		- Control points
Colly		- various
MrMinority	- MinHUD
Whayay		- yahud
gliss		- some viewmodel images
supremecommander- Statusspec
4		- 4plug
Goat_		- standalone 4plug made for goat_ hud
MrModez		- TFMM, cool guy
pwny		- bwhud

I tried to increase fps and make tf2 look as simplified as possible and was happy with the results.


More Screenshots
Works well with Comanglia's config and the no hats mod.

There's been some confusion with the dx8 warning for prism hud, so Clean TF2 works fine on dx8.

Some functionality in sv_pure without preloading, more with it. To preload, just open up a server on the map you want in sv_pure 0 before going on the sv_pure server. I'm planning on getting a map set up to preload everything but it's easier said than done.
World textures applied to brushes will always be changed whether preloaded or not, but models (either to make them unlit or to remove them) requires preloading. Some materials like the bleed overlay are also removed, but require some more specific preloading, since they don't appear on any map you'd need to make yourself bleed once to remove it for when you do go to sv_pure.

This includes wilson's updated flat textures mod (there's two types of flat textures mods, one that loads default textures in sv_pure and one that makes materials extremely downsized in sv_pure. Afaik wilson's is the most updated of the latter) and since wilson just kinda disappeared along with his mod, I figured he wouldn't mind me posting it here. If you don't like how this looks in sv_pure, just delete the flat.vpk file. I have no clue how these flat textures change fps, heard from some that it improves their fps a lot and heard from some that it hurts fps a lot, I'd guess it's because of different GPUs. It might help you fps junkies or it might not, try it out.

posted about 9 years ago
#830 rayshud in Customization
Pepzibut i cant find the install path for the "courier new" font.

Courier New comes with Windows by default, and since it's installed it doesn't need its file location specified.

posted about 9 years ago
#504 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
DrJeremyHas anyone played around with the animations in hudplayerclass.res? Do you think it would be possible to use the boxrocket font with the animations to swap like crosshairs, except they would show whether you're on primary, secondary, or melee?

Whenever you swap weapons to whatever weapon slot, it applies the animation to the player model. So for the primary animation, using your primary weapon will apply the idle primary-weapon animation (or act_mp_stand_primary) to the player model that hudplayerclass uses.

It's not a hudanimations_tf.txt-type animation thing if that's what you're asking, so unless I'm missing something no.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Can't uninstall hud in Q/A Help

Fonts are probably messing it up. Copy/pasting the fonts to some other folder and then deleting works for me whenever I get that issue.

posted about 9 years ago
#47 your life at the current moment in Off Topic

I'm Cody

posted about 9 years ago
#3173 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
BonafideI've always wondered, is there any way to implement web pages, or the mann co store/team fortress site into the main menu? since with a main menu above similar to cs:go it's kind of pointless to make everything so small if you can't put anything there except a background


You can make a link to a website with the motd panel, but you can't display sites within the hud.

posted about 9 years ago
#3167 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
NoFapJarateKingAnyone got any ideas for where I can put the rest of the buttons while making sure it works on different resolutions? Bottom?

I started making some concepts and seeing what I wanted to do, then experimented a bit more with other spots, but couldn't settle on one.


I'm thinking maybe use the motd panel for one of the sidebar ones and create a sort of dropdown menu, but still can't pick one or if I want to do that at all. What do you guys think?

posted about 9 years ago
#3162 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization





Anyone got any ideas for where I can put the rest of the buttons while making sure it works on different resolutions?

posted about 9 years ago
#207 SHOW YOUR CROSSHAIR! in Off Topic


Quertwhat i mean is, what are we suppose to achieve when sharing our crosshairs? it's personal preference, anyway.

maybe a big crosshair list thread would be useful. people would share theirs, it would be added to the main post, included with pictures and download, so that people can look for a crosshair that they like and use it

but just showing off crosshairs? seems a bit pointless if you ask me.

Inspiration, seeing what other people use and like, etc. Some people do put download links too, so there's that.

If you made a huge well formatted list of crosshairs with downloads, that'd be fantastic. I for one would love that. Just don't be all snooty because people aren't doing that already.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Team Fortress Modification Manager v1.0.4 in Customization

It just manages mods. Whether the mod can get past sv_pure or not depends on the mod.

posted about 9 years ago
#2991 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
SnowshoeI was able to fully recover the 2010 TF2 menu

I always just used http://tf2.gamebanana.com/guis/24179 to get that. Though the only thing that worked for me was the avatar, and all labels would break.

How'd you get it to say "Welcome back, Snowshoe" instead of "Welcome back, %playername%"?

posted about 9 years ago
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