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Country Trinidad and Tobago
Signed Up August 28, 2013
Last Posted April 12, 2023 at 4:49 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ⋅⋅ 126
#40 Spread in TF2 General Discussion

Finally you're settling it like an adult

posted about 10 years ago
#11 tek roaming for epsilon? in TF2 General Discussion
RRPThey lost a map to BFF in pcw, that's not dominant enough for epsilon.

(multiple maps, according to logs. check the ETF2L forums.)

posted about 10 years ago
#6 tek roaming for epsilon? in TF2 General Discussion
keepertonYeah, there was the whole "maybe Gear," but I someone said they were told Gear wouldn't be returning.
Tek is on the roster now, but not verified. It'll be interesting to see Mike playing Demo, considering he seemed incredibly aggressive when playing Demo last season, putting out a lot of damage, but also dying a considerable amount.

I love HYS - he's a beast, and one of the top demos in Euro in my view. But it'll be exciting to see the brains and brawn of Mike playing demo.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 tek roaming for epsilon? in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah we discussed some of these changes yesterday during our BFF cast. At that time I don't think we knew anything about the soldier situation. This seems interesting though.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Powerline Ethernet in Hardware
mrtf2guyby new apartment and playing in basement...dont you mean you moved back into your moms apartment and she is making you live in the basement? Kappa


Kaeyel1:31 AM - [redacted]: The answer is yes.
1:31 AM - [redacted]: It's fine.
1:31 AM - [redacted]: Works like a dream.
1:32 AM - [redacted]: Caveat: I have new wiring.
1:32 AM - [redacted]: I d'nno how many embups I have, but you've seen me stream and it's fine.

Not much to go off of, but it seems quality of the connection is tied to quality of the wiring, but it's good enough to stream with (60FPS + no skipping)

That's encouraging - have never done 60 myself but that's a good sign for sure. Love the term embups.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Powerline Ethernet in Hardware
CJ-I use powerline right now and streaming works fine, ping as far as I can tell is the same as if I were using ethernet. The only difference is that my bandwidth is significantly reduced, although I am unsure of the exact reason why. On my home's network ethernet gets 110 Mbps down or so, but when I am powerline it drops to about 30 (this doesn't really matter though, since 30 is still plenty). I am guessing it is some combination of a bottleneck caused by the connector itself/the powerlines in my house.

But in my experience it is preferable to wifi considerably. I have no lag/ping issues, feels like I am on ethernet.

How about upload? That plus connection reliability/consistency is mostly what I am worried about for Twitch/OBS.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 Powerline Ethernet in Hardware
SuyoI'm streaming over powerline ethernet, and works pretty well, I usually get the full available bandwidth even on the other side of the house. Occasionally, there's ping issues where it will spike every few seconds, but I'm able to fix it by unplugging and plugging it back in.

Do you have to unplug both adapters? Just one end?

slateWire would be ideal obviously, you could check if there is some old telephone wire (CAT3) in your room, that should be sufficent to get 100mbit.

This is interesting. I will have to look into this.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Powerline Ethernet in Hardware

I have recently moved to a new apartment. I am in the basement and using wireless currently. It's Wireless N, but the connection is poor, I get jitter and lag, and I drop a lot of frames when I stream, by the looks of it.

I am looking at my options for improving the connection. One of the options I am currently looking at is Powerline Ethernet, one upstairs connected to the router and one down here. I am looking at newer 500mbps adapters.

Does anyone have experience using this, and preferably streaming to Twitch using it? I know there's a chance I'll improve my speed and connection's stability, but I seem to recall reading that I may have worse ping/jitter or something like that if I use that? Not sure if I'm imagining that.

I understand that it can be hit or miss already, depending on the house's wiring. Anyone who can provide insight though on using these adapters, I appreciate it. Thanks.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 UGC Platinum: mTs vs. 20b in Events
cookieGetawhalecookiesince it's pl, i'm guessing street hoops are gonna win... 2-1
Why would you say that, "since it's PL"? Would love to hear you elaborate. mTs have beaten many top teams on PL maps.
I feel like they mTs doesn't practice HL as much as Street Hoops does (did?), on top of that I'm sure the core of their team is busy getting ready for LAN. Either way, anything can happen!

This is fair! (I assume you mean PL and not HL?) I always hear a lot of unfair generalizations about mTs, but your logic does make sense if it's true.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 pogo in Off Topic

Seems pretty gnarly to me

posted about 10 years ago
#4 UGC Platinum: mTs vs. 20b in Events
cookiesince it's pl, i'm guessing street hoops are gonna win... 2-1

Why would you say that, "since it's PL"? Would love to hear you elaborate. mTs have beaten many top teams on PL maps, including 20b.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 StatusSpec in Projects

ho-lee shit

posted about 10 years ago
#20 stuffs to do online when bored? in Off Topic
Oblivionagehes asking what to do online idiot

ah of course!

posted about 10 years ago
#2 stuffs to do online when bored? in Off Topic

Go outside

Read a book

Next question

posted about 10 years ago
#7 Live stats for casters and streamers in TF2 General Discussion

Excited for this becoming more public. It helps casters and streamers alike. Good for medic drops as well.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 ⋅⋅ 126