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Signed Up August 28, 2013
Last Posted April 12, 2023 at 4:49 AM
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#31 TFTV/Twitch Invitational - Group Stage - Round 1 in Events
blueeHow common/rare is it to have a player on different teams in different leagues?
That's the only issue I can see with keeping a DB, other than making sure it's up to date.

Pretty sure it's still against ESEA rules to be on more than one team per game, and I presume? CEVO has the same rule. This is something you mostly see in UGC, etc.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 leaving a life long friend, and retarting in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#11 driving test tips in Off Topic

Some driving schools/services will actually prep you for specific things to watch for. The driving instructor company I used, the guy actually took me through what the probably driving test route would be around town. He gave me two or three possibilities of where they take you. This was helpful because I could practice.

Some of the things I remember that are important to watch for HERE were.. crosswalks, always be ready to stop for pedestrians. Speed limits obviously. When turning left at an intersection, don't cut across the center line on your left when you make the turn. Be aware of if a light/arrow is about to go yellow - you can usually use the walk signal for this if it shows a countdown, etc. That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure if you Google you'll get a billion other tips.

posted about 10 years ago
#48 StatusSpec in Projects
HarbingerIs there some way to call sizzlingstats or variables while the match is playing?

For example, if you are talking about Duwatna shitting on some other demo, you could bring up the demos' stats in a slick-looking window for easy comparison. The window would be small enough to allow viewers to continue watching the actual match play.

This would be super cool for casting. I imagine the window looking something like the breaking news tickers on news channels:

I think that given some of the things I've seen in Euro casts (with live stats being displayed and updated in real-time), and given the minds and talents in our community for behind the scenes things, and frontend/UI design, people like GentlemanJon, Blackout's Jon, dashner, etc, graphics like this with live stats aren't too far off.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 CEVO @ TheGXL in TF2 General Discussion

Glad this is finally public!

Can't wait to see if there will be any more announcements as we get closer to October.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Meow :3 in TF2 General Discussion

Keep your chin up

posted about 10 years ago
#11 What if Instead of Star_ as being famous in Off Topic

You need to understand the difference between our game and other competitive games. Games like DOTA2 and CS:GO are BUILT to be competitive games, with a competitive focus. They are supported heavily by Valve, who have larger teams working on them constantly building features and competitive infrastructure into them. TF2 doesn't have this support. Whatever the reason is, TF2 seems to be meant as a "fun" game, or a public server casual game, or an accessible game, or the hats/trading game, whatever.

Our community is amazing - AMAZING. Like it's OUTSTANDING the kind of support we have with crowd funding events like Tip of the Hats or Insomnia LAN OURSELVES. It's mind boggling at times what great work people do with building plugins and addons and HUDs to advance the competitive scene. But Valve seems to be done putting this level of work into this game.

Events like i46/49/52 or the upcoming GXL are very big (for us) and do a lot for exposure. But you need to consider another thing, which is the small amount of international reach we have. Games like DOTA2 and CS:GO have very large reach outside of North America. DOTA especially has strong roots and history in Asia. We have a great Euro scene but the TF2 communities in areas such as Asia, Oceania, and South America are VERY VERY small compared to the massive swaths of people playing and following DOTA in these areas.

When TF2 packs a house, it's maybe a hundred people at a LAN event, plus people who are there for other games who may want to check it out. When DOTA2 packs a house, they pack the Staples Center.

I think it's fantastic that we have a few top streamers/YouTube people who bring hundreds of thousands of views to our game. But I think there are many obstacles preventing us from having lots of those, or bringing in the kind of numbers that players of these worldwide games do.

EDIT: People above make a great, much more concise point than me: TF2 lends itself to "Entertainment" videos, while DOTA2, for example, is more of a competitive game. I am wordy.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 LBTF2 S9 Elite Grand Finals: MONSTER vs. Evolution Gaming in Events

I will be on the mic for this - should be awesome times!

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ raise your basil ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Payday 2 in Other Games

Played a bunch of this on the weekend, the new stuff was interesting. Not sure if I'd pay for the DLC but that's just me.

We used to play this every day during the beta, and then just abruptly stopped. Got burned out.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

"Welcome to Brown Town"

posted about 10 years ago
#2 i52 LAN Fundraiser in News

In for Platinum t-shirt

posted about 10 years ago
#8 twitch viewbotting (◉◡◔) in Off Topic

this happened to me and i didn't like it

it also happened to noted streamer raysfire and i have it on good authority that he disliked it as well

don't do this, thanks

posted about 10 years ago
#6 UGC Platinum: ET vs. mTs in Events

I have it on good authority that phorofor was practicing headshots in lobbies this week

What does it mean?

posted about 10 years ago
#8 RIP Sigafoo? in TF2 General Discussion

Checked the VOD and he's apparently taking a two week break from streaming for real life stuff.

So apparently that merited a "RIP SIGAFOO" thread?

posted about 10 years ago
#5 long ethernet cables in Hardware

Thread can be chopped and closed at Post 2, that's your answer.

posted about 10 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 ⋅⋅ 126