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Signed Up September 18, 2015
Last Posted December 14, 2023 at 1:05 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ⋅⋅ 24
#44 Did anyone clip the point in b4nny's stream... in The Dumpster
mat this point i cant tell if bannys trying to be likeable or unlikeable anymore

He is living in his own filter bubble so he is not trying anything, however I think there is no need to start discussing b4nny again

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Been a long time... in TF2 General Discussion
blinKI'm doing well. Haven't had much time to game so i've been doing up single player games when I have the time.. Mainly the witcher 3 lol. Love that friggen game.

Has the emergence of overwatch really hurt the quality/size of the competitive scene?

It definitely hurt the quality of the competitive scene. A lot of experienced players left so the overall quality in prem/invite dropped, however the last two LANs were a blast to watch.

posted about 7 years ago
#166 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

I was already so hyped to play against vaccinator last season, I really can't wait for teams to use quickfix!

posted about 7 years ago
#4 What's the logic behind unbanning unlocks in TF2 General Discussion

Because some people still think that unbanning the majority of the unlocks will make valve do balance changes for all of them with comp in mind, which has been proven false because Valve is noticeably out-of-touch with the competitive community. Keep in mind they nerfed unlocks like the bison.
Basically, everybody gave up hope when it comes to "If we cooperate with Valve, they will cooperate with us" except a few people who still cling onto their hopes that Valve will actively try to push competitive TF2.

posted about 7 years ago
#132 Philosophical Question About Whitelists/Blacklists in TF2 General Discussion

I refuse to believe that one person can be this delusional so I'm assuming that this is one giant ruse and we're just being trolled.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Sigafoo AMA on reddit in TF2 General Discussion

So he is looking for sympathies from reddit?

posted about 7 years ago
#57 sigafoo cup hype in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#7 Random or Fixed DM spawns poll in TF2 General Discussion

It doesn't matter if random or fixed spawns, badlands is still aids af to play on dm servers

posted about 7 years ago
#3 ETF2L S25 Open Coverage in TF2 General Discussion

No idea if you're aiming for professionality, but if you do you should watch your vocabulary and expressions. Stuff like "absolutely rolled", "[...] who used 8 players throughout the season so I won't be listing a roster for them" and using terms like offclassing should be avoided at all costs because they sound really bad and personally I don't enjoy reading a coverage in a way like that, especially since you vary between writing in a fitting linguistic tone and colloquial language (hope thats the right term). You pretty much write stuff down in a fitting manner and in the next moment you formulate words comparable to someone speaking with a friend.

E: Otherwise, keep it up. It's quite interesting to keep track of things, no matter the division.

posted about 7 years ago
#33 what is really viable now? in TF2 General Discussion
consumonnshorasAlfiebiskuitrescue ranger engineer repairing sentry from spawncow mangler secondary disables all abilities of rescue rangerBut then you can use Gunslinger to piss of Cow Mangler Soldiers, who wouldn't be able to take a down a mini easily.
TF2's turning into "use X to counter Y", just like Overwatch?
Loch n' Load is probably gonna be the meta so gunslinger is no problem ever.

As someone who used the gunslinger in 6s since the new aids whitelist I can 100% confirm that this is not the case at all. Minis are great to deny sacks and as an alarm system to scouts trying to run behind. If you try to use it to take time off ubers/get frags you are doing it wrong

Also, the entire "Switch loadouts to counter specific loadouts" is a really boring game concept and saying "but now the loch'n'load counters rescue ranger engies" doesn't justify all this stuff getting unbanned.

This entire whitelist smh

posted about 7 years ago
#52 TF2 Center adblock fuckery in TF2 General Discussion

Jokes on them I can actually join the site with adblock enabled
Says everything about the admins' quality tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Adjustments made to global whitelist in News
DroidsterWe get a backlash like this every time something is unbanned which has happened a lot in ETF2L over the last few years. And then a week later everyone realises it's not actually that bad when you actually play with it rather than get pissed on the forum, I honestly think that this is the right direction and hopefully the weapons will eventually be good enough for no whitelist


posted about 7 years ago
#385 Global whitelist unveiled in News

I swear to god if I'm having a TF2C/Pub experience with all this bullshit in a scrim tonight I'm gonna die inside

At this rate I'd rather not have TF2 become an E-Sport.
Apparently Slin and co. forgot we are still playing this game because it's fun, and that's most likely gonna be taken from us with all this aids.

Can't wait for pootis to mid, or the natascha,Vac, Sentry with RR hold on last.
Can't wait to get jarateed and then take a +150 damage rocket
I'm so dissapointed

posted about 7 years ago
#163 What are your weird in game habits/behaviour? in TF2 General Discussion

Teamfight happening, I find a way around, get caught out on the flank and call the enemy roamer/flank scout a BOT for being there

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Full Tilt bids farewell in News

"If there were more tournaments and lans etc. then yeah sure we might reform"

We finally know how Sideshow got the biannual LAN idea

(I hope you actually reform at some point)

posted about 7 years ago
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