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Last Posted March 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM
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#6 Balanced Mod Ideas in TF2 General Discussion
PumLiberty launcher seems fine; it's already capable of 2-shotting medics at decent range.

Pyro runs faster than medic now; not sure if intended.

It is, Pyro is very weak without airblast, and since i find airblast to be a bit broken, i buffed pyro and nerfed airblast

You probably nerfed it a little too hard. There are other ways to fix airblast (the way it does targetting, having it not reset momentum, etc.) that make it a better fit for the game. It's probably bad for pubs as suggested.

+50% pushback force on the backburner puts it at half of the previous force, not 84% of it.

When i say -16% i mean that thats the difference between Stock and Backburner

It's still not clear what you mean. -16% relative to new stock? No, the backburner is buffed. -16 relative to old stock? Then it's +150%.

You're removing the main point of the back scratcher: that it lets the pyro play on the flank when there are no medics. Might want to reconsider the change.

How about lowering from 75% from healers to 50% from original stats

It's fine as is.

Overdose becomes a little too good with suggested change, might need testing. Also goes against current game philosophy of only having changes apply with held/visible items. (See changes to bushwhacka, pocket pistol, etc.)
Also note this for the amputator.

Guess that philosophy makes sense, maybe the gun could be seen somewhere in the medic model?

Otherwise I guess i'll change it to up to +15% speed but requires the gun out, and amputator from +3 to +5

Other than the shields and the sniper backpacks, every general item only has effects while it is held. Overdose is fine as-is.

Sleeper needs a nerf, not a buff.

How so? Lacking headshotting isnt hard enough?

If it's dumb enough to be banned in highlander for power level reasons, it's dumb enough to merit a nerf, not a buff.

Suggested change to the danger shield is terrible; punishes quickscoping even harder (uncharged headshot does 120), while leaving charged up bodyshot->peek unaffected. A better change would be to simply increase critical damage taken, reversing the problem.

Yet by that you lose the "immunity" to quick-scopes, which is the main point of the gun

It is universally agreed that the DDS is not well-designed in that regard; if you get headshot and are unbuffed, you should die. An unlock shouldn't stop that.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Balanced Mod Ideas in TF2 General Discussion

Cool concept, though it pays to actually do the math with the numbers you post. For example, changing the wrap assassin cooldown from 15s to 45s is a +200% increase, not +150%. Additionally, this lets you see the full consequences of your suggestions; the suggested back scatter is capable of 1-shotting light classes even a few yards away.

The suggested candy cane might have the issue that the player you hit picks up the health kits, actually gaining health.

Liberty launcher seems fine; it's already capable of 2-shotting medics at decent range.

It's unclear if the updated mantreads still have the knockback effect.

Pyro runs faster than medic now; not sure if intended.

+50% pushback force on the backburner puts it at half of the previous force, not 84% of it.

Part of the reason that the phlog doesn't have airblast is that right clicking activates it.

You're removing the main point of the back scratcher: that it lets the pyro play on the flank when there are no medics. Might want to reconsider the change.

How do you plan on increasing the bleed damage on the SH as suggested? 5/hit?

Overdose becomes a little too good with suggested change, might need testing. Also goes against current game philosophy of only having changes apply with held/visible items. (See changes to bushwhacka, pocket pistol, etc.) Also note this for the amputator.

Sleeper needs a nerf, not a buff.

Suggested change to the danger shield is terrible; punishes quickscoping even harder (uncharged headshot does 120), while leaving charged up bodyshot->peek unaffected. A better change would be to simply increase critical damage taken, reversing the problem.

posted about 8 years ago
#74 Is in-game shit talk a good or a bad thing? in Off Topic

Inside the game, some degree of shittalk is good; there is a line that needs to avoid being crossed, but as yuki said earlier, it rarely is.

Once the game ends? There really isn't a place for it. Maybe some friendly banter or stuff about next time, but don't go over that.

posted about 8 years ago
#94 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSireNot only does that starve the weapon of the competitive context needed to see a meaningful fix, it sends the weapon to the grave yard as those that are eventually fixed in some way, almost never (is there even 1 example?) make it back into the whitelist.

Oh yeah, regarding this point: I know the Liberty Launcher got unbanned after being fixed. However, I think that's the only one.

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion

The "launch people forward" thing happens when you strafe into it and it's hitting the back corner of your collision hull. That, or it hits the left side of someone peeking badlands choke from mid, tossing them towards the barrels, which might count as "forward".

It pushes you in the direction opposite where on the hull it hits.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Sigafoo leaving EVL TV in TF2 General Discussion

He was an intelligent engineer main with good DM who then went to casting HL.

TL;DR for video: sigafoo casted every week for the entirety of the season with rotating co-casters, and then got cut from casting the grand finals with 48 hours notice. As a result of the poor communication from EVL TV staff (primarily from this instance, but a couple others mentioned in the video), sigafoo doesn't want to work with the organization and is leaving.

posted about 8 years ago
#41 Map location nicknames in TF2 General Discussion

I always thought China was China because there's a wall.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 peanut butter preferences in Off Topic

For cooking, smooth. For anything else, like sandwiches or straight out of the jar, crunchy/chunky.

posted about 8 years ago
#51 alfa to The Last Resort in News
Charles32TevsTLR to double snipe with Herr_p and alfa

Sniper's limited to 1 in ETF2L so I assume it is at i55 as well.

posted about 8 years ago
#286 i55 in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkGuys, we need tournaments upon tournaments of PROOF that picking up an enemy medic's medigun is a bad mechanic.

As was said earlier, both teams can pick up an enemy's medigun, therefore balancing the mechanic.

Depends on how you define "balance".

If you mean "no team has an advantage other than the skills that they have practiced/reflexes/etc." then sure, it's balanced.

If you go with the more common definition in gaming, that it makes the game more fun for more people, then most people would say no, it's not balanced.

posted about 8 years ago
#94 Dumb Competitive TF2 Trivia Thread in Off Topic
h0b5t3rWhat player has won invite the most times?

Pretty sure b4nny leads right now, followed by harb. Harb had the most for a long time but b4nny only recently passed him.

posted about 8 years ago
#42 Dumb Competitive TF2 Trivia Thread in Off Topic
HThree ESEA LAN finals have been affected by unlock changes immediately prior to the LAN.

The equalizer LAN - before it was split into 2 unlocks
The Natasha LAN - where it rivaled a death star's tractor beam
The quickfix LAN - pop in, jump out, rinse and repeat

Weren't minis legal in S8?

Also, mackey played every class but demo in invite at some point (if only for less than a singe game). He's played everything but demo and maybe pyro at LAN.

Before someone asks, at the beginning for scout, and medic was at the start of He played pyro here: Everyone knows about his prevalent offclassing to the rest of the classes.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Quakecon 2015 in LAN Discussion

The stream is live!

TDM today, CTF tomorrow, Duel saturday.

Also apparently we have carnage and relic on the same team. Not sure if they're the tf2 players, but that's a thing.

posted about 8 years ago
#157 showstopper AMA in Off Topic
Frost_BiteWhat's your favorite joke?

If you could change (not remove) any one item in tf2, which would you change and to what?

What creative/personalized insults do you like the most?

posted about 8 years ago
#58 showstopper AMA in Off Topic

What's your favorite joke?

If you could change (not remove) any one item in tf2, which would you change and to what?

posted about 8 years ago
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