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Last Posted | March 30, 2017 at 10:30 AM |
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OafmealI dunno mage... I hear that grumbling about standard being trash, and yet the meta has changed a TON since gatecrash released, and it seems like every couple weeks a new deck is 'strongest' because people learn how to play around the previous one.
The pros seem to be complaining because they don't know what the fuck to play, which means it's a solid format. Look at the winning decks from the past few months, and the change along with reliance on more than '3 cards' is pretty obvious.
The biggest issue with this argument is that it assumes diversity and innovation make a good format. All the skill in the non-eternal formats is "how can I make the card(s) that completely f*ck my opponent over get into and stay in play the longest"? That's the issue when R&D makes playable "oh look, the game is over" cards. R&D wants diversity, innovation in decks, and a changing meta. However, the game itself is no longer interesting.
Look at, say, CounterTop Goyf mirrors from 2007. Most importantly, every card is relevant. There are constant changes in who's winning. Misplays will often cost you greatly. Each player has many viable options, many of which involve interaction with the opponent. There are tons of tricks to do with your cards that reward experience. You are almost assured an actual game. That is the pinnacle of the game. Ever since creatures became way too good, the game has gotten progressively worse.
truktrukThe most expensive card I own is a Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Fuckin' A I miss this game.
I remember when I cracked one from a toolkit. Good times.
zigzterOh I forgot about this one:
8/9 trample when attacking for cheap.
Rampage only cares about creatures beyond the first. This makes it a 6/7 if blocked.
Also all the cards that people are saying are really good are actually trash (save the reanimate combo, but seriously, just EoT the entomb and then chain into animate next turn).
I know how to play at a somewhat high level. I've personally played pros and done well.
For the record, right now all actual formats except legacy and vintage are absolute trash because all matchups revolve around 1-3 cards. Legacy and vintage have ridiculous cost issues. Limited is boring as fuck.
But hey, I'll play legacy, vintage, or casual over cockatrice. Add me if you care. I'll also help you with rules questions or help you get better.
Say you're looking for an iron team for S10 as pyro.
Try lobbies or newbie mixes.
It's not technically a book, but it is a literary work that is often sold in books. Macbeth.
One of the reasons for being banned is ESP.
How is this not an obvious troll?
Just kidding, I actually prefer
beckermage24365Accepted to CMU, Northwestern, UCLA, Michigan.
the school's English department is complete trash and gave me shit grades for interpreting Shakespeare incorrectly.
This trash department was probably right : \
They were right in saying "There are only a few interpretations of Shakespeare that are widely agreed upon by critics; any other ones are wrong"?
Accepted to CMU, Northwestern, UCLA, Michigan.
Denied by Caltech, MIT, Columbia, Chicago, Harvard, Princeton.
Waitlisted at Cornell.
Need decisions from JHU and NYU.
I have absurd test scores (2360 SAT, 18 on USAMO, making me 68th in the country in math as of last April, etc.), but I'm lazy as fuck and don't do all my assignments. Also the school's English department is complete trash and gave me shit grades for interpreting Shakespeare incorrectly.
I'll probably end up going to CMU and doubling in Math and CS. I really liked my visit there, and they have a really good team for the Putnam. They're really good in CS, and the math program has a couple people who know graph theory well.