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Last Posted October 2, 2024 at 4:28 PM
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#20 making tf2 less stimulating in Off Topic
silence_bottomsighTempted to post just get good.
i dont really care about getting good, i care about playing with my friends. playing competitive tf2 feels like something you have to do to have a sense of belonging playing tf2 in general.

Why do you need to play competitive? Most people who have a sense of belonging usually play on the same community servers with the same people. Competitive is a pretty niche subset of communities in this game.

As an example, plenty of furries and weebs stack uncletopia together and they have 0 competitive games.

posted 9 months ago
#98 TF2EASY BLACK PoLANd.TF FUNDRAISER in TF2 General Discussion

I mean, the dude literally said he would rape you and you are still trying to defend him. He didn't even say it to you, in confidence as a joke, it was in a public place where it seems you weren't even present. No words honestly. Whether it was a real threat or not it doesn't matter. If you find it funny then fine, but the other person didn't.

posted 9 months ago
#157 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
MongCorrect, but Oct 7th greatly improves the IDF's justification to bomb Palestine, which is why the attacks have ramped up massively after Oct 7th. All Hamas/Palestine have to do is not needlessly kill innocents and not bomb Israel for a few years to prove they are not violent barbarians and the whole world (or the only place that matters geopolitically, the US) will greatly improve their stance towards them and might even find a solution for this conflict. This is impossible for them.

This doesn't really make sense. This conflict has been ongoing for years. It didn't start at one point, you need to look at the whole, not just one date to justify abhorrent acts of a nation towards innocent civilans. Also, can you justify these sorts of acts? You say it "improves" the justification, but how can you improve the justification of something that is unjustifiable? It still remains as unjust as it was before.

If someone started attacking me in my own home, I'm going to fight back. If I just sit there and take it then I should expect to be homeless and beaten into the dirt, dieing. Surely it is a natural reaction to defend what you believe is yours and also your life? Sitting doing nothing to improve political standing will do nothing but kill them.

posted 10 months ago
#4 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion
BrockDoughyr u ok?

like mentally though?
Yes. Just dealing with Sociopaths my friend.

"brock may shot himself RIP"

You are unhinged brother, gl in life for what you do.

posted 11 months ago
#2 Yes, I'm Safe. in TF2 General Discussion

r u ok?

like mentally though?

posted 11 months ago
#13 are you a sophisticated tf2 player? in TF2 General Discussion
hannahHow am I even supposed to use this chart

You simply go "oh shit, i'm in third row, wait, 2nd row, WAIT TOP ROW, 2nd row still ok, ahh third row, average is fine, second row! SECOND AGAIN! FIRST!!!! ahhh fourth,, AHH FIRST.

Very easy usage actually.

I also know a guy almost entirely in high brow, and his name is jordy

posted 11 months ago
#364 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

Bumfreeze just got golfie WR, came so far from casting mid-prem games and missing every rocket on sunshine mid.

posted about a year ago
#3 Insomnia 71 Feedback in LAN Discussion

From a viewers pov it looked really good. It seems you guys did everything right you possibly could and it showed.

It's just a shame the venue and event sucks and I truly have no wish to go back to the NEC any time soon. I really dont feel like i've missed out the last 2 years I haven't attended. Sure the dates were worse this year, but the venue itself just seems grotty and like a tourist trap. Compared to most of the other clientel who attend, tf2 players seem like well functioning humans aswell.

posted about a year ago
#18 its always who you most expect.... in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#16 its always who you most expect.... in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#13 Overwatch 5CP in Off Topic
waxMrClickerHow much can they copy tf2 till it is just tf2

it's heavy but with a skateboard that has an aoe kickflip buff. blizzard listens more than valve and also adds to the ideas of tf2 pubbers.

posted about a year ago
#3 TF2 update for late 10/30/23 (10/31/23 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
Makyooo, this is huge

Shut up

posted about a year ago
#6 What Is The Best Version of Raymon 2 in Other Games

If you consider rayman revolutions (the ps2 one) the same game as great escape then it is probably the better version due to more content.

However, if you don't then the dreamcast version is easily better than pc and n64 versions of the same game. The nintendo DS version is the same as the pc one but without any problems and it actually plays pretty well too.

I would also feel weird not just hearing grunts and murmurs for voices but hearing actual voices too so along with nostalgia DC easily wins.

I got the ps2 rom for revolutions so can give it a go later.

posted about a year ago
#7 Wheels - A movement option for the Heavy in TF2 General Discussion

If heavy gets wheels, spy gets the suicide bomb. Only fair

posted about a year ago
#24 Ruleset Adjustment in TF2 General Discussion
Wild_RumpusDoughyThere is no way you guys did infinite overtime ruleset for a whole lan with bo3's in GROUPS and didn't expect to run late at some points. If it only ran 2 hours over on one day then that's actually incredible.its almost like games dont run nearly as long as every euro whos never played this config insists they do
if localhost actually budgeted the proper amount of time for pauses and getting set up then there would be plenty of time cushion for the one anomaly game that happens every now and again

I'm not saying it was the overtime that made it bad, mostly would have been bo3 in groups. Groups of 4 would have 6 guaranteed to 9 potential maps as opposed to bo1 groups of 6 having 5 guaranteed maps.

My main point is moreso that noone accounted for logistical problems and told the organisers that timing was not budgeted properly AND it also didn't go that badly is incredible. There was reasonable potential for people to be playing from noon to midnight without more than a 10 minute break. The infinite overtime is definitely something that coulda caused it, but by no means the only (or even largest) factor.

posted about a year ago
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