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SteamID64 76561198084516224
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Country Russian Federation
Signed Up October 28, 2014
Last Posted February 11, 2017 at 8:07 PM
Posts 288 (0.1 per day)
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#29 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization
DreamboatWill the location of ubercharge meters from statusspec be moveable?

Good idea. I hope, I'll make it.

Looks better? Primitive design only for alpha-beta.


Damn. Error message "sorry can't work with it" and after "have fun" :D

posted about 9 years ago
#27 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization
TommyDisquseTommyDisquseTommyThis seems similar to 4plug.4Plug is mods manager with functions of install/remove/switch mods. My program is HUD manager with funcs what I said in 1-st post :)
4plug also has the capability for users to customize their hud with switching out files, given that the hud author has provided support for it.
See http://puu.sh/4Yltx.jpg

I used this feature in 4plug to its extreme in mixHUD witch allows you to change every single part of a hud with the given presets (of witch there are many)
4plug can do all what func I listed in 1-st post? About Goat-settings I think Goat make it himself.. Okay and adaptive for hudmakers are easy?

4plug can do all of the ones in the alpha release except backup system. Goats image I linked was made using 4plug. One feature that 4plug had was the ability to export the setting menu as an exe, so that people could edit the hud settings using your program without having to actually install it. Like instead of having an ini file for the hud, you could just put an exe. The features for the full release look awesome.

About .exe it's really good idea. Maybe I can release it. But alpha-version only for layout. Tessence of the program will be released with fully release. Maybe partially in beta. 4plug can't do backups? Lold :DDD

posted about 9 years ago
#25 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization
TommyDisquseTommyThis seems similar to 4plug.4Plug is mods manager with functions of install/remove/switch mods. My program is HUD manager with funcs what I said in 1-st post :)
4plug also has the capability for users to customize their hud with switching out files, given that the hud author has provided support for it.
See http://puu.sh/4Yltx.jpg

I used this feature in 4plug to its extreme in mixHUD witch allows you to change every single part of a hud with the given presets (of witch there are many)

4plug can do all what func I listed in 1-st post? About Goat-settings I think Goat make it himself.. Okay and adaptive for hudmakers are easy?

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization
TommyThis seems similar to 4plug.

4Plug is mods manager with functions of install/remove/switch mods. My program is HUD manager with funcs what I said in 1-st post :)

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization

Anyone there? :c

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization

First alpha coming soon! Anyone wanna pre-alpha test? And, hudmakers, if you intresting to adaptive your HUD to my program - write there please. I'll add in program and this thread base of supported huds. And I'll adapting all huds from my fix-lib (http://teamfortress.tv/thread/21801/disquses-hud-fixes/)

posted about 9 years ago
#3894 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

CS:GO style? Rly like it. Good luck with HUD mate.

posted about 9 years ago
#50 huds.tf in Customization

Did huds.tf have API for 'importing' all huds into programs/sites and etc?

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization

+100 to easy adaptation.


posted about 9 years ago
#14 Gibus Clicker | The Game in Off Topic

Guys, come on. It's just fucking kidding :D It's not seriously.
I do not really understand tf.tv community. But I know. NO JOKES ANYMORE. D:

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Gibus Clicker | The Game in Off Topic
wof course a russian dude comes up with a program filled with viruses

You srsly? You trust unknown "antiviruses"? Why DR.Web, Kaspersky, AVG, Avira, Avast and others GOOD antiviruses don't found "viruses" in my fun-game? You racist? Why some "COOOOL" guys talk anything "COOOOOL" and don't proof it before? I'm sorry about your disease, my friend. This community is awesome :D

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Gibus Clicker | The Game in Off Topic

I present... Gibus Clicker. The game of the year edition. In game, you will go into an unforgettable adventure! Click-click-click-click...click-click, "DAMN I WANNA EAT, MOOOOOOOOOM!" (c). 0 sales for 1 day of release!

GameTrainers - "Clicks good! - 6/6/6"
GameSpoiler - "End is... AWESOME - 7/6"
JoystiG - "No joystig support - 0/1"
Game Incodder - "if(game == good) { "supah 11/4 } else { shit!11!11 3/66565 }""
CHERRY PRODUCTION - "It's Disquse, I'd trust him with my children I don't have yet. (c)"


Show Content

Buy now for 0.000000$: http://disqusestuff.wc.lt/file/gibusclicker
No viruses (c) VirusTotal

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization


posted about 9 years ago
#13 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization
AlfieDisquseHerganI'm guessing the hud creators will have to add some sort of info file like for 4Plug to have the hud name printed in the program?Yeah, hudmaker need to make (or just copy-paste) .ini-file and fill some question. Example of .ini:past tense of make is made, not maded

Thanks. My english is really bad, but with community I can make things right :)

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization
HerganI'm guessing the hud creators will have to add some sort of info file like for 4Plug to have the hud name printed in the program?

Yeah, hudmaker need to make (or just copy-paste) .ini-file and fill some question. Example of .ini:

Show Content
[Advanced HUD Manager]
CustomizationSlot1=16v16 Scoreboard
CustomizationSlot2=Damage Text
CustomizationSlot3=Spell Counts
CustomizationSlot4=Item meters
posted about 9 years ago
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