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Signed Up September 18, 2012
Last Posted July 25, 2024 at 5:42 PM
Posts 281 (0.1 per day)
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Mousepad A small one with a sailboat on it
Headphones Sennheiser HD 239
Monitor BenQ XL2420T
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 19
#41 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

Incredible sekiro review, bro just didn't talk to the one npc in the room with him


posted 1 day ago
#31 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion
LabasttaDavy you should say this for the 50+ who've had their first demo failure.

Good thing the first punishment for missing a demo check is literally a warning. As in, nothing happens.

posted 1 week ago
#27 A Thank You Letter To RGL in TF2 General Discussion

Demo check failures need to be strictly punished in order for cheaters to not just say "sorry don't have em" and get a slap on the wrist over and over. I can understand maybe like 2 weeks of amnesty for whenever the P-Rec breaking update happened but if you failed to record after that it's just sincere skill issue. Also, don't delete your demos after the season that's been policy for ages. I hope you don't need babying this badly.

posted 1 week ago
#38 [ETF2L] The Ugliest Side of Competitive TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

can someone explain this drama in nba terms

posted 1 month ago
#6 Mastercomfig doesnt boost fps in Customization

use the mastercom discord linked on the mastercom website dumbshit

posted 2 months ago
#26 The Final Thread / 05/01/24 in TF2 General Discussion

mods do your jobs and ban this guy this is just sad

posted 2 months ago
#4 cp_hydra in Map Discussion

really nice theming and pretty exceptionally creative point design, you should be really proud of this design.
the biggest thing that sticks out to me is that there are a lot of awkward prop placements. if you removed every single brazier(?) it would probably lead to a lot better combat spaces and overall just streamline the geometry. at the end of the day, we want players fighting eachother--not the map.
second, please clip off a lot of the ledges that soldiers can reach high in places like the flank between last and second as well as the entire mid point roof.
last, smooth out all the staircases and streamline some of the grass geometry, it really doesn't need to be so bumpy, take a look at the grass on sunshine 2 for example.
keep it up! i hope you get the pug feedback and testing you want!

posted 2 months ago
#2 What's the most beautiful point on a map? in TF2 General Discussion

the girl reading this

posted 2 months ago
#182 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

bahaha team had tweedle dee and tweedle dum tweaking off the gear just to get 1 seed higher than young sanity in regular season

posted 3 months ago
#115 OMG 4 in TF2 General Discussion

Overturn his matches you fucking cowards

posted 3 months ago

I hope RiB has learned their lesson and will never let kjr play again

posted 4 months ago
#2 Map design in TF2 General Discussion


posted 4 months ago
#22 post good video essays in Off Topic
XenagosAny of Jacob Geller's work but I'm fond of


+1'ing this recommendation, I like his video Whose Afraid of Modern Art too

Not exactly video essays but if anyone here is in to Columbo or just television history in general check out the channel Watch it for Days.

posted 6 months ago
#43 Palestinian Genocide in World Events

Your mental gymnastics and your cloying "I'm just asking questions here!" routine isn't compelling when it's obvious to anyone that you are a genuine, Charlottesville-tikitorch-style, white nationalist nutjob. You clearly don't care about any of the human lives involved in this genocide despite your proclaimed Christianity, but rather you think of refugee lives as some kind of political tool. I hope you find your peace because your upbringing clearly warped your sense of empathy. Love your neighbor as yourself.

posted 6 months ago
#7 Palestinian Genocide in World Events
JwIt seems, however, that there are certain people who paradoxically support both mass immigration from the Middle East and Israeli domination at the same time!

If anyone else posted this here I wouldn't be sure, and I might interpret this as being pro-Palestinian liberation but because it's Jw this is almost assuredly a post about "Jews doing the great replacement" in case anyone was trying to figure out what the fuck he's trying to get at in this

Anyways free palestine.

posted 6 months ago
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