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Signed Up January 27, 2016
Last Posted September 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM
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#2 Rewind II group stage recap in News

Link to current bracket

posted about 6 years ago
#53 Rewind 2 copypasta/meme thread in TF2 General Discussion


(i think this one counts as well) HATS=SKILL

posted about 6 years ago
#5222 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#38 massive drop in concurrent players in TF2 General Discussion
sendthis game hasn't had a good update in years, don't act surprised

Not really surprised, just really have that feeling of true realization, also I guess I am somewhat surprised that 50% of the player base turned out to be bots, i was expecting 25% at most

posted about 6 years ago
#36 massive drop in concurrent players in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry if I really sound like a negative nancy after this post, but I wanna post my thought now on this. And I wish I didn't have to think of this but...

This clearly shows that tf2 no longer has a new growing fan base now. All that it's mostly left potentially more trading bots. and veterans occasionally playing the game. And when an update comes. It's mostly people that wanna just try it for a bit and then leave a month or two after so. There is no actual growth coming from these updates. Maybe the game is too old or too difficult for new players to come play now. (and i hope i'm wrong) But these new numbers show that tf2 comp, or potentially tf2 itself will never rise up again yet alone just lose support fully if the number just keeps dwindling over the years man...

posted about 6 years ago
#74 OWL starting today in Esports

Idk if anyone saw the game between outlaws and the uprising, But I was intense! glad to see the outlaws move into the stage 1 playoffs and seed #2!

anyway my predictions for stage one are

1. New York Excelsior
2. Houston Outlaws
3. London Spitfire
4. Los Angeles Valiant

posted about 6 years ago
#37 Essentials.TF NA Monthly Sponsored by Twitch in TF2 General Discussion

Damn forgot about this, anyway trash medic that will play for a team that needs it

posted about 6 years ago
#814 ESEA Season 27 Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
you are severely overthinking this lol, no one really wanted to kill the team tonight. akemi just killed it and we all just accepted it. it was bound to happen. im actually kinda glad.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that EVERYONE was like this lol my bad

posted about 6 years ago
#809 ESEA Season 27 Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

As an outsider looking in, how the fuck does a 5-1 team just fucking shrivel up and die like this. Like you're able to lose some games and still make playoffs/still win the season, People that are like that are like the epitome of quitters in my eyes. The moment an obstacle comes they just crash into it head on and BOOM it's over in an instant. Like idk how mentally unstable you have to be to just quit like that

posted about 6 years ago
#5111 stream highlights in Videos

I swear dingo hits some of the most nutty airshots man

posted about 6 years ago
#23 B4nny streaming on Twitch front page this month in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly everyone that can watch his stream during that time should to give him as much support as possible, I will try to sub as well for probably the only time to support the stream at this precious time. something like this will not occur for a very long time if ever so we need to get the word out as much as possible.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Nvidia control panel won't open in Q/A Help
CollaideHe wants you to locate the icon of nvidia control panel, right click it and select run as admin.

For pugchamp name change, contact any of the admins currently online on the site... sooner or later they're bound to notice you.

There is no run as administatior for my nvidia shortcut, and for comparison there is run as admon on other shortcuts

Doesn't even show up in my task manager

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Nvidia control panel won't open in Q/A Help
Karenbtry running it in admin if you haven't already
if not just uninstall and reinstall
no idea about the pugchamp names

How do you run in admin? do you mean open it on the admin user?

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Nvidia control panel won't open in Q/A Help

First of all it doesn't display my nvidia control panel when I right click on my desktop

So then I made a desktop short cut and it still doesn't open. I'd like help to fix this problem

Bonus question. who do I add/contact for a name change on pugchamp? I tried adding erynn and left a message on his profile and he won't accept

posted about 6 years ago
#24 Trickle-Down Balance - Uncle dane in Videos

Really shows how ignorant the majority of the tf2 community is when I see a bunch of comments saying "WOW! people can do that with the base jumper? I see why it got nerfed". although the video had a different point I wish dane could have shown off some more weapons in action to show the community why they were claimed op in the first place.

Edit: Maybe funke you can show off why many of the weapons were op, etc.? (Mainly I mean can someone make a video demonstrating why, cause apparently showing people actual proof is much more powerful than just ranting and spewing worthless words

posted about 6 years ago
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