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Signed Up January 27, 2016
Last Posted September 15, 2021 at 10:00 PM
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#1 Zenomite's Pyro video's in The Dumpster

I know he's basically an irrelevant youtuber in a way but watching his videos on pyro and reading the comments makes of those videos make me wanna fry my brain. Like why do people think that people consider pyro OP cause the people fighting him are bad? (which is true for some cases, but the majority of the comp community fucking hates pyro rn and that should be a warning sign even if you truly don't understand why pyro is considered OP)

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putting in Dumpster cause it's not really a post worth anything
posted about 6 years ago
#115 TF2 Pro League announced in News
m0e_tvsnitches get stitches?

Believe me when I say that match scarred me real good

EDIT: how is it snitching to report someone for breaking a rule lol? sorry but I can't stand idiots like uncle dane that constantly try to pull off a full time offclasser and think they can make it work. yes he wasn't the only person that did a lot of off classing but still we lacked power classes, and actually for the beginning of that game we did have a demo so we could have had a normal roster that game. at least we wouldn't have had only 1 explosive class for most of the time if dane changed classes

posted about 6 years ago
#112 TF2 Pro League announced in News

This is more of a critic towards players.

Although I wish they would enforce an off class rule I can see why they can't really.

But please try to get decent at the generalists in general, I just played a fucking game with a full time engi and sniper, and no demo. Was NOT fun to play as med at all

posted about 6 years ago
#93 TF2 Pro League announced in News

Anyway you can not be forced to have adblock disabled to connect to the faceit discord? my friend has a problem where a family member installed a server wide adblock and he literally can't the connect his account to faceit.

posted about 6 years ago
#5285 stream highlights in Videos

hearing truktruk laugh like that made me feel like the heavy in meet the medic

posted about 6 years ago
#42 Let's unify the ruleset in TF2 General Discussion
TimTumA great example why I think a win difference is better than a winlimit is the recent Froyotech - Ascent match on Gullywash. Without the winlimit Ascent still would've gotten 6 minutes to get two rounds ( As you can see most rounds were around 2:00-2:30 minutes long, so two rounds in 6 minutes is easily doable.

The game was so hype but it just ended while it could've been an even better game than it already was.

One thing I have to say, Ascent had like 4 or 5 backcaps screw them. And I personally believe a team should be punished if they allow such a thing to happen, if it weren't for the back caps the games would have lasted longer and the scores could very much be different

EDIT: I'd like to add that, you are assuming that ascent would be able to convert2 round wins in 6 minutes (which they could but froyo could do the same as well.)

posted about 6 years ago
#13 REWIND 2 MVPS in TF2 General Discussion

I know I going against the thread purpose, but my favorite players were

scouts: botmode, paddie (thought they were so aggresive and made so many oppertunities for their team).

Roamer: blaze and marmaloo (good consistant roaming)

Pocket: sigh, and aim (I thought he did really well)

Demoman: Bdonski and yight (for the fedora)

Medic: Shade and Skeez (cause he was a ticking drop bomb lmao)

Offclassing: Bo4r

Note: not stating what I thought were the mvp's. Just my favorite players at the lan

EDIT: anyway we can get some stats potentially?

posted about 6 years ago
#14 rewind thank you thread in TF2 General Discussion

thanks to HATS=SKILL, and WUBWUBWUB aka RGB :)

posted about 6 years ago
#13 rewind 2 shoutouts in TF2 General Discussion

Shout out to production, analysts, casters and getawhale on being a great host once again.

Also not really a shout out but wanted to say that Kaptain hope everything for you gets better and even though you had to quit you are still a fantastic player. (From some NA noob)

posted about 6 years ago
#9 Ready Up: An Appreciation in TF2 General Discussion

My god seeing Buick, yuki and, ruwin one after another made me so happy.

But yea, This game helped me through high school and every since I started play tf2 comp in 2016 it's been my favorite hobby ever since. This game will stay will me and I will never fall in love with another game as I did with tf2.

posted about 6 years ago
#50 Rewind II GF: TBD in Matches
slemnishascent played great, props to sigh and bo4r for subbing in and giving great performances. wish i couldve been there

honestly if there was one potential monkaS player it would be bo4r, but he really turned up. Bo4r imo could become a fabulous 6s player with both scout and sniper if he started to focus on 6s more

posted about 6 years ago
#48 Rewind II GF: TBD in Matches

Sorry for being such a sour lil shit, But I'm quite upset at how the lan ended, Not just the shit rounds in the end. But how ascent crumbled so hard as well. Besides that it was a great LAN and I love this community still

posted about 6 years ago
#45 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 Premiere in Events
telephone_fani think they missed the chance to put a huge really cool fragmovie at the end but its amazing anyways, cried more than i did at tip of the hats

That wasn't the point of the documentary though. IMO I would feel it would be a little out of place if there was a frag movie

posted about 6 years ago
#279 favorite b4nny tweet? in Off Topic

Mainly wanted to point out how he treated two different people that essentially went through a health issue during lan time (and the same lan to be exact)

posted about 6 years ago
#274 favorite b4nny tweet? in Off Topic

*Duwatna has to get appendix removed last year*

B4nny: Oh no really unfortunate, I was looking forward to the return of STEEEEEEEEVE! Hope he has a good recovery <3

*Kaptain gets food poisoning*

B4nny: LOL what a pussy! he fears me!, good excuse to dodge lan xd

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Of course I'm over exaggerating, but I just want to showcase b4nny and how much of an ass he is to euros
posted about 6 years ago
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