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Signed Up February 13, 2023
Last Posted July 25, 2024 at 8:12 PM
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#57 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
I don't really understand what's wrong with matches being dependent on which player is better, care to elaborate?

because sniper can easily one shot any class depending on if the charge is full, but also one shot light classes by quick scoping scout and medic. SO if a good sniper can just one shot anything easily (unless the snipers teammates are incompetent) then it'll just be who is the better sniper.

heavy is the same difference, because of his massive health pool and having a medic up their ass If a good heavy can position right and know when to go in on the entire team then it'll depend on who is the better heavy by just going forward and holding m+1.

posted 1 day ago
#24 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion

you can't really compare a 6v6 game to a 9v9 game and say "yeah class limit of 1 should fix it"

like I'm more on the lines of offclasses can be viable with your team working around it, but this ain't it chief.

forcing a class limit to 1 on 6v6 the meta will be scout, soldier, medic, demo, heavy, and sniper, it won't be fun to play with or against. it'll just come down to who is the better heavy or sniper

posted 1 day ago
#7 RGL 6s S15 LAN Photos in TF2 General Discussion

“B4nny is pushing thirty, I’m done losing to this guy.”

posted 4 days ago
#45 new valve hero shooter in Off Topic
xianyaoherongBethniczI know I'm getting down frags for this.

Got access and it was alright, didn't have the most fun cause I'm not a moba player, but if you are, you're gonna ride this games dick I'll tell you that much.
How well does it run and do you think ping would be a big deal in it?

it runs well but still early so it's not the best at times and ping is alright, being stuck at 50-80 ping at times, I don't think it'll be a big issue when it launches.

posted 1 month ago
#42 new valve hero shooter in Off Topic

I know I'm getting down frags for this.

Got access and it was alright, didn't have the most fun cause I'm not a moba player, but if you are, you're gonna ride this games dick I'll tell you that much.

posted 1 month ago
#58 happy pride month in Off Topic

uhmmmm... yeah..

posted 1 month ago
#1 Best clips of season 15 in TF2 General Discussion

Come and send the best and funniest clips you can get as we go through (or have been through) this banger season already! :)

Here’s my clip of Quacks

posted 1 month ago
#14 A Request for Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Doesn't this apply to playing a PUG anywhere? What alleviates your anxieties? Especially when many servers including the ones you mentioned have rules against excessive toxicity?

"Doesn't this apply to playing a PUG anywhere?"

the only place I feel comfortable in is because I joined up and had a lot of fun and didn't get chastised for being bad at my job as a medic, there are times where it happens but it's not a lot, I will say this is mostly the norm when it comes to new players in the comp scene or just wanting to try out, they get intimated that they HAVE to play the meta or else they get bullied for it, or they HAVE to do the job right or else again they get bullied for it and you don't know if you can do the job right cause you might not even know if you are doing it right or just don't know how the fundamentals of comp TF2 works. (I haven't joined tf2cc or newbie mixes but considered, but rather play pugs than wait till Friday to play, I wanna play now.) On top of that you don't know the players or their playstyle or how they are gonna react when you are playing their pugs. What I'm mostly saying is that if puggers just Don't get upset at players but instead teach them a thing or two or just say nice try, that'll be nice, but this is the internet and time is money, they want to win 8/10 times.

"What alleviates your anxieties?"

I have to live and learn, take as the match comes or just have fun just playing the game and not stress about your role, focus on the objective and if you lose? it's just a game, that's my mentality.

"Especially when many servers including the ones you mentioned have rules against excessive toxicity?"

I feel like that's the truth but from my experience, standing idly by and spectating live pugs or livestreams on pugs on twitch, it either ends with a "gg" or just someone being a dickhead and pausing the match consistently to ruin everyone's night because they died a fair amount of times (which I have seen before and it was stupid, that happened on RGL's open pug servers).

posted 1 month ago
#11 A Request for Open Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

As an open player in the tf2 scene, it can be a little intermediating to say the least to add up (unless I'm with my friends on fireside) because, what if pugs are shit? What if I do bad for the team and get yelled at? What if I have to leave randomly during the match or during the queue and wastes everyone's time? There is so many little factors as to why I don't add up as easily as I do. but I just have to buck up and click join queue or else I'm never playing 6s or HL.

Another reason why I don't join up easily is mostly because, pugs are not consistent, if more people from tf2cc joined up in RGL open queue then yea I'd totally be down, I feel like some tf2cc people should join up in the RGL open queue maybe a certain day or something (but not Friday's cause that's their thing but you get what I mean). Right now I'm more on because someone is always wanting to play given 6s, HL, or even just MGE and Ultiduo.

but what do I know I'm just an open player.

posted 1 month ago
#17 new valve hero shooter in Off Topic

ehh too early to say

posted 2 months ago
#14 heavy to mid in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstoneidk what it's gonna take for you people to understand that ur not some meta messiah or innovative genius for thinking of shit involving abuse of unlocks and classes. you really think ur the first? like some gremlin in 2014 or earlier wasnt already sitting in a mumble hashing this theory out?

the community has long realized dealing with tons of powerful combos and tactics enabled by certain unlocks and classes isn't fun. it never once mattered how viable it was, and ur not a clever or funny pioneer for abusing any of it


Did I scare you?

posted 2 months ago
#5 Uhhhh overwatch’s 5cp gamemode in Off Topic
malarkeyBaconBlitzyeah it's nothing like 5cp lol, it plays so weirdYa it’s so easy to contest forever since the points/spawns are so close together, and with ults and healing and shit in overwatch last point never gets capped in my experience of a few games lol.

I guess that’s why they did the “Each cap gives 1 point” deal

posted 3 months ago
#4 Croissant thought in TF2 General Discussion

Fun if you can unravel it while eating it

posted 3 months ago
#39 Songs you only associate with TF2 in Off Topic

My man Maynard Ferguson

posted 3 months ago
#1 Uhhhh overwatch’s 5cp gamemode in Off Topic

It’s ehh, very deathmatch like, what do you guys think?

posted 3 months ago
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