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Last Posted May 23, 2024 at 12:30 AM
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#15 Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion
exa[*] Teams will complete pick/bans to determine maps played using the Invite/Advanced Season 15 Map Pool for the group stage rounds.

For clarification, this lists the map pool as


However, the new post lists the map pool as


Most notably, the first article includes granary and product, while the second omits those and includes reckoner and clearcut. Presumably the LAN map pool is just the updated list with reckoner and clearcut, right?

posted 4 months ago
#30 rgl discussion thread in TF2 General Discussion
+1 to the idea of an unrestricted div, i know i and plenty of other people would love to be able to play the game, but don't care enough to practice for advanced, and get restricted or wouldn't be able to play main (also having cups and/or maybe shorter seasons for the unpaid one? would be nice too)

It sucks but I think another reality is pugs were a huge lifeblood of the game and the current abysmal state of them definitely hurts the game, RGL pugs seem like they'll never be a thing but literally if tsc just put pugchamp/mixchamp up again or hell if dango put back up even, any sane functioning system would be infinitely better than the scattered/dead before midnight discord pugs we have now

I'll echo the sentiment of wanting to play the game, and emphasize that the time commitment for higher level tf2 is one of the biggest detractors for consistently playing seasons. I would be willing to bet that it's also why there's the retention problem towards the upper levels. 3-4+ nights a week of 2 hours of scrims for ~3 months is just a lot, and leads me to just be burnt out at the end.

I don't think pugs are really the solution, as a lot of the time they're unbalanced, or people don't really take them seriously. And playing a pug will never be the same as playing on an actual team.

More consistent cups seems to me to be a good solution because it allows for people to play the game, but not have to commit to a full season. We went a whole summer without any 6s cups, which is a little crazy to me. But I can also see an unrestricted and free divs being good for rgl as that way it's not as much of a problem if you join with a no scrim team or something.

posted about a year ago
#10 Transparency with the community [RGL] in TF2 General Discussion

> why restrictions seem to change every other season

This is the big one to me that I think most people complain about. When forming teams, sometimes it can be "Well we're hoping X player doesn't get restricted", but it's just unclear if they will get restricted off a class. So my question would be how can players get a clearer idea of what someones restrictions will be before rosters are finalized?

rgl docsRestrictions are context-dependent and may change across teams. For example, a player on one team may not have the same set of restrictions if they switch to another team in the same division. The addition of a player to a roster may also add restrictions to other players on that team.

I recognize that this is part of it, but you can see how this would make it difficult to plan rosters and form teams.

Aside from that, I think the biggest thing is just regular communication. Status updates on different projects, updates when different decisions are made, etc

posted about a year ago
#201 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

Vegas earned it, sucks panthers couldn't put up more of a fight. Cya next year

posted about a year ago
#192 NHL Megathread in Off Topic
SpaceCadetI bet Florida is cheering hard for Vegas right now. It would seem to make sense to rest up and let those 2 teams battle it out for another 5-7 days but when you are hot you just want to keep going as soon as possible to keep your edge and momentum. Would be sad to see the week or more layover between games ruin the run.

The only thing that would make it worth it is if there's a reverse sweep. I'm always a fan of reverse sweeps, but it would be tough with Dallas then being hot going into the finals

posted about a year ago
#189 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

Fully on the Bobrovsky bandwagon

posted about a year ago
#188 NHL Megathread in Off Topic
SpaceCadetDefensemen on both teams clocked almost 60 minutes of ice-time in this game. A full hour on the ice, that is insane. If any of you are former players like me, you know how grueling it can be to go a full 3 period game sometimes. Can't imagine going 7 periods in 1 game.

What's crazier is that they didn't even look tired. Incredible conditioning by them. For people that haven't played, it's probably hard to tell how actually tiring it is because these guys make it look easy

posted about a year ago
#184 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

Honestly who is even the favorite now? I feel like any of these teams could win. These playoffs have been unpredictable to say the least. I'm rooting for Carolina, but I feel like every other team is hotter rn

posted about a year ago
#173 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

I also think people underestimate Seattle. They had a pretty good season, and have pretty strong depth. They don’t really have any superstars, but you don’t need them when you have all lines producing (kinda like the opposite of the rangers).

Speaking of the rangers, the devils were able to absolutely shut down everything they tried to do. It was nasty. If the devils can keep up this defense, then they could make it pretty far

posted about a year ago
#5 NOOT! LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

+1 to what Macron said, Noot is lowkey the reason our team had so much success in S10, he's a very smart player, and he's really good about recognizing and communicating what the team needs. Without him, our ability to adapt would have been way worse. (Especially because of what he said in his post about having perspectives from different parts of the team, he really knows the needs of each role, and can translate that to how a team should play).

He is a little cursed to get 5th place, but if you're ok with 5th place in advanced, then he'll definitely be a good pickup

posted about a year ago
#147 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

I can’t tell if the rangers are looking strong or the devils are looking really bad. But regardless, seems like every team except the rangers has had been having some trouble

posted about a year ago
#53 Hey, can we please ban wall bugs in tournaments? in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly for me I feel like the "just look up" arguments miss the real issue, that it's just kinda silly that someone is able to float in the air. It's not like wall bugs are crazy or overpowered or anything, just kinda dumb

posted about a year ago
#45 Hey, can we please ban wall bugs in tournaments? in TF2 General Discussion

Wallbugging is a crutch for soldiers with bad timing on bombs :D

posted about a year ago
#24 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

A few thoughts from the 1 pug I played:

- Discord forcing push to talk is not ideal imo
- If a pug is being set up (i.e. map being voted for), it blocks the UI which is a little annoying, especially if I'm just trying to log in
- Mobile UI is a minor thing, but still would be nice to have (if I wanted to check to see how many/who is added up)
- Probably worth having pocket/flank scout be 2 separate roles rather than just scout. It's frustrating as a medic when you don't have a clearly defined pocket scout
- Idk how many people would agree with this, but one thing I liked that Faceit did was force steam aliases in game. It helps when discord names line up with in game names when I don't know everyone's aliases

posted about a year ago
#42 wild_rumpus lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Never played on a team with Rumpus, but have played against him and hung out with him a bunch in discord. He's a fun guy to be around, and I'll also say his pipe aim is crazy, he dropped me on medic more than any other demo this past season and it wasn't even close

posted about a year ago
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