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Last Posted June 13, 2013 at 2:01 PM
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#203 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Holy resurrected thread, Batman!

posted about 10 years ago
#10 "Culture of Mine" by seanbud in Off Topic

I watched the whole thing. And now would like to ask you if you know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

posted about 10 years ago
#108 The Future Of Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion

I don't know if it will increase the scene, but it would certainly make things more enjoyable to watch. Some midfights can be very hectic, and you can often times here one of the casters who happens to be on a demo for instance while the stream cam is on a scout, carrying on about the double pipe kill and how amazing it was. That moment is missed by the viewer, unless you have a replay, or a demo review done by someone else at a later time, or you download the demo yourself and watch it. The last two options I seriously doubt the average viewer will do.

A replay would be great for this to explain why the mid went the way it did. It wasn't because of the scout the stream was was probably because of that crazy ass demo. Not to mention a replay with some analysis would probably allow for some content while there is a pause or a lull in game play. It's certainly worth pursuing if it can be done without too much issue.

posted about 11 years ago
#260 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic

J/K Seanbud :)

I don't even think ditching ESEA is necessarily the answer. Would be nice if they had some competition though.

posted about 11 years ago
#257 Esea Client Mining Bitcoins in Off Topic

We'll just have Seanbud run a new league! He organized the Tip of the Hats really well, and he's looking for a job with a degree in Business Administration!!!! Go Seanbud!:p

posted about 11 years ago
#90 The Future Of Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion
sinnerThis friend of mine who watches a lot of competitive Tribes was telling me their spectate tool isn't any more robust than the TF2 one and some how their casters have come up with the ability to do instant replays and such in live content. I haven't watched to verify if it's true or not, but if that's the case we really need to figure out how to do that in TF2. Being able to stop and freeze and show plays. or stop and go back and watch a big airshots happen again would be incredibly valuable to casters for both explaining plays and showing off the big shots people make.

Also for bigger games some pauses between rounds, or during actual pauses and half time, running ad's would help bring companies into the game. I know it'd suck to watch but it'd help bring money into the game so maybe we all wouldn't have to invest money to get teams places every time an event comes around and then we could use that money to give to the TFTV stream to keep the content coming and increase quality of the content.

Also I agree with the people who are saying we should get the pub communities involved. Have teams or players associated with certain communities. Then you can get people following -insertinviteplayerorteamnamehere- because he's associated with my clan skial or whatever, and then you can also get a little bit of rivalry going and people get invested in the games.

A playback option for replays of a mid fight or whatever would revolutionize the way we view tf2 in such a positive way. Would be great to go to a midfight replay showing what happened during moments of stalemates or a 5 min halftime. Would go a very long way.

posted about 11 years ago
#89 The Future Of Competitive Team Fortress 2 in TF2 General Discussion

In my opinion what is definitely missing that would encourage growth is pride in your team. If you live in a small town or even some very big towns, pride in your own teams is very integral to who you are. You're a "winner" because your team won.

I like some of the ideas around developing Servers in the community that support or at least help promote a certain team. Not even financially, just promote a few IM teams and one invite team. Lotus Clan mentioned earlier in this thread is a great example. Some of these large server groups should be approached asking if they will "host" a team or two. It would take time, but eventually you'd see people starting to develop pride in the team they "host". Would also be great for some of those players to frequent those servers often, maybe even scout for talent on them.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 ETF2L and ESEA playoffs fragvid in TF2 General Discussion

Justin's head shot on KBK through the legs of a soldier was effing unreal.

posted about 11 years ago
#181 how do you think australia will do at i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Can't wait to find out how all the teams match up.

posted about 11 years ago